ID 24-857
| 1 | | | Action Item | Proclamation for “Carol Lewis Day” | PRESENTED | |
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ID 24-1188
| 1 | | | Action Item | Proclamation for "Indigenous Peoples’ Day” | PRESENTED | |
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ID 24-1249
| 1 | | | Action Item | Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month presented to Centro La Familia and Marjaree Mason Center | PRESENTED | |
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ID 24-1326
| 1 | | | Action Item | Proclamation of Code Enforcement Officer Appreciation Week | PRESENTED | |
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ID 24-1337
| 1 | | | Action Item | HEARING to adopt resolutions and ordinance to annex territory and Levy a Special Tax regarding City of Fresno Community Facilities District Number 9, Annexation Number 62: (Territory known as Assessor’s Parcel Number 444-092-40) (Located on the south side of East Clinton Avenue, west of North Blackstone Avenue) (Council District 7)
1. ***RESOLUTION - to Annex Territory to Community Facilities District No. 9 and Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax for Annexation No. 62; (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
2. ***RESOLUTION - Calling Special Mailed-Ballot Election; (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
3. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring Election Results; (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
4. ***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Levying a Special Tax for the Property Tax Year 2024-2025 and Future Tax Years Within and Relating to Community Facilities District No. 9, Annexation No. 62; (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-1221
| 1 | | | Action Item | HEARING to Consider an appeal regarding Tentative Parcel Map No. 2023-13 and related Environmental Assessment No. TPM 2023-13 for approximately 2.76 acres of property located on the northeast corner of North West and West Olive Avenues (Council District 3) - Planning and Development Department.
1. ADOPT an Environmental Assessment No. TPM-2023-13 dated February 6, 2024, a determination that the proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines through a Section 15315/Class 15 Categorical Exemption.
2. DENY the appeal and UPHOLD the action of the Planning and Development Department Director in the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 2023-13 authorizing the subdivision of approximately 2.67 acres of property into a two-lot subdivision, subject to the following:
a. Development shall take place in accordance with the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map No. 2023-13 dated July 3, 2024. | APPROVED AS AMENDED | Pass |
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ID 24-1336
| 1 | | | Action Item | HEARING to adopt resolutions and ordinance to annex territory and Levy a Special Tax regarding City of Fresno Community Facilities District Number 9, Annexation Number 59: (Final Parcel Map Number 2004-36) (East Belmont Avenue and North Laverne Avenue) (Council District 5)
1. ***RESOLUTION - to Annex Territory to Community Facilities District No. 9 and Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax for Annexation No. 59 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto);
2. ***RESOLUTION - Calling Special Mailed-Ballot Election (Subject to Mayor’s Veto);
3. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring Election Results (Subject to Mayor’s Veto);
4. ***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Levying a Special Tax for the Property Tax Year 2024-2025 and Future Tax Years Within and Relating to Community Facilities District No. 9, Annexation No. 59. (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
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ID 24-1306
| 1 | | | Action Item | HEARING to consider initiation of the Tower District Specific Plan update, pertaining to all properties located within the boundaries of the Tower District Specific Plan area of the Fresno General Plan.
