FROM: BRIAN BARR, Assistant Director
Department of Transportation
BY: CLIFF TRAUGH, Business Manager
Department of Transportation, Municipal Fleet Division
Approve the award of a purchase contract to 72 Hour LLC of Watsonville, California, for the purchase of 91 Dodge Durango marked patrol vehicles in the amount of $3,635,531.35 for the Police Department. Delay of action on this item will result in an additional six months added to the procurement as a result of COVID-19 pandemic supply constraints (Bid File 3841).
Staff recommends Council approve the award of a purchase contract to 72 Hour LLC of Watsonville, California, for the purchase of 91 Dodge Durango marked patrol vehicles in the amount of $3,635,531.35.
The City of Fresno Police Department (PD) is requesting approval to purchase 91 Dodge Durango marked patrol vehicles as replacements and additions. The new units will mobilize law enforcement officers and transport all needed equipment safely and securely. The vehicles will be purchased through a competitive bidding procurement process and will be funded by the adopted FY2022 budget as well as American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The Municipal Fleet Division and Purchasing Division contacted the Central California New Car Dealer Association (CCNCDA) and dealerships located within the City of Fresno limits to gain interest, however no City of Fresno located or CCNCDA dealerships submitted a bid.
Bids were received and reviewed on November 16, 2021. The manufacturer is expected to begin accepting factory orders on model year 2022 pursuit vehicles in early December. Due to COVID-19 pandemic supply constraints the factory order window will close quickly. Should Council delay approval or reject all bids, the Municipal Fleet Division will lose the opportunity to purchase model year 2022 vehicles adding a delay of an additional six months or more above normal lead ti...
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