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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/29/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers (In Person and/or Electronic)
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID 23-1060 1  Action ItemProclamation for "Brittany Jacob Day."PRESENTED  Action details Not available
ID 23-1018 1  Action ItemFresno Animal Center’s “Pet of the Month” presented by Fresno Humane Animal ServicesPRESENTED  Action details Not available
ID 23-1033 11.-A. Action ItemApproval of minutes for June 15, 2023, Special Meeting and June 22, 2023, Regular Meeting.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-983 11.-B. Action ItemActions related to the Service Agreement with The Arc Fresno/Madera Counties (ARC): 1. Affirm the City Manager’s determination that ARC is uniquely qualified to provide job coaching, education, and social skills training for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. 2. Approve the Service Agreement with ARC for litter abatement services at Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT) for a term of five years. Annual costs are $91,173.94, plus a three percent increase in successive years. Total costs during the full five-year term of the agreement are $484,054.85. (Council District 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1045 11.-E. Action ItemApprove a Grant Agreement with Bakman Water Company allocating up to $2,700,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for the construction of water infrastructure necessary to meet safety standards and fire suppression requirements for the development of affordable housing at the Fancher Creek Town Center development.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1006 11.-F. Action ItemApprove the award of a cooperative purchase contract to Haaker Equipment Company Inc. of La Verne, California for the purchase of two Elgin CNG Broom Bear street sweepers in the amount of $1,158,438 for Public Works Street Maintenance DivisionADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1046 11.-G. Action ItemActions pertaining to temporary water service for fire suppression within Fancher Creek Town Center: 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. 2. Approve a Temporary Water Service Agreement with Bakman Water CompanyADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1056 11.-I. Action ItemApprove a consultant agreement with Baker Tilly US, LLP in the amount of $256,443, plus a not-to-exceed contingency amount of $10,000, to provide consulting services on development of an assessment - along with recommendations for options - to improve the services and affordability of electricity in the City of Fresno; authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all related documents. (Citywide)TABLED  Action details Not available
ID 23-1053 11.-J. Action ItemActions pertaining to the International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 for Unit 1 1. ***Adopt a successor Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Fresno and International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local 39), Non-Supervisory Blue Collar, Unit 1 (Subject to Mayor’s veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION: Adopt the Fifteenth Amendment to FY 2023 Salary Resolution No. 2022-152, amending Exhibit 1, Non-Supervisory Blue Collar (Local 39), to provide a salary increase for respective classes as required by the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Fresno and International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local 39) (Subject to Mayor’s veto)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1004 11.-K. Action ItemActions pertaining to Community Gardens: 1. Award a two-year professional services agreement in an amount not to exceed $40,000 per year to Fresno Metropolitan “Metro” Ministry for Community Garden Liaison services at three City of Fresno community gardens with the option of two, one-year extensions. (Council Districts 3 and 5) 2. Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all related documents.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-909 11.-L. Action ItemApprove agreement with Marjaree Mason Center to operate as a homeless family emergency shelter for a total award amount of $110,167.00.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1011 11.-N. Action ItemApprove agreement with Mental Health Systems to operate the Fresno HOME as a low-barrier emergency homeless shelter for a total amount of $1,449,183.89.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-951 11.-O. Action ItemApprove an amendment to the consultant services agreement with Wallace, Roberts, and Todd, LLC., for professional planning and environmental analysis services related to the update of the Tower District Specific Plan in the amount of $170,590.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-986 11.-P. Action Item***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 45th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2022-154 appropriating $132,600 in Emergency Solutions Grant-Coronavirus (ESG-CV) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-987 11.-Q. Action ItemActions pertaining to supplemental Emergency Solutions Grant funding provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Community Development Office of Community Planning and Development (HUD CPD) to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus: 1. Approve an Amendment to the Emergency Solutions Grant - Coronavirus Agreement with Elevate Community Services to increase the funding by $132,539.21 for a total award of $385,805.42 for emergency shelter within the City of Fresno. 