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File #: ID19-1456    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 3/26/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/13/2019 Final action: 6/13/2019
Title: Actions relating to the purchase of on-board vehicle traffic signal priority equipment 1. Award a sole source purchase agreement to Opticom/Global Traffic Technologies in the amount of $223,844.33 for the purchase of on-board vehicle traffic signal priority equipment 2. RESOLUTION - Approve an exception to formal bidding procedures and awarding a sole source contract for on-board vehicle traffic signal priority equipment
Sponsors: Department of Transportation
Attachments: 1. Sole Source Justification Memo 042919.pdf, 2. Resolution SHTSP OBE 051619 042919 abf.pdf, 3. Product Purchase Contract OnBoard.pdf

June 13, 2019

Department of Transportation

BY: BRIAN BARR, Assistant Director
Department of Transportation

SUSAN ROGERS, Capital Development Specialist
Department of Transportation

Actions relating to the purchase of on-board vehicle traffic signal priority equipment
1. Award a sole source purchase agreement to Opticom/Global Traffic Technologies in the amount of $223,844.33 for the purchase of on-board vehicle traffic signal priority equipment
2. RESOLUTION - Approve an exception to formal bidding procedures and awarding a sole source contract for on-board vehicle traffic signal priority equipment


Staff recommends Council approve a sole-source purchase order in the amount of $223,844.33 to Global Traffic Technologies (GTT) for the purchase of on-board vehicle traffic signal priority (TSP) equipment.


FAX seeks to improve bus service and schedule adherence along the Shaw Avenue corridor between Willow Avenue and Polk Avenue. FAX intends to achieve this by deploying TSP hardware along this corridor. In order to activate and interface with TSP technology, FAX will need to add on-board vehicle TSP units to 20 buses that travel down this corridor. This is an element of the Shaw Avenue TSP capital project and a part of the efforts to improve service.


In February 2018, the Department of Transportation/FAX implemented a TSP solution along its Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route to improve bus schedule adherence and transit operational efficiency. FAX accomplished this by installing new and/or upgrading existing Opticom equipment at 73 intersections, installed on-board vehicle units onto 20 buses, and implemented system management software.

FAX now seeks to advance on this work by improving bus service and schedule adherence along the Shaw Avenue corridor between Willow Avenue and Polk Avenue by adding TSP technology along th...

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