December 10, 2020
FROM: KEVIN R. MEIKLE, Director of Aviation
Airports Department
Approve Amendment No. 13 to Agreement between City of Fresno and ERM-West, Inc., to provide ongoing engineering, environmental and remedial actions concerning groundwater contamination at Fresno Yosemite International Airport for an amount not to exceed $210,732, for a total contract amount of $4,313,911 (Council District 4)
Staff recommends Council authorize the Director of Aviation to execute Amendment No. 13 with ERM-West, Inc. (ERM), for remediation actions in calendar year 2021 associated with groundwater contamination emanating from Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT) for an amount not to exceed $210,732.
Environmental clean-up of groundwater contamination that emanated from a military aircraft maintenance facility, at the then named Hammer Field, currently FAT, has been ongoing for 30 years. An Operating Agreement entered by the City, United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and The Boeing Company pursuant to a Settlement Agreement ensures that the ongoing clean-up is coordinated by the parties including the selection and retention of consultants and contractors. The parties have determined that ERM continues to be the most qualified consultant to manage the clean-up effort and the required coordination with the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB). One of the conditions of the Settlement Agreement requires that the City execute all related agreements entered under the Operating Agreement on behalf of all parties. Amendment No. 13 is for work in calendar year 2021.
Oversight for the clean-up is accomplished through the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and CVRWQCB. Financial responsibility for the clean-up has been negotiated and cost allocations are identified in the Settlement Agreement reached among the City, ...
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