FROM: BROCK D. BUCHE, PE, PLS, Interim Director
Department of Public Utilities
BY: JESUS A. GONZALEZ, PE, Public Utilities Manager
Department of Public Utilities - Utilities Planning & Engineering
BETH FIELD, PE, Professional Engineer
Department of Public Utilities - Utilities Planning & Engineering
Actions pertaining to the Water Main Replacement in Calwa Townsite, Phase I - area bounded by Orange, Church, Cedar, and Vine Avenues (Bid File 3825) (Council District 5 and Fresno County):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Sections 15301(b)/Class 1 and 15302(c)/Class 2 of the California Environmental Quality Act
2. Award a construction contract, inclusive of the City's adopted project labor agreement requirements, to West Valley Construction Company, Inc., of Fresno, California, in the amount of $6,231,747
Staff recommends that City Council
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Sections 15301(b)/Class1 and 15302(c)/Class 2 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for the Water Main Replacement in Calwa Townsite, Phase I - area bounded by Orange, Church, Cedar, and Vine Avenues (Project);
2. Award a construction contract for the Project to West Valley Construction Company, Inc. (West Valley), of Fresno, California, in the amount of $6,231,747; and
3. Authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to sign and execute all documents on behalf of the City of Fresno (City).
The water mains in the Project footprint have exceeded their useful life and as a result, experience frequent breaks which result in interruptions of service and unscheduled work by City forces. The Department of Public Utilities, Water Division, seeks to award a water main replacement and services transfer construction contract, inclusive of the City's adopted project labor agreement requirements, to West Valley. In accordance with...
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