RESOLUTION--Initiating a comprehensive update to the Fresno General Plan; initiate the amendment of the Woodward Park Community Plan; the Bullard Community Plan (which includes the Pinedale Neighborhood Plan and the Sierra Sky Park Land Use Policy Plan); the Hoover Community Plan (which includes the El Dorado Park Neighborhood Plan); the West Area Community Plan; the Fresno High-Roeding Community Plan; the McLane Community Plan; the Downtown Neighborhoods Community Plan; the Edison Community Plan; the Roosevelt Community Plan; the Butler-Willow Specific Plan; the Fresno-Chandler Downtown Airport Master Plan; the Fresno Yosemite International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan; the Fulton Corridor Specific Plan; the Highway City Neighborhood Plan; the North Avenue Industrial Triangle; the Southwest Fresno Specific Plan; the Tower District Specific Plan; and the Yosemite School Area Specific Plan pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code Section 15-4902-B.