1. RESOLUTION - Application No. P24-02869 initiating the Tower District Specific Plan Draft Land Use Map and Draft Specific Plan update
2. RESOLUTION - Application No. P24-02420 initiating preparation of the Tower Entertainment District Overlay
3. RESOLUTION - Application No. P24-02871 initiating preparation of the Tower District Specific Plan Objective Design Standards
4. Second contract amendment extending the Consultant Services Agreement with Wallace, Roberts and Todd (WRT) to June 30, 2025. | TABLED | Pass |
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ID 24-1176
| 1 | | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s FY24 Pathways to Removing obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) grant application:
1. HEARING to obtain public comments on the City’s Draft PRO Housing application; and
2. *** RESOLUTION - Authorizing the submission of a grant application and acceptance of funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s FY24 Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) grant to fund the development of affordable housing and authorizing the City Manager or designee to sign all necessary implementing documents (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
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ID 24-1325
| 1 | | | Action Item | Appearance by Carol Goiburn to discuss “Making Fresno a Nuclear Free Zone and 1985 Measure B Nuclear Free Zone Act” (District 4 Resident) | PRESENTED | |
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ID 24-1345
| 1 | | | Action Item | Appearance by Anna Rhinehart to discuss Operation Clean Up Schedule. (District 1 Resident) | PRESENTED | |
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ID 24-1351
| 1 | 2.-A. | | Action Item | Approval of the minutes for September 26, 2024, regular meeting | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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ID 24-1283
| 1 | 2.-B. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to California Tupman and Romain Park Improvements Project (Bid File No. 12500042) (Council Districts 3 and 7):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination, pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 and Section 15302/Class 2 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Environmental Assessment No. PC00326 and PC00319, for the California Tupman and Romain Park Improvements Project;
2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $434,056.02 to Geometric Construction Inc., of Fresno, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the California Tupman and Romain Park Improvements Project. | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1284
| 1 | 2.-C. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the South Peach Avenue Park Project (Bid File 12402799) (Council District 5):
1. Adopt an Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration SCH 2021040358, dated April 12, 2021, prepared for Development Permit Application No. P21-00726 pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15164;
2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $9,653,846.35 for the Base Bid plus all six (6) Add Alternates to American Paving Co. of Fresno, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the South Peach Avenue Park Project. | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1299
| 1 | 2.-D. | | Action Item | Award a construction contract in the amount of $449,289 to Harris Development Corp. dba HBC Enterprises, of Clovis, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Cary Bleacher and ADA Improvements Project. (Bid File No. 12500111) (Council District 4) | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1304
| 1 | 2.-E. | | Action Item | Approve the First Amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Michael K. Nunley & Associates, Inc., of Fresno, California, in the amount of $12,710, increasing the total contract amount to $624,379, with a remaining contingency amount not to exceed $6,647, due to an increased scope of services for the construction document phase of the Southwest Recycled Water System Storage Tank and Booster Pump Station Project (Fresno County). | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1314
| 1 | 2.-G. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Knight Avenue Improvements Project between Jensen Avenue and Grove Avenue (Bid File No. 12500187) (Council District 3):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines;
2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $567,905 to Avison Construction, Inc. of Madera, California. | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1057
| 1 | 2.-H. | | Action Item | Actions related to updating water conservation measures and the City’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan (Citywide):
1. Adopt a finding that the proposed updates to the City’s water conservation measures are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the common sense exemption in that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility the proposed changes will have a significant effect on the environment pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines;
2. BILL (for introduction) - Amending Subsection (vv) of Section 6-501, Subsections (a) and (e) of Section 6-520, and Section 6-522 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to regulations for urban water conservation and water efficient landscape standards;
3. ***RESOLUTION - Amending the Water Shortage Contingency Plan (Subject to Mayor’s Veto);
4. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 571st Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to update water rate penalties relating to conditions of service work in the Public Utilities Section (Subject to Mayor’s | TABLED | |
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ID 24-1308
| 1 | 2.-I. | | Action Item | Approve the award of a service contract to REMIX of San Francisco, California, for cloud-based transit planning software for a total not to exceed $197,000 over five years plus two optional one-year extensions. (Bid File 12402788) | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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ID 24-1273
| 1 | 2.-J. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 16th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2024-122 to appropriate $296,000 from the State of California’s Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to the Parks, After School, Recreation, and Community Services (PARCS) Department for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety programming (Citywide) (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1356
| 1 | 2.-K. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the California Volunteers Youth Service Corps Program Grant
1. Accept the California Volunteers Youth Service Corps Program Grant and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all grant related documents.
