ID 25-52
| 1 | | | Action Item | Mayor Jerry Dyer
Oath Administered by Diane Dyer, Jeremy Dyer and Janelle Hastings | | |
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ID 25-49
| 1 | | | Action Item | Councilmember Mike Karbassi - District 2
Oath Administered by Interim Police Chief Mindy Casto | | |
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ID 25-50
| 1 | | | Action Item | Councilmember Tyler Maxwell - District 4
Oath Administered by Fernanda Santiago | | |
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ID 25-51
| 1 | | | Action Item | Councilmember Nick Richardson - District 6
Oath Administered by Thomas L. Richardson | | |
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ID 25-53
| 1 | | | Action Item | Election of Council President and Vice President | | |
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ID 25-65
| 1 | | | Action Item | Election of Chair and Vice Chair to the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno | | |
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ID 25-34
| 1 | | | Action Item | Proclamation for “Manchester Gate Elementary and the Fresno Unified Cross-Country Program Day” | | |
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ID 25-22
| 1 | | | Action Item | HEARING to adopt resolutions and ordinance to annex territory and levy a special tax regarding City of Fresno Community Facilities District Number 11, Annexation Number 152 (Final Tract Map Number 6360) (Located on the northeast corner of East McKinley Avenue Alignment and North Armstrong Avenue) (Council District 7)
1. ***RESOLUTION - to Annex Territory to Community Facilities District No. 11 and Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax for Annexation No. 152 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
2. ***RESOLUTION - Calling Special Mailed-Ballot Election (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
3. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring Election Results (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
4. ***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Levying a Special Tax for the Property Tax Year 2024-2025 and Future Tax Years Within and Relating to Community Facilities District No. 11, Annexation No. 152 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | | |
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ID 25-35
| 1 | | | Action Item | Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno and Fresno Revitalization Corporation (FRC) consider adopting:
1. RESOLUTION - Approving the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 25-26 | | |
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ID 25-59
| 1 | | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Suspending the Labor Management Act for 10 days (Subject to Mayor’s veto) | | |
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ID 25-48
| 1 | | | Action Item | Appearance by Kamryn A. Rodriguez regarding “Gun violence in schools” (District 4 Resident) | | |
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ID 25-8
| 1 | | | Action Item | Appearance by Susan Monet regarding “Animal shelter/reopen stray intake” (District 7 Resident) | | |
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ID 25-68
| 1 | | | Action Item | Appearance by Matilda Garcia regarding “Emergency Rental Assistance Application” (District 5 Resident) | | |
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ID 25-9
| 1 | 2.-A. | | Action Item | Approval of the minutes for December 5, 2024, Regular Meeting, December 12, 2024, Regular Meeting and December 13, 2024, Special Meeting | | |
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ID 25-10
| 1 | 2.-C. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project (Bid File No. 12500870) (Council District 3):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination pursuant to section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for the Jaswant Singh Khalra Cricket Pitch Project;
2. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination pursuant to section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for the Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project;
3. Award a construction contract in the amount of $165,785.00, to Juarez Brothers General Engineering, Inc. of Madera, California as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Jaswant Singh Khalra and Regional Sports Complex Cricket Pitch Project. | | |
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ID 25-21
| 1 | 2.-E. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the acquisitions of fee title interest of parcels to benefit the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project (Council Districts 1 and 7);
1. Approve the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property and Escrow Instructions to acquire fee title interest of seven (7) improved parcels, collectively 3.0-acres (130,716 square feet), identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 451-071-07, 451-071-08, 451-071-09, 451-071-10, 451-071-23, 451-071-25, and 451-071-38, owned by Rocking Rail LLC, a California limited liability company for an amount of $4,500,000.00, for the construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project.
