FROM: AHMAD ALKHAYYAT, PE, MBA, Assistant Director - Solid Waste
Department of Public Utilities - Solid Waste Management Division
BY: ROSA LAU-STAGGS, Wastewater Manager
Department of Public Utilities - Wastewater Management Division
Actions pertaining to groundwater monitoring and reporting for the Fresno Sanitary Landfill (FSL) (Citywide) (Council District 3):
1. Affirm City Manager's determination that Camp, Dresser and McKee (CDM) Smith, Inc. Consulting Engineers (Consultant) is uniquely qualified to provide professional groundwater remediation services for the FSL
2. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Sections 15308/Class 6 and 15309/Class 9 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines
3. Award a Professional Engineering Services Agreement to Consultant in the amount of $429,850 for monitoring and reporting requirements for groundwater remedial actions and the design for the regrading and rehabilitation of the FSL (City) (Council District 3)
Staff recommends that Council:
1. Affirm City Manager's determination that Camp, Dresser and McKee (CDM) Smith, Inc. Consulting Engineers (Consultant) is uniquely qualified to provide professional groundwater remediation services for the FSL
2. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Sections 15308/Class 6 and 15309/Class 9 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines
3. Award a Professional Engineering Services Agreement (Agreement) with Consultant in the amount of $429,850 for monitoring and reporting requirements for groundwater remedial actions and the design for the regrading and rehabilitation of the FSL
4. Authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to execute the agreement on behalf of the City
The Department of Public Utilities is seeking to award a consultant service agreement to Camp Dresser and McKee (CDM) Smith, Inc., Consulting Engineers...
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