Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
SHELBY MACNAB, Assistant Director
Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
BY: ELIZABETH A. FRAIRE, Business Manager
Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
Actions pertaining to community violence intervention:
1. Adopt the Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy which outlines a vetting process for community violence intervention work.
2. Approve the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Fresno and The Connie Rice Institute for Urban Peace dba Urban Peace Institute (UPI) to amend the scope of services, reduce the total award, and incorporate the Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy requiring community violence intervention employees and/or independent contractors to go through a fingerprint background check vetting process.
3. Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the amendment and all related documents on the behalf of the City of Fresno.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy and approve a first amendment for Professional Services Agreement with UPI for street outreach training services, and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all related documents.
Staff are requesting that the City Council adopt the Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy. Staff are also seeking approval for a first amendment to the consultant services agreement between the City of Fresno and UPI to amend the scope of services and incorporate the Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy.
On February 10, 2022 Council adopted a resolution authorizing the PARCS Department to apply for grant funding from the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSSC) California Violence Intervention Program (CalVIP). The grant application included $300,000 for street outreach training modules for community-based violence intervention workers and law enforcement personnel. The grant was awarded to the City of Fresno on June 9, 2022. On December 14, 2023 Council approved a professional services agreement with UPI for street outreach training services.
On April 4, 2024 Council discussed a resolution related to establishing a vetting process for street outreach trainees/workers. Following that discussion, Staff convened a working group with the Chief of Police, MAGEC and representatives from the City Manager’s Office, the PARCS Department, the City Attorney’s Office and the City of Fresno Personnel Department. The proposed vetting process was developed in collaboration with this working group and was reviewed by the City Attorney’s Office to ensure compliance with regulations and restrictions associated with livescan fingerprint backgrounds. Staff also met with Community Based Organizations engaged in Community Violence Intervention work and incorporated their feedback to clarify language within the policy.
Staff are requesting that the City Council adopt the Community Violence Intervention Policy to establish a vetting process and authorize the first amendment to the agreement between the City of Fresno and UPI. The amendment incorporates the Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy into the agreement with UPI and updates the scope of services, timeline and budget due to delays in service delivery while the Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy was being developed. The budget for UPI’s scope of services has been reduced from an amount not to exceed $300,000 to an amount not to exceed $195,000.
Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines this item does not qualify as a project and is therefore exempt.
Local preference is not applicable for this item because of state funding.
Funding for this item comes from a state grant. The City will expend funds and seek reimbursement. Funding is included in the PARCS 2024 budget.
Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy
First Amendment - Urban Peace Institute (UPI)
Original Agreement