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File #: ID 22-996    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 6/7/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/23/2022 Final action: 6/23/2022
Title: Approve an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Toole Design Group for $141,015, with a $10,000 contingency, for the preparation of the Fancher Creek Trail Plan (District 5)
Sponsors: Public Works Department
Attachments: 1. 22-996 Consultant Agreement.pdf, 2. 22-996 Vicinity Map




FROM:                     SCOTT L. MOZIER, PE, Director

Public Works Department


BY:                                          Randall W. Morrison, PE, Assistant Director

                                          Public Works Department, Engineering Division


                                          GARINE KENDOYAN, Project Manager

                                          Public Works Department, Engineering Division




Approve an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Toole Design Group for $141,015, with a $10,000 contingency, for the preparation of the Fancher Creek Trail Plan (District 5)





Staff recommends the City Council approve an agreement for professional engineering services with Toole Design Group for $141,015, with a $10,000 contingency, for the preparation of the Fancher Creek Trail Plan and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Fresno.




The Fancher Creek Trail Plan will produce a conceptual study for trail feasibility and enhancement along Fancher Creek from Jensen Avenue to Temperance Avenue (approximately 5.3 miles). The project will recommend conceptual trail layouts, evaluate right of way, prepare estimates, identify public access points/gateways, landscaping, wayfinding sign locations, and recommend treatments for crossings. The planning process will also include engaging a broad spectrum of community members through pop-up outreach events and a tactical urbanism temporary installation. The subject consultant agreement in the amount of $141,015, with a $10,000 contingency, will facilitate development of the Fancher Creek Trail Plan necessary to complete the project. The project is funded with State funds through the Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program, administered through the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).




The Fancher Creek Plan will recommend conceptual trail layouts from Jensen Avenue to Temperance Avenue. In addition, the plan will evaluate right of way, prepare estimates, identify public access points/gateways, landscaping, wayfinding sign locations, and recommend treatments for crossings. The planning process will also include engaging a broad spectrum of community members through pop-up outreach events and a tactical urbanism temporary installation. The completed plan will include potential funding sources for the facility and an implementation plan to secure grant funding for engineering, acquisition, and construction. The planning process will bring together partnering agencies and the community to present a unified vision for trail facilities. This will strengthen existing inter-jurisdictional and community relationships and create new ones that will be vital to the long-term maintenance of the facility. In addition, the concept plan will make the City more competitive for grant funding from programs such as the Active Transportation Program and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement program.  The City applied for State funds through the Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program, administered through Caltrans, in October 2019. The application was conditionally awarded grant funding in June 2020. All conditions of Grant Acceptance were met, and the grant was authorized to begin effective December 2020.


In accordance with Administrative Order 6-19, staff sent out a RFQ via the City’s website and the Business Journal. The RFQ was advertised for five weeks. Two (2) Statement of Qualifications were received and staff interviewed two (2) qualified respondents in January 2022. Toole Design Group was determined to be most qualified and responsive consultant, and submitted an acceptable proposal for the preparation of the Fancher Creek Trail Plan.


Staff is requesting City Council approve the agreement with Toole Design Group for $141,015, with a $10,000 contingency, for the preparation of the Fancher Creek Trail Plan and authorize the Public Works Director, or designee, to sign and execute the contract, approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office, on behalf of the City.




By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, this item is not a project for the purposes of CEQA.




Local preference was not implemented because this project is funded by State funds.




This project will not impact the General Fund. Funding is provided by State funds through the Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program. All funds necessary for the contract award are included in the current fiscal year budget as previously adopted by the Council.



Consultant Agreement

Vicinity Map