November 19, 2015
Department of Transportation
BY: JIM SCHAAD, Assistant Director
Department of Transportation
Approve a consultant agreement in the amount of $241,984.20 with SZS Consulting Group, LLC, a Palo Alto-based California limited liability corporation, for the preparation of an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) bus stop survey, self-evaluation, and transition plan.
Staff recommends Council approve a consultant agreement in the amount of $241,984.20 with SZS Consulting Group, LLC, a Palo Alto-based California limited liability corporation, for the preparation of an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) bus stop survey, self-evaluation, and transition plan and authorize the Director of Transportation or designee to sign a contract on behalf of the City.
The Department of Transportation seeks Council approval to award a professional consulting contract to identify barriers to people with disabilities within services provided by Fresno Area Express (FAX) and make recommendations on how the City will increase compliance with ADA requirements. In accordance with Section 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) § 35.150(d) under Title II of the ADA, the City of Fresno must develop transition plans setting forth the steps necessary to complete structural changes to facilities to be undertaken to achieve program accessibility. These facilities include all bus stops serviced by FAX. Staff recommends Council approve a consultant agreement in the amount of $241,984.20 with SZS Consulting Group, LLC, as the consultant most qualified to fulfill City obligations set forth by Title II of the ADA.
The ADA is a civil rights law for persons with disabilities. The ADA states its purpose is to provide a “clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities.” FAX provides public transportation services in the city and county of Fresno, which includes 16 fixed routes, approximately 1,700 bus stops, and paratransit services for persons with disabilities. Title II of the ADA mandates the City of Fresno develop a transition plan setting forth steps necessary to achieve program accessibility. These facilities include all bus stops serviced by FAX; therefore, a self-evaluation should be performed to create a transition plan.
A self-evaluation is an evaluation of FAX services, policies, practices, and includes an inventory of physical barriers to program access. A survey of each bus stop will be performed and a transition plan will be developed listing each physical barrier with a year-by-year schedule for barrier removal. Through the course of this assessment and self-evaluation, there will be an opportunity for people with disabilities to provide input on the plan.
Following Fresno Municipal Code Chapter 4 Article 1 and Administrative Order 6-19, the Department of Transportation sent notifications requesting qualifications to 31 consulting firms to address this obligation. The department received two statements of qualifications. A four-person review panel determined SZS Consulting Group, LLC, is the consultant most qualified. A consultant services agreement has been negotiated in the amount of $241,984.20.
The City Attorney has reviewed the contract and approved it as to form.
This is not a “project” for the purpose of CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378.
Local preference was not considered as this project is funded by federal programs, which preclude local preference.
This project has no fiscal impact to the General Fund. The $300,000 project budget is comprised of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5307 grant funds and was approved in the FAX FY16 budget.
SZS Consultant Services Agreement