November 19, 2020
Department of Public Utilities
BY: ROSA LAU-STAGGS, Wastewater Manager - Environmental Services
Department of Public Utilities - Wastewater Management Division
Actions related to Lease Agreement of City-owned land at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF) (Council District 3):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Sections 15301/Class 1, 15304/Class 4, and 15325/Class 25 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines;
2. Approve a Fifth Amendment to the Lease and Agreement with Mr. James Cook for 550 acres of City-owned land at the RWRF, to include a payment arrangement for an amount totaling $116,885 to be paid in 17 installments of $6,875.59, beginning the fourth quarter of calendar year 2020 and continuing on a quarterly basis for 16 subsequent quarters; and to grant one four-year extension, for the period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2024.
Staff recommends that the City Council:
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Sections 15301/Class 1, 15304/Class 4, and 15325 /Class 25 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines
2. Approve a Fifth Amendment to the Lease and Agreement with Mr. James Cook for 550 acres of City-owned land at the RWRF, to include a payment arrangement for an amount totaling $116,885 to be paid in 17 installments of $6,875.59, beginning the fourth quarter of calendar year 2020 and continuing on a quarterly basis for 16 subsequent quarters; and to grant one four-year extension, for the period of January 2021 to December 2024; and
3. Authorize the Department of Public Utilities Director or designee to execute the Fifth Amendment on the City's behalf.
On December 8, 2016, the City Council approved a Lease between the City of Fresno (City) and Mr. James Cook (Lessee) for the lease of v...
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