2. Approve the seventh revision of the Emergency Solutions Grant - Coronavirus Activity Allocations to reallocate $132,539.21 to fund emergency shelter operationsADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1000 11.-R. Action ItemBILL - (for Introduction) - Granting a non-exclusive roll-off franchise for roll-off collection within the City of Fresno to Valley Dumpster Service LLC in preparation for a public hearing on the matter and final vote to approve the non-exclusive franchise on August 10, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (Citywide).ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1002 11.-S. Action ItemActions pertaining to the cleaning of Digester #1 and cleaning and rehabilitation of Digester #12 at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Bid File 12302079) (Council District 3): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301(d)/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. 2. Award a construction contract to F.D. Thomas, of Central Point, Oregon, in the amount of $1,200,010.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-915 11.-U. Action ItemActions pertaining to the Downtown Fresno Neighborhood Beautification and Cleanup Project (Council Districts 1, 3, & 7): 1. Affirm the City Manager’s determination that Fresno Arts Council is uniquely qualified 2. Approve the Agreement between City of Fresno and Fresno Arts Council, Inc. of Fresno CA, a uniquely qualified consultant, in the amount of $536,222 for procurement of transportation art on behalf of the City of Fresno.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-967 11.-W. Action ItemApprove the Second Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with The Taylor Group Architects in the amount of $132,500, for a total increased contract amount of $1,107,500, with a remaining contingency of $70,000, for professional architectural services for the design of plans and general construction contract documents for the New Fire Station 12 (Council District 1)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-977 11.-Y. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Provost & Pritchard Engineering Group, Inc., of Fresno, California in the amount of $22,748, for a total increased contract amount of $172,648, with a $10,000 contingency, for professional engineering services and preparation of right-of-way documents for the Blackstone Avenue Smart Mobility Project between McKinley Avenue and Shields Avenue (Council District 7)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-981 11.-Z. Action ItemAward a construction contract in the amount of $3,260,116 to Granite Construction Company of Fresno, CA, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for the Downtown Fresno Neighborhood Beautification and Cleanup Project (Bid File No. 12302141) (Council Districts 1, 3, & 7)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1042 11.-AA. Action ItemActions pertaining to the Operation and Maintenance Cooperative Agreement with California High Speed Rail Authority (Council Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5): 1. Approve the Ownership and Maintenance Cooperative Agreement between the California High-Speed Rail Authority and the City of Fresno to establish a record of final ownership and perpetual maintenance for the California High-Speed Rail System located within the City of Fresno 2. Authorize the Public Works Director or designee to accept the lump sum payment of $5,000,000 for graffiti abatement costs related to the Operations and Maintenance Cooperative Agreement with California High Speed Rail (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1051 11.-CC. Action Item***Resolution - To conduct a traffic assessment to include options for improved safety for the intersection of Van Ness and Clinton Avenues (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1052 11.-C. Action Item***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 46th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2022-154 to increase appropriations by $400,000 to cover anticipated General Fund expense overages for the Fire Department. (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1040 11.-D. Action ItemApprove an agreement with Green Dot Corporation to provide an alternative direct deposit option via a prepaid card program in lieu of a paper check, with no cost to the City of Fresno.APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-988 11.-H. Action ItemApprove the third amendment to the animal control services agreement between the City of Fresno and Fresno Humane Animal Services in the amount not to exceed $2,321,500 for a five-month term beginning July 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023.APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-286 11.-M. Action ItemActions pertaining to an Amended and Restated Agreement for Option to Purchase 959 N. Parkway Drive (District 3): 1. ***RESOLUTION - Finding good cause and clear and convincing benefit to the public to allow a purchase option on subject property for more than five years without a request for proposal process, allow close of escrow on the subject property to extend beyond 12 months of council approval, and allow the removal of a reverter clause; and finding substantial community benefits to justify a sales price less than fair market value pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code section 4-204 relating to the disposition of real property commonly known as 959 N. Parkway Drive, Fresno, CA (APN 449-324-11) (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto) 2. Approve the Amended and Restated Agreement for Option to Purchase 959 N. Parkway Drive between the City of Fresno and Fresno Housing Authority in the amount of $1,000ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1003 11.