Planning and Development Department
PHIL SKEI, Assistant Director
Planning and Development
BY: JILLIAN GAYTAN, Sr Management Analyst
Housing and Community Development Division
Approve a Third Amendment to the Agreement with Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission to extend the term of the contract to October 31, 2023, and increase the contract amount by $42,567 for a total fee not to exceed $526,872.52, to operate four beds at the Youth Bridge Housing program.
Staff recommends the City Council approve a Third Amendment to the Agreement with Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission (FEOC) for youth bridge housing and navigation services to extend the term to October 31, 2023 adjusting their budget to a total fee of $526,872.52 using Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program funds.
The City of Fresno (City) has existing agreements with Fresno EOC to provide homeless youth bridge housing and navigation services. In order to ensure continued homeless youth services are provided under this agreement, staff recommends amending the agreement and utilizing additional HHAP funds to extend the contract through October 31, 2023, and increase funding by $42,567 for a total fee of $525,872.52.
In February 2020, the City was awarded HHAP funding in the amount of $6,158,246.18 from the California Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council to address homelessness and has received $2,911,171 in additional HHAP dollars through a second allocation in September 2021. In February 2023, the City received HHAP Round 3 dollars in the amount of $7,524,257.15 and expects to receive an initial disbursement of HHAP Round 4 dollars in the amount of $5,632,712.55 before the end of the year. Health and Safety Code Section 50218.6(e) requires that a program recipient use at least 10 percent of its allocation for services for homeless youth populations, which are defined as unaccompanied youth who are between 12 and 24 years old and experiencing homelessness. Funds spent under this provision must comply with the eligible use requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 50220.7 (e).
On June 27, 2019, Council approved an agreement with Fresno EOC to provide youth bridge housing to homeless youth at a facility located at 1046 T Street in the amount of $300,000 funded through Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP). On March 18, 2021, Council approved the first amendment to the agreement to reduce the agreement to a total fee of $242,152.76. On July 1, 2021, council approved the second amendment to the agreement to extend the contract term to June 30, 2023 and increase funding by $242,152.76 using HHAP program funds. That agreement utilizes the youth set aside of the first allocation of HHAP funds for four beds at the youth bridge housing program.
Staff recommends approval of the third amendment to the agreement with FEOC which will extend youth bridge housing services through October 31, 2023. This four-month extension is necessary to ensure services are not interrupted as the Planning and Development Department prepares to release an RFP to solicit proposals from the community to provide homeless youth services beginning November 1, 2023.
This item is not a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act.
Local preference is not applicable because of the use of state funds.
There is no fiscal impact to the City’s general fund because this agreement will be funded through the City’s Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention HHAP allocations from the State of California.
Third Amendment to the Fresno EOC Youth Bridge Housing Service Agreement