FROM: BRYON HORN, Chief Information Officer
Information Services Department
BY: KIM JACKSON, Administrative Manager
Information Services Department
RACHEL ARCHER, Senior Management Analyst
Information Services Department
***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 39th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2022-154 to appropriate $621,200 for various projects in the Information Services Department (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Approve the appropriation of $621,200 from Information Services Department (ISD) unallocated carryover resources to fund midyear requests to enhance cybersecurity measures, improve radio site tools and generator, install radio communication site upgrades, reconfigure the department's office space, and support increases in software licenses.
The City of Fresno's Information Services Department (ISD) seeks to program available and unallocated existing carryover resources to fund midyear requested items including cybersecurity software to enhance the City's security posture and radio site improvement and tools which includes a generator for the new Crown Castle radio tower. Other appropriations include resources to reconfigure the department's office space, and to appropriately fund software licensing agreements (Microsoft, Adobe, SecureLink).
During the budgeting process FY 2023, the estimated carryover was programmed for FY 2023 expenditures. The actual ISD internal service fund carryover realized exceeded the appropriated estimate. Additional critical needs were identified over the course of FY 2023 which will be supported by the recognition of the unanticipated ISD internal service fund carryover. These items include: improvements to the City's cybersecurity measures with the acquisition of upgraded cybersecurity software; the purchase of a generator for a new site that is being implemented ...
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