FROM: GREGORY BARFIELD, Assistant City Manager and Interim Director
Department of Transportation
BY: CAROLINA ILIC, Assistant Director
Department of Transportation
SHELLE O'BRIEN, Project Manager
Department of Transportation
Approve the First Amendment to the professional consultant agreement with PCubed Associates for the FAX Maintenance Facility HVAC and Building Improvements project to provide additional design and engineering services in the amount of $99,300.00.
Staff recommends Council approve the First Amendment to the professional consultant agreement with PCubed Associates, in the amount of $99,300.00, to provide additional design and engineering services necessary to replace the existing compressed natural gas (CNG) emergency ventilation system exhaust fans, provide additional ducting for the new hydrogen (H2) emergency gas detection and ventilation system, add a fire pump, replace the existing 125 kW emergency generator with a 300kW generator, and authorize the Director of Transportation or designee to execute all related documents.
The Department of Transportation/FAX (Department) is seeking this first amendment to the existing professional consulting agreement with PCubed Associates for additional design and engineering services necessary to support the FAX Maintenance Facility HVAC and Building Improvements project, at a cost of $99,300.00, for a total contract value of $632,900.00. The Project will provide improvements to the bus maintenance building roof, HVAC equipment, gas detection system and rollup doors. This first amendment provides for the additional engineering and design work necessary to upgrade the existing CNG exhaust fans with modern National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) compliant devices that are now explosion-proof, additional ventilation ducting necessary to complete the H2 emergency detection and ventilation system, as wel...
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