November 15, 2018
FROM: JERRY P. DYER, Chief of Police
Police Department
BY: MICHAEL S. REID, Deputy Chief
Patrol Administration
Authorize the City of Fresno to enter in to a three year agreement with California State University, Fresno for $721,672.74 to provide police services at California State University, Fresno events. (Council District 4)
The recommendation is to authorize the City of Fresno to enter into a three year agreement with California State University, Fresno (CSUF) for $721,672.74 to provide police services at CSUF events.
An agreement is attached for Council to approve the CSUF request to contract with the City of Fresno to provide police and law enforcement services for three years at University events, beginning July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020.
Continuing a long standing agreement, policing and related law enforcement services will be provided in areas at CSUF that have been mutually agreed on by the University and Fresno Police Department representatives.
This agreement calls for 4,653.3 hours of law enforcement services and use of 100 patrol vehicles, totaling $240,557.58 for each fiscal year for three years totaling $721,672.74. The 100 patrol vehicles is a per year amount, for use on contract services only. This amount has been calculated to cover the direct cost incurred by the Police Department for services provided to CSUF during the 2017-2019 fiscal years. Reimbursement for FY 2018 services was received last fiscal year, this contract formalizes the arrangement.
The fee for contract law enforcement will be amended as needed with the Master Fee Schedule annual update.
The agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form by the City Attorney's Office and by the Risk Management Division.
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