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File #: ID 24-1541    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 11/1/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/21/2024 Final action: 11/21/2024
Title: HEARING to consider City Council-initiated General Plan Amendment and Rezone Application No. P24-00589, and related Environmental Assessment for two (2) adjoining parcels of approximately ?2.26 acres total located at the northwest corner of East McKinley and North Fine Avenues (Council District 4) - Planning and Development Department. 1. CONSIDERATION of the Environmental Assessment for P24-00589 of a Negative Declaration, dated October 25, 2024, prepared for the proposed plan amendment/rezone pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. 2. CONSIDERATION of Plan Amendment Application No. P24-00589 to amend the Fresno General Plan and the McLane Community Plan to change the planned land use designation of the subject ?2.26 acres properties from Employment - Light Industrial to Commercial - Community; and 3. CONSIDER Bill (for introduction and adoption) to approve Rezone Application No. P24-00589, amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Fresno to rezone the s...
Sponsors: Planning and Development Department
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A - Project Location Map.pdf, 2. Exhibit B - Council Resolution No. 2023-264 [9-28-2023].pdf, 3. Exhibit C - Land Use Diagram.pdf, 4. Exhibit D - Zoning Diagram.pdf, 5. Exhibit E - Public Hearing Notice & Noticing Map.pdf, 6. Exhibit F - Airport Land Use Commission Letter [4-11-2024].pdf, 7. Exhibit G - Fresno Municipal Code RZ-PA Criteria.pdf, 8. Exhibit H - Environmental Assessment [10-25-2024].pdf, 9. Exhibit I - Cross Parking & Access Agreement [11-17-1981].pdf, 10. Exhibit J - Zone Districts-Uses Comparison List.pdf, 11. Exhibit K - Property Owners Discussion Status (6-27-24 email).pdf, 12. Exhibit L – Planning Commission Resolution No’s 13859 and 13860.pdf, 13. Exhibit M – City Council Resolution for Plan Amendment Application No. P24-00589.pdf, 14. Exhibit N – City Council Ordinance Bill for Rezone Application No P24-00589.pdf, 15. Exhibit O – City Council Hearing PowerPoint Presentation.pdf, 16. 9 15 A.M. ID 24-1541 Supplemental Packet

Planning and Development Department

Planning and Development Department

PHILLIP SIEGRIST, Planning Manager
Planning and Development Department

BY: RALPH KACHADOURIAN, Supervising Planner
Planning and Development Department

HEARING to consider City Council-initiated General Plan Amendment and Rezone Application No. P24-00589, and related Environmental Assessment for two (2) adjoining parcels of approximately ?2.26 acres total located at the northwest corner of East McKinley and North Fine Avenues (Council District 4) - Planning and Development Department.
1. CONSIDERATION of the Environmental Assessment for P24-00589 of a Negative Declaration, dated October 25, 2024, prepared for the proposed plan amendment/rezone pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.
2. CONSIDERATION of Plan Amendment Application No. P24-00589 to amend the Fresno General Plan and the McLane Community Plan to change the planned land use designation of the subject ?2.26 acres properties from Employment - Light Industrial to Commercial - Community; and
3. CONSIDER Bill (for introduction and adoption) to approve Rezone Application No. P24-00589, amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Fresno to rezone the subject ?2.26 acres properties from the Light Industrial (IL) zone district to the Community Commercial (CC) zone district in accordance with the Plan Amendment Application.


1. CONSIDER the Environmental Assessment for P24-00589 of a Negative Declaration, dated October 25, 2024, prepared for the proposed plan amendment/rezone pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.

1. CONSIDER Plan Amendment Application No. P24-00589 to amend the Fresno General Plan and the McLane Community Plan to change the planned land use designation of the subject ?2.26 acres properties from Em...

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