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File #: ID 24-1560    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 11/6/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/21/2024 Final action: 11/21/2024
Title: Actions pertaining to the Lafayette Park Restroom Renovation Project (Bid File 12500709) (Council District 7) 1. Adopt finding a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 Existing Facilities of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. Award a construction contract to Estate Design and Construction Inc. of Los Angeles, California, in the amount of $189,800 for the Lafayette Park Restroom Renovation project located at 1516 E. Princeton in Fresno 3. Authorize the Director of General Services or designee to sign and execute all related documents
Sponsors: General Services Department, Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Serv
Attachments: 1. 24-1560 Bid Evaluation and Fiscal Impact Statement, 2. 24-1560 Standard Contract




FROM:                     BRIAN BARR, Director

General Services Department



Parks, After School, Recreation, and Community Services Department


BY:                                          ROBIN O’MALLEY, Facilities Manager

                                          General Services Department, Facilities Management Division


                                          MARSHALL SMITH, Project Manager

                                          General Services Department, Facilities Management Division




Actions pertaining to the Lafayette Park Restroom Renovation Project (Bid File 12500709) (Council District 7)

1.                     Adopt finding a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 Existing Facilities of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines

2.                     Award a construction contract to Estate Design and Construction Inc. of Los Angeles, California, in the amount of $189,800 for the Lafayette Park Restroom Renovation project located at 1516 E. Princeton in Fresno

3.                     Authorize the Director of General Services or designee to sign and execute all related documents





Staff recommends that Council adopt a finding of a Categorical Exemption and award a construction contract to Estate Design and Construction Inc. in the amount of $189,800 as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Lafayette Park Restroom Renovation project and authorize the Director of General Services or designee to sign and execute all related documents.




Lafayette Park is a neighborhood park and community center that hosts a variety of programs and activities serving a wide range of the residents. The proposed restroom remodel will provide greater accessibility and usability while updating the appearance and function of each restroom. The renovations include replacement of all plumbing fixtures and toilet partitions, updating and repairing the flooring with a protective epoxy system, replacing drywall with durable marine grade plywood, and ADA upgrades.  This project is funded through the American Rescue Plan Act which requires funding to be obligated by December 31, 2024.




The City of Fresno Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS) Department wishes to remodel the restrooms within the existing neighborhood center. Lafayette Park is a 4.34 Acre public park located on the corner of Princeton Avenue and Glenn Avenue just West of Blackstone Avenue and South of Shields Avenue. The neighborhood center has been in use since 1980. 


The park restroom remodel will revitalize the facility by replacing the plumbing fixtures, restroom accessories, and toilet partitions. The floor will be stripped and epoxy-coated to enhance cleanliness and serviceability. The men’s and women’s restrooms will be swapped to enable improved accessibility by utilizing the existing space to its maximum capacity.


A Notice Inviting Bids was published on September 20, 2024, distributed to seven (7) building exchanges, and posted on the City’s website.  The specifications were distributed to twenty-one (21) prospective bidders. Four (4) on-line bid proposals were received and opened in a public bid opening on October 22, 2024, with the bid amounts ranging from $189,800 to $321,327.80. Bids will expire within 64 day of bid opening, December 25, 2024. Staff have determined that Estate Design and Construction Inc. is the most responsive and responsible bidder.


The City Attorney has approved the contract as to form.





Staff has determined that a Categorical Exemption is appropriate, based on Section 15301. Existing Facilities of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts repair, maintenance or minor alterations of existing public facilities involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use.  Furthermore, Staff has determined that none of the exceptions to Categorical Exemptions set forth in the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 apply to this project.  Staff recommends Council, based upon its own independent judgment, adopt finding of a Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines for the Lafayette Park Restroom Renovation Project.




Local preference is not applicable as the use of federal funding precludes use the of local preference for this project.




The Lafayette Park Restroom Renovation Project is located in Council District 7 and will have no impact to the General Fund. The Restroom Remodel project construction contract is funded with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Measure P Expenditure Category 1 funds included in the adopted FY2025 Parks After School, Recreation, and Community Services (PARCS) budget.



                     Bid Evaluation and Fiscal Impact Statement

                     Standard Contract