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File #: ID 25-3    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 10/23/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/13/2025 Final action: 2/13/2025
Title: ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 582nd amendment to the Master Fee Schedule No. 80-420 to establish the new Animal Center Department Section, adjust various fees, and establish new fees (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Sponsors: Animal Center Department
Attachments: 1. 25-3 582 MFS Amendment Resolution & Exhibit A, 2. 25-3 582 MFS Amendment Exhibit B

FROM: ALMA TORRES, Interim Director
Animal Center Department

BY: MAIRA AGUILAR, Business Manager
Animal Center Department

***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 582nd amendment to the Master Fee Schedule No. 80-420 to establish the new Animal Center Department Section, adjust various fees, and establish new fees (Subject to Mayor's Veto)


It is recommended the City Council approve the resolution adopting the 582nd amendment to the Master Fee Schedule No. 80-420 to establish the new Animal Center Department Section, adjust various fees, and establish new fees


Fees related to animals have not been revised or updated since May 1, 2010. These existing fees do not account for the insourcing of animal control duties by the city and the respective accounting for city salaries, materials and fees paid to vendors. Through approval of these actions, the Council will establish a fee schedule with new and existing fees that align with current trends and costs in the new Animal Center Department section of the Master Fee Schedule.


Historically, animal control duties have been outsourced to vendors, however, in September of 2023, Council approved the creation of the Animal Center Department (Department) and in-house operations began on December 1, 2023. Due to insourcing the mandated animal control operation, the Department is proposing various revisions to animal related fees, as well as the addition of several new fees. The Department proposes the following:
* Establishing an Animal Center Department section of the Master Fee Schedule: The Department is proposing moving animal control related fees out of the General Government Fee section of the Master Fee Schedule, into a new Animal Center Department section. The proposed move is due to the fact that operations are no longer being outsourced and are instead, being performed by the Animal Center Department.

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