FROM: BRYON HORN, Chief Information Officer
Information Services Department
Actions pertaining to the California Automated Permit Processing (CalAPP) grant.
1. Authorize the Chief Information Officer to accept $100,000 in grant funding for the CalAPP grant awarded to the City of Fresno from the California Energy Commission.
2. Authorize the Chief Information Officer to execute the Grant Agreement, extensions and all related documentation applicable to the CalAPP grant.
3. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 2nd Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No 2023-185 appropriating $100,000 for the CalAPP grant (Requires five affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor's veto).
Staff recommends that City Council authorize the acceptance of $100,000 in grant funding from the California Energy Commission; allowing the Chief Information Officer, or his designee to enter into and execute all required documents and adopt the 2nd Amendment to AAR No. 2023-185 to appropriate $100,000 funding into the FY 2024 budget. This is a reimbursement grant; the City will need to expend the funds and submit for reimbursement.
The California Energy Commission CalAPP grant will provide the City of Fresno $100,000 to establish an online, automated solar permitting app. This solar permitting platform is to be automated and verify code compliance and issue permits in real time for a solar energy system.
The CalAPP funding is designed to encourage cities and counties to further enhance and accelerate the solar permitting process, particularly regarding plan review. The funding for this grant was appropriated by the State in Senate Bill 129, appropriating $20 million in funding to the California Energy Commission (CEC) for this purpose.
On April 27,2023, Resolution No. 23-625 was adopted, and the Information Services Department was authorized to submit a grant application for $100,0...
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