March 1, 2018
FROM: Chief Kerri Donis
Fresno Fire Department
RESOLUTION - to accept gift of Disneyland Tickets and authorize distribution to Fresno firefighters
Staff recommends that Council approve the attached Resolution to accept the gift of approximately 618 tickets to Disneyland-one for each firefighter and a guest-and authorize the Fire Department to distribute the tickets to Fresno firefighters. The tickets were provided by Disneyland in recognition of Fresno Fire Department offering manpower and resources to fight the recent California wildfires.
Fresno Municipal Code Section 7-105 provides that gifts must be accepted or declined at the City level (so the City cannot distribute them to Local 753, for example) and that gifts valued at more than $25,000 must be presented to Council for approval. The Disneyland tickets are valued by Disney at $167 each, with a pair for each of the City’s 309 firefighters, for a total value of approximately $103,206. Public employees may accept gifts where the employees engaged in extraordinary efforts and it is determined that acceptance of the gifts serves the “public purpose” of offering recognition and improving employee morale (see Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Regulation 18944.1).
There is no dispute that Fresno’s firefighters engaged in praiseworthy efforts by providing manpower and resources to fight recent California wildfires. Accordingly the Fire Department recommends that the Fire Chief be empowered to distribute the tickets in accordance with applicable law and the terms set forth by Disneyland Resorts. (See attachments). These tickets may only be used where one member in each redeeming pair is an active firefighter with appropriate identification.
Firefighters receiving tickets shall be advised that they must report any ticket used or transferred on Form 700 as a gift with a value of $167 per ticket. (See FPPC Regulation 18946.1.) Acceptance of the tickets does not impose any reporting or financial obligation on the City.
Not applicable.
Local preference is not applicable to this item because this item does not include the award of a construction or consultant contract.
None. Firefighters who accept tickets are required to keep records and report used or transferred tickets on their personal Form 700.
• Notice of Tickets and Payments Provided for Official Agency Business-from Disneyland
• Ticket Enclosure Letter-from Disneyland
• Resolution to Accept Disneyland Tickets for Fresno Firefighters