September 24, 2015
Department of Public Utilities
BY: KEVIN L. NORGAARD, PE, Supervising Professional Engineer
Department of Public Utilities - Wastewater Management Division
Approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement with Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group of Fresno, California for professional engineering services for the design of new sewer infrastructure in the North Avenue industrial growth area for a net increase of $13,000 bringing the total fee to $132,100 (Council District 3).
Staff recommends the City Council approve an amendment to the consultant agreement in the amount of $13,000 with Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group, a California corporation of Fresno, California for the additional design of fiber optic conduit and pull boxes for the project new sewer infrastructure in the North Avenue industrial growth area.
On June 20, 2013 the City entered into an agreement with Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group for the design of new sewer infrastructure in the North Avenue industrial growth area. During the final design review, additional requirements were identified by City officials. Staff is seeking to amend the contract and add the design of fiber optic conduit and pull boxes in the amount of $13,000 with Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group, of Fresno, California.
In 2013 the City entered into an agreement with Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group for the design of new sewer infrastructure in the North Avenue industrial growth area. The contract was amended March 27, 2014 adding additional area to the project. The purpose of the project is to perform an environmental study and design new infrastructure to service future heavy industrial business in Southwest Fresno. There is currently limited infrastructure in the Southwest Fresno industrial growth area. The introduction of heavy industrial business to the Southwest area will improve Fresno’s economy. The plan to attract outside industrial business to the City of Fresno must begin with adequate infrastructure and sewer flow capacity.
The design for this project was broken into two phases, schematic design phase, and a construction design phase. There were separate contracts issued for each phase in the amounts of $49,400 and $119,100 respectively, with a combined price of $168,500. The first phase, schematic design phase, was completed and submitted on April 19, 2013. The Notice to Proceed with the construction design phase was given on November 25, 2013 which also included additional work from the first amendment to the contract.
During the final review of this project, an expanded scope was requested by City Administration which would include the design of fiber optic conduit above each sewer main. The original scope of work did not include design of conduit or pull boxes. Therefore, the additional scope for this project includes the design of fiber optic conduit and pull boxes. This project consists of approximately 18,000 linear feet of fiber optic conduit and 14 pull boxes throughout the project alignments. Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group will design and detail the alignments of the added conduit and pull boxes as well as verify that City of Fresno standard specifications are implemented. The added communication capabilities and adequate infrastructure will create a highly desirable area for new business.
The project will include pavement restoration of the existing roadways disturbed by the construction. The project will require temporary road closures and detours during construction. In addition, the project will meet the New General Plan requirements and the 2025 Sewer System Master Plan projections. The project area is projected to develop into an area of heavy industry. New sewer infrastructure and communications capabilities are required to meet general plan projections.
The original schematic and construction design contracts with Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group totaled $168,500. Staff has negotiated the additional scope to the contract for an increase of $13,000 which brings the total sum of the contracts to $181,500.
City Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved this contract amendment as to form. Upon approval by the Council, the agreement will be executed by the Director of Public Utilities or designee, who has been delegated this authority by the City Manager.
By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378 the award of this contract does not qualify as a “project” as defined by CEQA.
This project is identified in the 2025 Master Plan Council District 3. Funds in the amount of $4,000,000 for design and construction of the project were budgeted in the FY2016 Sewer Enterprise Fund No. 40501. The fiscal impact of this amendment to the design contract will total $13,000 and will have no impact on the General Fund.
Second Amendment
Vicinity Map
Original Contract
First Amendment