December 3, 2020
Planning and Development Department
THROUGH: DAN ZACK, Assistant Director
Planning and Development Department
BY: THOMAS W. GAFFERY IV, Deputy City Manager
Office of the Mayor and City Manager
Dary Boualamsy, Senior Management Analyst
Planning and Development Department
Actions pertaining to the City of Fresno contract award of Parking Facilities Management Services, Bid File 9554.
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
2. Award a five year service requirements contract to ACE Parking in the amount of $13,230,332, to operate downtown parking facilities and regional parks parking facilities.
3. Authorize the Planning and Development Director, or designee, to execute the contract on the City’s behalf.
Staff recommend that Council adopt a finding of categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), award a five year service requirements contract for downtown and regional parks parking facilities operations to ACE Parking in the amount of $13,230,332, and authorize the Planning and Development Director, or designee, to execute the contract on the City’s behalf. ACE Parking was found to be the best value proposal to work and adapt with the City’s evolving parking management needs.
The City of Fresno (City) requested proposals from qualified parking management operators to demonstrate their ability to manage, operate, and administer the City’s off-street parking operations in a superior manner to improve the service delivery to residents, visitors, and businesses.
ACE Parking has past experience with City special events and currently operates in the downtown area. They were the only proposal to meet all compliance expectations as described in the Request for Proposal (RFP) and was in the median range under cost comparisons.
The five-year contract and one-year extension with SP Plus Corporation to provide downtown and regional parks parking services will expire on January 31, 2021. An RFP for these services was released on June 26, 2020. Six proposals were received.
The City was in search of a strategic partnership with a Contractor that can grow and adapt with the City’s evolving parking management needs. Existing parking facility equipment is outdated and many processes are manual. The selected Contractor will help reimagine how parking is managed, improve operational efficiencies, and support the transition to automation.
In collaboration with the City, DIXON Resources Unlimited provided support throughout the proposal and evaluation process, including an assessment of operational needs, drafting specifications in the RFP, reviewing/comparing proposals, preparing for interviews, and coordinating follow-up information according to the evaluation criteria identified in the Parking Facilities Management Services RFP.
Dixon Unlimited Resources provided a comprehensive compliance matrix, which identified required specifications in the RFP. Each proposal’s responses were evaluated and scored, based on minimum requirements. A cost comparison of proposals was created. This cost comparison included annual cost for five years. The top three proposals were selected to move forward with interviews.
A Selection Review Committee was arranged to review the proposals and interview candidates. The Committee included staff from the City of Fresno Planning & Development, PARCS, Purchasing, Economic Development and Fresno Convention & Events Center. The committee members evaluated proposals on: 1) cost, 2) the ability to meet the minimum service requirements and conformance to the terms and conditions of the RFP, 3) responses to Interview subject areas (administrative, management services, special events, reporting, scenarios and demonstrations), and 4) other related information provided by Contractors.
The top three Contractors interviewed were ACE Parking, SP Plus Corporation, and ProPark. The committee members agreed ACE Parking was the final candidate and a follow-up interview provided additional specifications and updated cost projection for the operation of pay stations at Regional Parks facilities. ACE provided detail on the organizational structure and explained operating duties of the local management team. ACE provided options on their plan for automation and the $75,000 investment. They were able to answer all additional questions and re-affirm any deviation from executed agreement and proposal would require a change order.
ACE Parking was found to be the best value proposal to work and adapt with the City’s evolving parking management needs. Their interviews provided responses, which met the committee expectations. The responses to interview questions were well presented strong and thorough, with details of a transition plan, maintenance and security solutions.
The committee unanimously agreed ACE Parking should be awarded this contract. A transition plan will begin if the award is approved by City Council.
Staff has determined this project is exempt under CEQA Guideline 15301 Class 1, which provides exemption for the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or other minor alteration of existing public structures and facilities, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency’s determination. The proposed requirements contract is within the Class 1 exemption because it involves negligible or no expansion of use of facilities or structures.
Local preference did not affect the award of this requirements contract since none of the proposers qualify for the local business preference according to the Fresno Municipal Code Section 4-108(a).
The current budget has appropriations for a Parking Facilities Operator.
Total 5- year Downtown Parking Facilities operating expenses & management fees: $9,562,051.00.
Total 5- year Regional Parks Parking Facilities operating expenses & management fees: $3,668,281.
Total 5-year requirements contract of $13,230,332.
ACE Parking Proposal
ACE Parking Cost Proposal
Cost Comparison Matrix
Compliance Matrix
Bid Evaluation