FROM: BRYON HORN, Chief Information Officer
Information Services Department
Approve an Addendum to Order #419913 with Zencity Technologies US, Inc., in the amount of $217,500 for three years with three annual payments of $75,000 for data gathering and analytics, and authorize the Chief Information Officer, or designee, to sign and execute all related documents.
Staff recommends Council approve the Addendum to Order #419913 with Zencity Technologies US, Inc. (Zencity) for three years in the amount of $217,500 with three annual payments of $75,000 for data gathering and analytics and authorize the Chief Information Officer, or designee, to sign and execute all documents on behalf of the City of Fresno (City).
In June 2021, the City entered into an agreement with Zencity for community engagement software. This has been a useful tool which works in conjunction with the FresGO App allowing a broader snapshot of issues in the area. In January 2022, the Information Services Department (ISD) issued a Request for Quote (#10098) for Social Media Aggregation Services. Zencity was the single respondent to the RFQ and ISD entered into a one-year agreement dated March 24, 2022. ISD desires to continue utilizing the software by renewing the service for a three-year term to work with the new Customer Relationship Management software currently being replaced.
In June 2021, ISD entered into a one-year agreement to test the usability of Zencity. Since then, it has been a useful tool and has been linked/integrated with the FresGO App allowing a broader picture of issues in the area.
In January 2022, ISD issued a Request for Quote (#10098) for Social Media Aggregation Services. Zencity was the single respondent to the RFQ and ISD entered into a one-year agreement. ISD now wishes to continue utilizing the software and enter into a three-year agreement as it will link this soft...
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