FROM: NICHOLAS D. MASCIA, PE, Assistant City Manager
Interim Director - Capital Projects Department
Parks, After School, Recreation, and Community Services Department
BY: francisco V. magos II, PE, Assistant Director
Capital Projects Department, Utilities and On-Site Project Management Division
HARLAVPREET S. BRAR, Licensed Professional Engineer
Capital Projects Department, Utilities and On-Site Project Management Division
Actions pertaining to the Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project (Bid File No. 12500870) (Council District 3):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination pursuant to section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for the Jaswant Singh Khalra Cricket Pitch Project;
2. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination pursuant to section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for the Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project;
3. Award a construction contract in the amount of $165,785.00, to Juarez Brothers General Engineering, Inc. of Madera, California as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project.
Staff recommends the City Council (1) adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for the Jaswant Singh Khalra Cricket Pitch Project, (2) adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination pursuant to section 15301/Class 1 of the CEQA Guidelines for the Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project, (3) award a construction contract in the amount of $165,785.00 to Juarez Brothers General Engineering, Inc. of Madera, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project (Project), and authorize the Capital Projects Interim Director or designee to sign the standardized construction contract on behalf of the City of Fresno (City).
The Capital Projects Department (CPD) seeks to award a construction contract to Juarez Brothers General Engineering, Inc. following a competitive bidding process which identified them as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in the amount of $165,785.00 for the Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project. The scope of work includes the construction of one cricket pitch in the outfield of the existing baseball field at Jaswant Singh Khalra Neighborhood Park, and one cricket pitch between existing soccer fields at Regional Sports Complex. The Project will be funded utilizing Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 appropriations from Measure P, Category 1 Funds.
Jaswant Singh Khalra Neighborhood Park is located at the southeast corner of Brawley and Clinton Avenues. Regional Sports Complex is located at the northwest corner of North and West Avenues. The City of Fresno Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department (PARCS) proposes to construct a total of two cricket pitches: one at Jaswant Singh Khlara Neighborhood Park and one at Regional Sports Complex. The Project will support the growth of the cricket community in the surrounding areas and will cultivate an environment that promotes health and social interaction.
On February 5, 2024, the City entered into an agreement with Blair Church and Flynn Consulting Engineers, Inc. for the design and preparation of construction documents for the Project. CPD now seeks to award a construction contract to construct the proposed improvements.
A Notice Inviting Bids was advertised and published on the City’s website, Planet Bids and the Business Journal on October 21, 2024. The Project plans and specifications were distributed to 20 prospective bidders and posted at four (4) building exchanges. Three (3) sealed bid proposals were received and publicly opened on November 19, 2024, with bid amounts ranging from $165,785 to $209,000. Juarez Brothers General Engineering, Inc. of Madera, California was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The bids will expire on January 22, 2025. If the bids are rejected or expire, the Project must be rebid which will result in a delay to the Project.
The Community Workforce Agreement (PLA), adopted by Council in September 2021, does not apply to this contract because the engineer’s estimate for this project was less than $1 million, pursuant to the terms of the PLA.
Staff recommends that Council adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination, pursuant to section15301/Class1 of the CEQA Guidelines for the Jaswant Singh Khalra Cricket Pitch Project, adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination pursuant to section 15301/Class 1 of the CEQA Guidelines for the Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project, award a construction contract in the amount of $165,785.00, to Juarez Brothers General Engineering, Inc., as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the construction of the Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project, and authorize the Capital Projects Interim Director or designee to sign a standardized construction contract on behalf of the City. The Project will be funded utilizing FY 2025 appropriations from Measure P, Category 1 Funds.
The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the contract documents as to form.
Staff has reviewed the scope and nature of this Project at both the Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Project locations and determined that the Project is categorically exempt from the requirements of CEQA pursuant to Section 15301/Class1. Staff has determined that none of the exceptions to Categorical Exemptions set forth in the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 apply to this Project. Staff recommends that Council, based upon its own independent judgment, adopt a finding of a Categorical Exemption per Staff determination, pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 of the CEQA Guidelines for the Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project.
Juarez Brothers General Engineering, Inc. of Madera, California is not a local business as defined in the Fresno Municipal Code, although they are qualified as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder after applying the five percent (5%) preference to the second lowest prospective bidder.
The Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Projects are located in Council District 3 and will have no impact to the General Fund. The Project will be funded utilizing Measure P, Expenditure Category 1 Funds adopted in the FY 2025 PARCS budget.
Environmental Assessment Report - Jaswant Singh Khlara Park
Environmental Assessment Report - Regional Sports Complex
Bid Evaluation
Fiscal Impact Statement
Standardized Construction Contract
Vicinity Maps
Location Maps