November 19, 2020
FROM: WILMA QUAN, City Manager
City Manager's Office
BY: ALDI RAMIREZ, Deputy City Manager
City Manager's Office
Actions pertaining to agreement between the City of Fresno and Omni Financial, LLC:
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines.
2. Approve an agreement between the City of Fresno and Omni Financial, LLC, a California limited partnership, for parking and common area maintenance at North Cedar Avenue between East Hampton Way and Dakota Avenue.
Staff recommends the City Council approve an agreement with Omni Financial, LLC (Omni) for parking and common area maintenance at at North Cedar Avenue between East Hampton Way and Dakota Avenue.
Granite Park re-opened its doors following a ground lease dated December 7, 2015 between the City of Fresno (City) and the Central Valley Community Sports Foundation (CVCSF), a local nonprofit which desired to operate the facility. Granite Park is situated adjacent to a commercial/retail and parking component owned by Omni. The proposed agreement would memorialize the arrangement between the City and Omni, with Omni to provide Granite Park with on-site parking rights and the City to pay Omni its share of the Common Area Maintenance (CAM) fees.
Prior to entering into the ground lease with CVCSF, the City paid the costs associated with Granite Park operations and upkeep, including parking and common area maintenance. City staff proposes to enter into an agreement with Omni for parking and common area access, which would essentially memorialize the City's current practice. Pursuant to the attached proposed agreement, the City (and its lessee CVCSF) will have access to parking and the common areas on Omni's adjacent parcels in exchange for payment to Omni of the City's share of CAM charges. The term ...
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