ID 22-623
| 1 | | | Ceremonial Item | Proclamation for “A Day of Remembrance of the Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide” | PRESENTED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-509
| 1 | | | Ceremonial Item | Proclamation for “National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (April 24th- April 30th, 2022)” | PRESENTED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-530
| 1 | | | Ceremonial Item | Proclamation for “John Walker Day” | PRESENTED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-604
| 1 | | | Ceremonial Item | Proclamation for “Essential Workers Day” | PRESENTED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-618
| 1 | | | Ceremonial Item | Proclamation for “Sexual Assault Awareness Month” | PRESENTED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-523
| 1 | 1.-A. | | Action Item | Approval of the Minutes for the March 24, 2022, Regular City Council Meeting, the April 7, 2022, Special City Council Meeting, and the April 11, 2022 Special Closed Session City Council Meeting. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-518
| 1 | 1.-B. | | Action Item | Cancel Construction Contract between the City of Fresno and Steve Dovali Construction, Inc., in the amount of $450,260 for construction of well site improvements at Pump Station 156, located at 4069 West Kadota Avenue (Bid File 3648) (Council District 2) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-539
| 1 | 1.-C. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to professional consulting services for Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) compliance planning:
1. Affirm City Manager’s determination that Stearns, Conrad, and Schmidt Consulting Engineers (SCS Engineers, Inc.) is uniquely qualified
2. Approve the First Amendment to the consultant services agreement with SCS Engineers, Inc., to expand the scope of services and increase the original contract amount of $49,600 by $34,940 for a total amended contract amount of $84,540, for professional consulting services for SB 1383 compliance planning. (Citywide) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-547
| 1 | 1.-D. | | Action Item | Approve the First Amendment to the consultant services agreement with Blair, Church & Flynn Consulting Engineers, Inc., to expand the scope of services and increase the original contract amount of $220,150 by $34,400, for a total amended amount of $254,550, for the design of plans and general construction contract documents for North Avenue 66-inch Sewer Trunk Main (Council District 3 and County of Fresno). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-557
| 1 | 1.-E. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to Sewer Rehabilitation in the area bound by Blackstone, Maroa, McKinley, and Clinton Avenues (Bid File 3836) (Council Districts 1 and 7):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 1, Sections 15301(b)&(d) (Existing Facilities) and Class 2, Section 15302(c) (Replacement or Reconstruction) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines
2. Award a construction contract to Emmett’s Excavation, Inc., in the amount of $1,578,078 | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-564
| 1 | 1.-F. | | Action Item | Award a consultant services agreement to Blair, Church and Flynn Consulting Engineers, Inc., to provide engineering, bidding and construction support services for the sewer rehabilitation in the area bound by Shields, Fruit, Dakota and Palm Avenues for an amount not exceed $251,460, inclusive of a $22,860 contingency (Council District 1) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-567
| 1 | 1.-G. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Department of Public Utilities Operations & Maintenance Facility (Bid File 10082)(Council District 3)
1. Reject all proposals for the Building Renovations, Site Improvements, and Master Planning Services for the Department of Public Utilities Operations & Maintenance Facility.
2. Approve a consultant services agreement with Blair, Church and Flynn Consulting Engineers Inc., in the amount of $210,860, inclusive of a $20,000 contingency, for design services. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-568
| 1 | 1.-H. | | Action Item | Approve a Cooperative Purchase Agreement with TK Elevator Corporation, in the amount of $160,258, to modernize the passenger elevator at the Department of Public Utilities Operations and Maintenance Facility located at 1625 G Street (Council District 3). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-503
| 1 | 1.-I. | | Action Item | Reject all bids for a two-year Requirements Contract, with options for three one-year extensions for the purchase of Solar Real Time Digital Displays for bus stops as no responsive bids were received (Bid File 9589) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-525
| 1 | 1.-J. | | Action Item | Award a professional service contract for physical inventory services to Bureau Veritas for a sum of $98,080.48 (RFP File 10090) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-535
| 1 | 1.-K. | | Action Item | RESOLUTION - Authorizing submission of funding requests to the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program for bus service operating support and maintenance facility improvements, execution of grant award documents if awarded, and execution of related Certifications & Assurances and Authorized Agent Forms | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-526
| 1 | 1.-L. | | Action Item | Approve the award of a purchase contract to Haaker Equipment Company Inc. of La Verne, California for the purchase of one Vactor sewer cleaning truck in the amount of $579,593 for the Department of Public Works | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-544
| 1 | 1.-M. | | Action Item | Actions related to the award of a consulting services agreement with The LeFlore Group, LLC, of Whittier, California, not to exceed the amount of $269,360
1. Affirm the City Manager’s determination that the LeFlore Group, LLC is uniquely qualified to provide technical expert services to the Department of Transportation
2. Approve the Consultant Services Utilizing the California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) to Establish a 3-year Contract with the LeFlore Group, LLC, Not to Exceed $269,360 to Provide Technical Expert Services for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funded activities | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-529
| 1 | 1.-N. | | Action Item | Approve a one (1) year extension option to the existing agreement with the County of Fresno for County Aid Dispatch services. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-522
| 1 | 1.-O. | | Action Item | Approve Amendment No. 4 to the Rimini Street, Inc. Services Agreement decreasing the application support for its PeopleSoft and Human Capital Management systems fees by $98,166 due to the implementation of Tyler Munis Financials for an annual total support fee in FY22 of $344,451.00. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-497
| 1 | 1.-P. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to Public Safety Radio signal strength improvement.