2. Approve the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Improvements Pertaining to the Realty and Business Furniture, Fixtures, and Rolling Stock and Escrow Instructions to acquire all improvements, business fixtures and rolling stock as identified in the associated Bill of Sale, owned by Jet Black Logistics, Inc., a California corporation, doing business as E-Z Haul Ready Mix and Star Building Supplies for an amount of $2,872,250.00 | | |
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ID 25-23
| 1 | 2.-F. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to Job Order Contracting for General Construction contracts for the Capital Projects Department on City of Fresno capital improvement projects for a term of three years with two one-year optional extensions (Bid File 12500543) (Citywide):
1. Award a Job Order Contracting contract with Ardent General, Inc., of Fresno, California in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 per year;
2. Award a Job Order Contracting contract with Newton Construction & Management, Inc., of San Luis Obispo, California in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 per year;
3. Award a Job Order Contracting contract with Aventus NV, Inc., of Boulder City, Nevada in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 per year;
4. Award a Job Order Contracting contract with Puma Construction, of Fresno, California in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 per year;
5. Award a Job Order Contracting contract with Walsh Montgomery Construction, Inc., of Clovis, California in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 per year. | | |
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ID 25-56
| 1 | 2.-G. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 32nd amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2024-122 appropriating $484,600 for the Tobacco State Grant in Fiscal Year 2025 (Requires Five Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto) | | |
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ID 25-13
| 1 | 2.-I. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the City Manager or designee to apply for a grant of up to $100,000 from the California Coastal Conservancy Explore the Coast grant program to provide experiences at the California Coast to older adults, and authorizing the City Manager or designee to accept grant funds and sign all related documents on behalf of the City (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | | |
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ID 25-14
| 1 | 2.-J. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION- Authorizing the submission of a grant application of up to $400,000 to the State of California Office of Traffic Safety to fund bicycle and pedestrian safety programming and authorizing the City Manager or designee to accept grant funds and sign all related documents on behalf of the City (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | | |
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ID 25-15
| 1 | 2.-K. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the submission of a proposal to Fresno Unified School District requesting reimbursement of up to $400,000 for providing aquatics programming at up to seven high schools during Summer 2025 and authorizing the City Manager or designee to accept reimbursement funds and sign all related documents on behalf of the City (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | | |
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ID 25-54
| 1 | 2.-L. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Fresno City Firefighters Association, IAFF-Basic for Unit 5
1. ***Adopt a successor Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Fresno and Fresno City Firefighters Association (Non-Management Fire - Unit 5) (Subject to Mayor’s veto)
2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Ninth Amendment to FY 2025 Salary Resolution No. 2024-120, amending Exhibit 5, Unit 5 - Non-Management Fire (IAFF), to provide a salary increase for respective classes as required by the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Fresno and Fresno City Firefighters Association (Non-Management Fire - Unit 5) (Subject to Mayor’s veto) | | |
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ID 25-55
| 1 | 2.-M. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Fresno City Firefighters Association, IAFF-Management for Unit 10
1. ***Adopt a successor Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Fresno and Fresno City Firefighters Association (Fire Management - Unit 10) (Subject to Mayor’s veto)
2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Tenth Amendment to FY 2025 Salary Resolution No. 2024-120, amending Exhibit 10, Unit 10 - Fire Management (IAFF), to provide a salary increase for respective classes as required by the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Fresno and Fresno City Firefighters Association (Fire Management - Unit 10) (Subject to Mayor’s veto) | | |
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ID 25-20
| 1 | 2.-O. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to Master Planning Services for the Department of Public Utilities Operations and Maintenance Facility at 1626 E Street (Bid File 12400574) (Council District 3):
1. Approve a consultant services agreement with William Duff Architects, for an amount not to exceed $164,816.00, inclusive of a contingency amount of $15,000.00, for Master Planning Services for the Department of Public Utilities Operations and Maintenance Facility at 1626 E Street.