2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 18th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2024-122 appropriating $1,080,902.56 for the OneFresno Youth Jobs Corps Program (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-559
| 1 | 2.-L. | | Action Item | Approve an Agreement with Community Health Improvement Partners to administer an Independent Living Home - Rapid Rehousing program (ILA-RR) in the total amount of $2,882,282.63 using Encampment Resolution Funding (ERF-3R). | TABLED | |
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ID 24-819
| 1 | 2.-M. | | Action Item | Approve First Amendment to the Service Agreement with Poverello House for professional emergency shelter, bridge housing, street outreach, and navigation services for individuals experiencing homelessness in two State encampment areas extending the contract term to July 30, 2025, and increasing funding by $2,001,280.00 in Encampment Resolution Funding-Round 3 (ERF-3R) grant for a total program award of $11,781,605.71. | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1094
| 1 | 2.-N. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the 2022 Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant
1. Approve the consultant services agreement between the City of Fresno and Stantec Consulting Services Inc., in the amount of $101,750 to perform environmental consultant services for Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant activities with a contract performance period to January 31, 2027
2. Authorize the Planning and Development Director to accept $1,000,000 in total grant funding for the Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund grant and execute all related documents applicable to the 2022 Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1338
| 1 | 2.-O. | | Action Item | RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Submission of a Grant Application for Competitive Grant Funds to the California Transportation Commission’s Local Partnership Competitive Program for the BNSF Blackstone McKinley Grade Separation Project Totaling up to $25 Million in Request for Funding; and Authorizing the Execution of Grant Application and Grant Agreement documents by the Public Works Director or Designee. (Council Districts 1 and 7) | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-1366
| 1 | 2.-P. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to Resolution of Intention Number 1155-D to vacate portions of excess public street right of way on the northeast side of North Weber Avenue and the southeast side of West Farrington Avenue, northwest of West Herndon Avenue (Council District 2):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Environmental Assessment for Planned Development & Development Permit Application No. P22-00207;
2. RESOLUTION - Adopt the attached Resolution of Intention Number 1155-D to vacate portions of excess public street right of way on the northeast side of North Weber Avenue and the southeast side of West Farrington Avenue, northwest of West Herndon Avenue;
3. Set the required public hearing at 9:30 a.m. on October 31, 2024. | TABLED | |
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ID 24-1202
| 1 | 2.-Q. | | Action Item | Approve the reappointment of Sarah Harris to the Fresno County Transportation Authority with a term ending October, 10, 2026. | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-1371
| 1 | 2.-R. | | Action Item | Bill - (For Introduction) - Amending 11-115 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to the adoption of rules and regulations restricting vehicular or pedestrian traffic through alleys. | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1279
| 1 | 2.-S. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Repealing and Restating Resolution 2022-086 Establishing the City of Fresno Tree Policy (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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ID 24-1278
| 1 | 2.-T. | | Action Item | Bill - (For Introduction) - Amending Section 13-305 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to Tree Preservation | APPROVED ON CONSENT CALENDAR | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1312
| 1 | 2.-F. | | Action Item | Reject the bid for the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Project. (Bid File No. 12402193-1) (Council District 2, 4, and 6) | APPROVED | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-1352
| 1 | 3.-A. | | Action Item | Progress of Code Enforcement, including ASET Quarterly report. | | |
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ID 24-1327
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)
John Rose v. City of Fresno; Fresno Superior Court Case No. 21CECG03763 | DISCUSSED | |
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ID 24-1328
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2)
Significant Exposure to Litigation:
Edward Cruz & Jennyfer Pena v. City of Fresno, Risk File No. RM2023045072 (Public Works Department) | DISCUSSED | |
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ID 24-1342
| 1 | 5.-C. | | Action Item | CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: 1 potential case | DISCUSSED | |
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ID 24-1362
| 1 | 5.-D. | | Closed Session Item | CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - Government Code Section 54957.6
City Negotiators: Jennifer Misner; Sumeet Malhi
Employee Organization(s): 1. International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local 39); 2. Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA); 3. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Basic), Unit 4; 4. International Association of Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 5 (Fire Basic); 5. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1027 (ATU); 6. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 100 (IBEW); 7. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Management) Unit 10; 8. International Association of Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 10 (Fire Management); 9. City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA); 10. City of Fresno Management Employees Association (CFMEA); 11. Fresno Airports Public Safety Officers Association (FAPSOA) | DISCUSSED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-1374
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)
City of Fresno v. County of Fresno; Fresno Superior Court Case No.: 24CECG01199 | DISCUSSED | |
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ID 24-1349
1. Government Code Section 54957(b): consider the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, discipline, or dismissal of a public employee. Title: City Attorney
2. Government Code Section 54957.6: conference with labor negotiator. City Negotiator: Council President Annalisa Perea. Unrepresented Employee: City Attorney | DISCUSSED | |
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