October 11, 2018
FROM: JERRY P. DYER, Chief of Police
Police Department
Multi Agency Gang Enforcement Consortium- Investigations Division
Authorize the Chief of Police to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission for the removal of tattoos from gang-affiliated individuals choosing to abandon the gang lifestyle and victims of human trafficking
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Chief of Police to enter into and execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission for the removal of tattoos from gang-affiliated individuals and human trafficking victims who meet the established program criteria and choose to leave the lifestyle.
The City of Fresno, through the Police Department, has entered into the ninth year negotiations with the Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission (FCEOC) to secure tattoo removal services. For the aforementioned services, the Agency agrees to perform tattoo removal services at no cost, pending the identification or securing of a grant or other revenue stream. If no grant or revenue stream has been identified at the end of the fiscal year, FCEOC and Fresno Police Department shall meet to determine the viability of continuing the program. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) would commence on January 1, 2018, and expire on June 30, 2019. The MOU will continue to allow FCEOC the use of the laser tattoo removal machine. FCEOC is agreeing to provide part-time clinic facilities, operating costs, and staff (physicians and nurses) to remove the tattoos for participants referred by the Violence Intervention and Community Service (VICS) to FCEOC. The laser tattoo removal machine will be available to FCEOC for the remainder of the time for services other than tattoo removal for the benefit of FCEOC clients. The laser t...
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