April 3, 2024
FROM: ISRAEL TREJO, Planning Manager
Planning and Development Department
BY: ROB HOLT, Supervising Planner
Planning and Development Department
Hearing to Consider Tentative Tract Map No. 6411 and related Environmental Assessment No. T-6411 for approximately 7.95 acres of property located on the northwest corner of West Church and South Thorne Avenues (Council District 3) - Planning and Development Department.
1. ADOPTION of the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Environmental Assessment No. T-6411 dated February 16, 2024, for the proposed project pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.
2. APPROVAL of Tentative Tract Map No. 6411 proposing to subdivide approximately 7.95 acres of the subject property into a 58-lot single-family residential conventional development, subject to compliance with the Conditions of Approval dated April 3, 2024.
Central Valley Engineering and Surveying, Inc., on behalf of DS Chouhan, LLC, has filed Tentative Tract Map No. 6411 pertaining to approximately 7.95 acres of property located on the northwest corner of West Church and South Thorne Avenues.
The subject property is located within the boundaries of the Fresno General Plan and Southwest Fresno Specific Plan, and both plans designate the subject property for Medium Density Residential (5 to 12 du/ac). Based upon the submitted subdivision design, and conditions of approval, the proposed subdivision can be found consistent with the Medium Density Residential planned land use for the subject property.
The subject property is a vacant site located on the northwest corner of West Church and South Thorne Avenues. The general vicinity surrounding the subject property include a former landfill site adjacent to the north, single-family and rural residential to the east, disturbed vacant land planned for Medium Density Residential uses t...
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