November 19, 2020
FROM: WILMA QUAN, City Manager
Office of the Mayor & City Manager
THROUGH: TIM ORMAN, Chief of Staff to the Mayor
Office of the Mayor & City Manager
BY: JENNIFER RUIZ, Project Manager
Office of the Mayor & City Manager
Actions pertaining to Commercial Cannabis Activity:
1. ***RESOLUTION - 46th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2020-159 appropriating $71,700 for the Cannabis Consulting and Support Services Agreement (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
2. Approve an Agreement Amendment with Hinderliter, de Llamas, and Associates for Professional Cannabis Consulting and Support Services
Staff recommends that City Council approve, and allow the City Manager or designee to enter into the attached Amended Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Fresno (City) and Hinderliter, de Llamas, and Associates (HdL) for continued professional cannabis consulting support services. This will allow the City to continue to work with HdL for technical support relating to the development of the Commercial Cannabis Business (CCB) Permit framework.
Staff recommends approval of the Amended Agreement with Hdl and authorization for the City Manager or designee to enter into such agreement. The agreement will allow the City to continue to work with HdL for technical assistance support on the development of the City's commercial cannabis framework by authorizing:
* 50 additional hours for Application Process, Workflow, Timelines - specifically technical support, as needed, during the application review process for clarification of applicant proposals or technical issues specific to the cannabis industry.
* 25 additional hours for Development of Fee Structure - specifically technical support, as needed, on the development of the permit fee
The current agreement authorizes additional technical support for items not specifically detailed in t...
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