FROM: BROCK D. BUCHE, PE, PLS, Interim Director
Department of Public Utilities
BY: JESUS A. GONZALEZ, PE, Public Utilities Manager
Department of Public Utilities - Utilities Planning & Engineering
PATRICIA DIEP, Supervising Engineering Technician
Department of Public Utilities - Utilities Planning & Engineering
Actions pertaining to Sewer Rehabilitation in the area bound by Blackstone, Maroa, McKinley, and Clinton Avenues (Bid File 3836) (Council Districts 1 and 7):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 1, Sections 15301(b)&(d) (Existing Facilities) and Class 2, Section 15302(c) (Replacement or Reconstruction) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines
2. Award a construction contract, inclusive of the City's adopted project labor agreement requirements, to Emmett's Excavation, Inc., in the amount of $1,578,078
Staff recommends that City Council adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 1, Sections 15301(b)&(d) (Existing Facilities) and Class 2, Section 15302(c) (Replacement or Reconstruction) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for the Sewer Rehabilitation in the area bound by Blackstone, Maroa, McKinley, and Clinton Avenues (Project); award a construction contract for the Project to Emmett's Excavation, Inc., in the amount of $1,578,078; and authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to sign and execute all documents on behalf of the City of Fresno (City).
Through a detailed analysis of the wastewater collection system, the Wastewater Collection Sewer Master Plan identified sewer pipes and appurtenances in need of rehabilitation and replacement. The scope of work for the Project will correct sewer system structural deficiencies in the vicinity bound by Blackstone, Maroa, McKinley and Clinton Avenues. After a competitive bidding process, the Department of Public U...
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