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File #: ID 24-1540    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 11/1/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/21/2024 Final action: 11/21/2024
Title: Approve the award of a requirements contract for the purchase of Traffic Street Name Signs and Reflective Sheeting to Safety Network Traffic Signs, Inc. of Fresno, California for one year, with five optional one-year extensions in an amount not to exceed $199,813.77, plus an annual 20% contingency and PPI increases (Bid File No. 12500293) (Citywide).
Sponsors: Public Works Department
Attachments: 1. 24-1540 Bid Evaluation and Fiscal Impact Statement

Public Works Department

BY: BRIAN E. RUSSELL, Assistant Director
Public Works Department, Streets, Landscape, and Graffiti Divisions

CARLA GONZALEZ, Management Analyst II
Public Works Department, Streets, Landscape, and Graffiti Divisions

Approve the award of a requirements contract for the purchase of Traffic Street Name Signs and Reflective Sheeting to Safety Network Traffic Signs, Inc. of Fresno, California for one year, with five optional one-year extensions in an amount not to exceed $199,813.77, plus an annual 20% contingency and PPI increases (Bid File No. 12500293) (Citywide).


Staff recommends that the City Council approve the award of a requirements contract in an amount not to exceed $199,813.77 plus an annual 20% contingency and PPI increases for one year with five optional one-year extensions to Safety Network Traffic Signs, Inc. of Fresno, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the purchase of Traffic Street Name Signs and Reflective Sheeting, and to authorize the Public Works Director or designee to sign the contract on the City's behalf.


The Street Maintenance Division of Public Works uses a requirements contract to purchase traffic street name signs and reflective sheeting materials to be used by City crews for the maintenance and installation of traffic signs throughout the City. The prior contract term has expired, and materials are currently being purchased through a purchase order. On September 3, 2024, the bidding process was initiated to establish a new requirements contract. Three proposals were received, and Safety Network Traffic Signs, Inc., was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a bid amount of $199,813.77. After evaluation, staff recommends the award of a one-year contract with five optional one-year extensions to Safety Network Traffic Signs, Inc. in an amount...

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