July 25, 2019
FROM: WILMA QUAN, City Manager
Office of the Mayor & City Manager
BY: LAURA MERRILL, Deputy City Manager
Office of the Mayor & City Manager
COURTNEY ESPINOZA, Program Implementation Manager
Office of the Mayor & City Manager
Actions pertaining to the 2017 Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant and Transform Fresno Plan project regarding the Inside Out Community Garden:
1. Adopt a finding that the project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to the Class 4 Categorical Exemption set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15304(b); and
2. Approve a Sub-Recipient Agreement with Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (EOC) for the Inside Out Community Garden totaling $98,000.
Staff recommends that Council approve a Sub-Recipient Agreement with Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission for Project 14 regarding the Inside Out Community Garden and authorize the City Manager to execute all related documents to the administration, modification, monitoring and closeout of the Sub-Recipient Agreements for Project 14.
On February 28, 2019, the City Council unanimously voted to approve a Master Grant Agreement (MGA) with the Strategic Growth Council (SGC) for the TCC grant award with the understanding that the Sub-Recipient Agreements between the City and Partners who will be receiving funds to implement components of the Transform Fresno Plan would be brought forward for subsequent Council consideration as they meet the required SGC readiness thresholds and receive a notice to proceed from SGC. The following project has met the necessary thresholds and is ready to begin implementation.
* Project 14 Inside Out Community Garden
The Transform Fresno Plan was created by a participatory steering committee comprised of community stakeholders from the Chinatown, Downtown and Southwest Fresno neighborhoods. On February 28, 2019, the City Council unanim...
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