February 25, 2016
FROM: DOUG SLOAN, City Attorney
Office of the City Attorney
Actions pertaining to processing of Green Waste (Citywide):
1. Adopt a finding pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15061(b)(3) of No Possibility these actions may have a significant effect on the environment.
2. Award a ten year agreement to Kochergen Farms Composting, Inc. (Kochergen), to process 50 percent of the City's Green Waste (green waste) at a cost to the City of $16.75 per ton.
3. Award a ten year agreement to West Coast Waste, Inc. (West Coast), to process 50 percent of the City's Green Waste at a cost to the City of $16.75 per ton.
On December 10, 2015, Council directed the City Attorney to negotiate agreements with the top two proposers for green waste and recyclables processing, with each to receive approximately 50 percent of the City's materials collected.
Council may award two, ten-year agreements - one to Kochergen to process 50 percent of the City's green waste for $16.75 per ton, and another to West Coast to process the remaining 50 percent on the same terms. After a month of negotiations, the parties have reached agreements, subject to Council approval.
In May 2015, the City issued Request for Proposals (RFP) 3405, seeking proposals to process both green waste and recyclables. The RFP sought bidders to create new cost structures for green waste processing agreements, which expired on December 31, 2015. Of the responses received, the lowest proposed processing charge for green waste was from Kochergen, at $16.75 per ton, and West Coast was second at $18.00. On October 8, 2015, Council was asked to approve an agreement with Kochergen, subject to negotiation of the final terms. The item was continued to allow the Administration to pursue a "best and final offer" from the top proposers. However, that request was rescinded on October 21, 2015, and the RFP was rep...
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