FROM: Billy Alcorn, Fire Chief
Fire Department
Approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Contract with Gaetke Medical Corporation and 1582, LLC in the amount of $18,600 for a total contract amount of $279,600 for Annual Fitness/Wellness Evaluations (Annual Physicals) for the Fresno Fire Department sworn personnel.
Staff recommends Council approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Contract with Gaetke Medical Corporation and 1582, LLC for Annual Fitness/Wellness Evaluations (Annual Physicals) for the Fresno Fire Department sworn personnel.
It is recommended that Council approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Contract with Gaetke Medical Corporation and 1582, LLC for Annual Fitness/Wellness Evaluations (Annual Physicals) for the Fresno Fire Department sworn personnel in the amount not to exceed $279,600 (adding $18,600 to the original contract). In January 2022, the Fire Department submitted a grant application with AFG) to provide funding for NFPA 1582 physicals with enhanced screening for cancer and heart disease. On August 19, 2022, the Fresno Fire Department was awarded a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant and accepted by Council on September 29, 2022. This awarded grant amount is $236,590.90 with a local match of $23,659.10 Acceptance of this grant was approved by Council on September 29, 2022. In the FY 24 Adopted Budget, the Fire Department was also approved for $44,000 for hazmat physicals. With repeated exposure to smoke and hazardous materials, it is the goal of the Fire Department to afford its members with a quality of life both during and after their careers. Early detection is key to preventing members from being victims of cancer and heart disease.
NFPA 1582 sets forth a comprehensive medical evaluation that matches the workloads of firefighters and the ability of a firefighter to medically and safe...
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