June 21, 2018
FROM: BUD TICKEL, Interim Assistant Director
Department of Public Utilities, Water Division
BY: HENRY McLAUGHLIN, Business Manager
Department of Public Utilities, Water Division
Actions pertaining to the acquisition of real property for expansion of the Water Corporation Yard:
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15332; and
2. Approve the acquisition of one parcel located at 1830 E. University Avenue (APN 446-231-08) from Marvin and Jacqueline Scheidt Trust, in the amount of $243,000. (Council District 7)
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301/Class 1 (Existing Facilities) and 15332/Class 32 (In-fill Development) for expansion of the Water Division Corporation Yard and approve the fee simple acquisition of the parcel located at 1830 E. University Avenue (APN 446-231-08) required for the expansion of the Water Division Corporation Yard from the Scheidt Family Trust for the amount of $243,000.
The Water Division Corporation Yard (Water Yard) is located at 1910 E. University Avenue. An increase in the number of employees, vehicles, equipment and materials has necessitated the expansion of facilities. The property at 1830 E. University Avenue, which is due west of the Water Yard, has become available on the market and staff recommends acquiring it. In the event the Water Division is relocated, the acquisition cost of this property will be recovered as part of the Water Yard Sale.
The City of Fresno Department of Public Utilities (DPU) Water Division Administration Building and Corporation Yard is currently located at 1910 E. University Avenue on a 4.77-acre parcel between University and McKinley Avenues. The on-site facilities consist of seven buildings with Administration, Operations, Conservation, Electr...
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