FROM: MIGUEL ARIAS, Councilmember
District 3
***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 45th Amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution (AAR) No. 2023-185 reallocating $103,400 from the Public Works Department to the City Council Department for the purchase and installation of wood framed windows at the Armenian Town Homes through the Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto).
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the 45th amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution (AAR) No. 2025-185 to reallocate $103,400 from the Public Works Department to the City Council Department for the purchase and installation of wood framed windows at the Armenian Town Homes through the Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency.
The rehabilitation of three historic resource residential structures at 450 M street has been underway since April 2023 and is nearing completion. The additional funding was previously approved by Council on December 7, 2023. This action is to reallocate $103,400 from the Public Works Department to the City Council Department for the purchase and installation of wood framed windows at the Armenian Town Homes through the Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency.
The rehabilitation of three historic resource residential structures at 450 M Street has been underway since April 2023. The additional funding was previously approved by Council on December 7, 2023. This action is to reallocate $103,400 from the Public Works Department to the City Council Department for the purchase and installation of wood framed windows at the Armenian Town Homes through the Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency. The Project includes 39 wood frame windows and the associated costs of installation (e.g., labor, painting, architect fees and insurance). The previously approved funding assistance ...
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