-T. Action ItemActions pertaining to Lift Station 15 and 16 Improvements (Bid File 12301689) (Council Districts 2 and 4): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 1, Section 15301(b)(d) (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. 2. Award a construction contract to HPS Mechanical, Inc., in the amount of $698,106.APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1057 11.-V. Action ItemApprove a First Amendment to the professional public information services contract for the Department of Public Utilities with Two Q, Inc. dba JP Marketing to extend the agreement through June 30, 2024, and increase the contract amount by $808,698 to fund continuity of services, for a revised total contract amount of $2,993,673.APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-972 11.-X. Action ItemAward a product purchase contract in the amount of $708,732.52 to JAM Services, Inc. of Livermore, California for the streetlight materials required for the Chinatown Project 1 & 6 Streetlights - Bid File No. 12302405 (Council District 3)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1055 11.-BB. Action ItemApprove an increase to the current Fortney Towing Evidence Tow Service Contract, Bid File No. 9515, in an amount not to exceed $501,600 to cover the expenses incurred and projected through FY 2024 and to execute the first one-year extension through September 30, 2024.APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1032 1  Action ItemAppearance by Maria Alvarez Garcia to discuss dog abuse accountability. (Resident of District 2)DISCUSSED  Action details Not available
ID 23-1058 1  Action ItemHEARING to adopt Resolutions and Ordinance to Annex territory and Levy a Special Tax regarding City of Fresno Community Facilities District Number 11, Annexation Number 144 (Final Tract Map Number 6276) (located on the northwest corner of North Parc West Drive and North Grantland Avenue) (Council District 1) 1. ***RESOLUTION - to Annex Territory to Community Facilities District No. 11 and Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax for Annexation No. 144 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - Calling Special Mailed-Ballot Election (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) 3. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring Election Results (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) 4. ***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Levying a Special Tax for the Property Tax Year 2022-2023 and Future Tax Years Within and Relating to Community Facilities District No. 11, Annexation No. 144 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1005 1  Action ItemHEARING to consider the proposed Annual Assessment for the City of Fresno Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 (Citywide) 1. ***RESOLUTION - Confirming the diagram and assessment and levy of annual assessment, 2023-2024, for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 1 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1028 1  Action ItemHearing - To consider the adoption of the Central Southeast Area Specific Plan and related Environmental Assessment, State Clearinghouse (SCH No. 2023020138), and related actions: 1. ADOPT the Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration, Environmental Assessment No. P22-00400 dated February 1, 2023 (Exhibit I), prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 and 15070 et. Seq. and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15097. 2. APPROVE Plan Amendment Application P22-00400 which proposes to: a. RESOLUTION - Approving repeal of the Roosevelt Community Plan, pertaining to approximately 15,721 acres (Exhibit N) b. BILL - Approving the repeal of the Butler/Willow Specific Plan, pertaining to approximately 563 acres (Exhibit O) c. RESOLUTION - Approving adoption of the Central Southeast Area Specific Plan and accompanying Planned Land Use Ma (Exhibit P) d. RESOLUTION - Approving adoption of the Planned Land Use Map (Figure LU-1) of the Fresno General Plan to incorporate the land use changes proposed in the Central Southeast ArTABLED  Action details Not available
ID 23-1029 1  Action ItemHEARING to Consider Plan Amendment and Rezone Application No. P22-00507, Development Permit Application No. P22-00505, and related Environmental Assessment No. P22-00507/P22-00505 pertaining to ±1.23 acres of property located on the west side of North Sugar Pine Avenue between West Fir Avenue and West Beechwood Avenues. (Council District 2) - Planning & Development Department. 1. ADOPT the Mitigated Negative Declaration as prepared for Environmental Assessment No. P22-00505/P22-00507, dated December 9, 2022, for the proposed project pursuant to the State of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, 2. RESOLUTION - Approving Plan Amendment Application No. P22-00507, requesting authorization to amend the Fresno General Plan to change the planned land use designation for the subject property from Residential - Medium Density (±1.23 acres) to Commercial - General (±1.23 acres); and, 3. BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Approving Rezone Application No. P22-00507, requesting authorization to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Fresno to rezone the subject properTABLED  Action details Not available
ID 23-1059 14.-A. Action ItemResolution - Naming the Fresno Police Department Regional Training Center the “Jerry P. Dyer Regional Police Training Center”ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
ID 23-1062 15.-A. Action ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNCIL - POTENTIAL EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION: Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2): PW Fund B, LP, et al. v. City of FresnoDISCUSSED  Action details Not available