2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 31st Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2024-122 to appropriate $136,500.00 for Master Planning Services for the Department of Public Utilities Operations and Maintenance Facility at 1626 E Street. (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | | |
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ID 25-57
| 1 | 2.-Q. | | Action Item | Approval of $271,066.59 of additional funding for Sodium Hypochlorite Requirements Contract with Univar USA, Inc. to cover outstanding invoices, for a total contract amount of $1,670,488.59 that incurred during vendor transition. (Bid File 9487) (Citywide) | | |
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ID 25-25
| 1 | 2.-R. | | Action Item | RESOLUTION - Approving the Final Map of Tract No. 6360, and accepting dedicated public uses offered therein except for dedications offered subject to City acceptance of developer installed required improvements - located on the northeast corner of North Armstrong Avenue and East McKinley Avenue. (Council District 7) | | |
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ID 25-26
| 1 | 2.-S. | | Action Item | RESOLUTION - Approving the Final Map of Tract No. 6410, and accepting dedicated public uses offered therein except for dedications offered subject to City acceptance of developer installed required improvements - located near the northeast corner of South Peach Avenue and East Church Avenue (Council District 5) | | |
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ID 25-69
| 1 | 2.-T. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the submission of all subaward agreements from Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) and authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute all subaward agreements, including all necessary documents, to accept funds for fuel cell electric buses (FCEB) and planning, engineering, and construction of hydrogen fueling infrastructure, on behalf of the City (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | | |
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ID 25-64
| 1 | 2.-U. | | Action Item | Approve the reappointment of Wyatt Meadows to the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board with a term ending November 1, 2026. | | |
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ID 25-12
| 1 | 2.-B. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 585th Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to Add, Adjust, Move, Revise or Delete Various Fees (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | | |
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ID 25-18
| 1 | 2.-D. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Garage 9 Renovation Project (Bid File No. 12500982) (City Council District 3):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination pursuant to section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Environmental Assessment No. HG00020, for the Garage 9 Renovation Project;
2. Approve substitution of the listed subcontractor Door Masters, Inc. with Katch Environmental Inc. dba Katch General to self-perform the work associated with doors, frames and hardware;
3. Award a construction contract in the amount of $3,462,279.00, to Katch Environmental Inc. dba Katch General of Fresno, California as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Garage 9 Renovation Project. | | |
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ID 25-16
| 1 | 2.-H. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 30th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2024-122 to appropriate $1,136,000 to the FY 2025 Fire Department budget for out of county responses under the California Firefighters Assistance Agreement (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | | |
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ID 25-19
| 1 | 2.-N. | | Action Item | Approve a Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Fresno and Beacon Integrated Professional Resources Incorporated, dba Hamner Jewell & Associates, in the amount of $125,000 to perform Professional Relocation and Real Estate Acquisition Consultant Services on an as-needed basis for various projects and real estate acquisitions with a contract performance period through January 31, 2028; and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the agreement on behalf of the City. | | |
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ID 25-5
| 1 | 2.-P. | | Action Item | Approve the First Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement with Southwest Strategies LLC., to extend the agreement to December 31, 2026, and increase the contract amount by $128,693.00 to continue education and outreach services for organics and food waste recycling, for a revised total contract amount of $428,437.00. (Citywide) | | |
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ID 25-61
| 1 | 3.-A. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the City of Fresno Professional Employees Association, Inc., CFPEA for Unit 13
1. ***Adopt a successor Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Fresno and City of Fresno Professional Employees Association, Inc. (Exempt Supervisory and Professional and Non-Exempt Professional - Unit 13) (Subject to Mayor’s veto)
2. ***RESOLUTION: Adopt the Eleventh Amendment to FY 2025 Salary Resolution No. 2024-120, amending Exhibit 13-1, Exempt Supervisory and Professional, and Exhibit 13-2, Non-Exempt Professional, to provide a salary increase for respective classes as required by the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Fresno and City of Fresno Professional Employees Association, Inc. (Exempt Supervisory and Professional and Non-Exempt Professional - Unit 13) (Subject to Mayor’s veto) | | |
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ID 25-70
| 1 | 5.-A. | | Closed Session Item | CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - Government Code Section 54957.6
City Negotiators: Jennifer Misner; Sumeet Malhi
Employee Organization(s): 1. International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local 39); 2. Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA); 3. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Basic), Unit 4; 4. International Association of Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 5 (Fire Basic); 5. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1027 (ATU); 6. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 100 (IBEW); 7. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Management) Unit 10; 8. International Association of Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 10 (Fire Management); 9. City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA); 10. City of Fresno Management Employees Association (CFMEA); 11. Fresno Airports Public Safety Officers Association (FAPSOA) | | |
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ID 25-11
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2)
Significant Exposure to Litigation:
Josie Rodriguez v. City of Fresno, Risk File No. RM2022043424 (Police Department) | | |
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ID 25-17
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1):
City of Fresno v. United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation; US Court of Federal Claims 1:16-cv-01276 | | |
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ID 25-24
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)
Emmett’s Excavation, Inc. v. City of Fresno; Case Number: 22CECG01106 | | |
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