June 14, 2018
FROM: MICHAEL CARBAJAL, Interim Assistant Director
Department of Public Utilities
Approve a Seventh Amendment to the Professional Consultant Agreement with CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc., for an amount not-to-exceed $7,450,000 for Fiscal Year 2019 Program Management Services and for extension of the Agreement term by one year, through October 31, 2019 (Citywide)
Staff recommends that Council approve the Seventh Amendment (Amendment) to the Professional Consultant Agreement (Agreement) with CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc. (CH2M), in the amount not to exceed $7,450,000 for Fiscal Year 2019 Program Management Services, and extend the Agreement term by one year, through October 31, 2019, to support implementation of the City of Fresno's Metropolitan Water Resources Management Plan and the City of Fresno's Recycled Water Master Plan.
On October 31, 2013, the City Council approved a three-year agreement (with the option of two one-year extensions) with CH2M for professional Program Management Services. Under this agreement, CH2M has provided services to support implementation of the City of Fresno's Metropolitan Water Resources Management Plan and the City of Fresno's Recycled Water Master Plan, including development of a Capital Project Management Delivery System and staff augmentation for program and project delivery. The Agreement requires that compensation for Program Management Services be negotiated annually based on forecasted workload and support needs. Staff has considered workload and staffing needs to support implementation of the Department of Public Utilities' capital programs, and has completed negotiation with CH2M for Fiscal Year 2019 services with the negotiated not-to exceed value of Amendment No. 7 established at $7,450,000. This amendment requires extension of the professional consultant agreement by one year.
On November 29, 2012, ...
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