1. ***RESOLUTION: Adopt the 57th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No 2021-178 appropriating $250,000 from the Information Services Department (ISD) FY22 carryover (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto); and
2. Affirm the City Manger’s determination that Crown Castle is uniquely qualified to perform the services that establish a presence on their tower; and
3. Authorize the Chief Information Officer (CIO) to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle in the amount of $232,444 for the implementation fees for radio equipment to establish a new signal presence for radio improvement; and
4. Authorize the Chief Information Officer to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle for monthly rent in the amount of $4,750 per month to attach radio equipment on the tower. | TABLED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-533
| 1 | 1.-Q. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to Commercial Cannabis Activity:
1. ***BILL- (For introduction) Amending Section 9-3307 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to the location of retail cannabis businesses (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-527
| 1 | 1.-R. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the City’s Participation in a Multijurisdictional Housing Element Update process:
***RESOLUTION - to Participate in the Fresno County Multijurisdictional Housing Element Update and Cost Sharing Agreement (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-569
| 1 | 1.-T. | | Action Item | Approve a $110,000 Community Development Block Grant Agreement with Habitat for Humanity Fresno County, Inc., for acquisition, closing costs, and a Fresno Irrigation District Fee related to the new construction of two affordable single-family houses to be located on the west side of N. Barcus Avenue between W. Rialto Avenue and W. San Gabriel Avenue in northwest Fresno (District 1) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-543
| 1 | 1.-V. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing a grant application to the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) for funding under the Family Homelessness Challenge Grant for accelerating efforts by local jurisdictions and continuums of care to address and end family homelessness by making families’ experiences of homelessness rare, brief, and one-time and authorizing the City Manager to sign all required implementing documents (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | TABLED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-572
| 1 | 1.-W. | | Action Item | RESOLUTION - Approving an Amendment to the Five-Year Plan to the California Housing and Community Development Department application for funding from the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) for the development of affordable multifamily and single-family housing, owner occupied home rehabilitation, and down payment assistance to benefit low-and moderate-income persons and authorizing the city manager to sign all necessary implementing documents. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-502
| 1 | 1.-X. | | Action Item | Authorize the Chief of Police to execute an agreement with Benchmark Analytics in the amount of approximately $386,250, over a 3 year period, for employee management software. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-528
| 1 | 1.-Y. | | Action Item | Award a Requirements Contract for property board up services in the amount of $25,650.00 for a three-year contract with an option for two one-year extensions to Beam and Company, Inc of Fresno CA, Bid File No. 9610. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-204
| 1 | 1.-Z. | | Action Item | Award a requirements contract to Pavement Coatings Co. in the amount of $4,285,800.00 per year to furnish and install slurry seal on various streets (Bid File 9622). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-446
| 1 | 1.-AA. | | Action Item | RESOLUTION- Adopting the Travel by Trail, Fresno! Trail Network Wayfinding, Promotion and Connectivity Plan | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-540
| 1 | 1.-BB. | | Action Item | Approval of an agreement between Integrated Designs by SOMAM, Inc., of Fresno, CA in the amount of $87,000 plus a contingency of $12,000 for the design and preparation of construction documents for the Maxie L. Parks Community Center HVAC Upgrade Project (Council District 3) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-536
| 1 | 1.-CC. | | Action Item | RESOLUTION - Approving the Final Map of Tract No. 6318, Phase 2 of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6241, and accepting dedicated public uses offered therein except for dedications offered subject to City acceptance of developer installed required improvements - located on the West side of North Armstrong Avenue, South of East Clinton Avenue (Council District 7) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-537
| 1 | 1.-DD. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 59th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2021-178 to appropriate $115,800 for the Downtown Fresno Neighborhood Beautification and Cleanup Project (Council Districts 3 & 7) (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-538
| 1 | 1.-EE. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the First Street Cycle Track, Hazelwood Boulevard to Tulare Street - Bid File 3805 (Council Districts 3, 5, and 7)
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines
2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $899,025 to Bush Engineering, Inc. of Fresno, California | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-570
| 1 | 1.-FF. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 16th Amendment to FY 2022 Salary Resolution No. 2021-176, amending Section 9, subsection 1.b; Exhibit 2, Non-Represented Management and Confidential Classes; Exhibit 3, Unit 3 - Non Supervisory White Collar (FCEA); Exhibit 7, Unit 7 - Non-Supervisory Groups and Crafts (IBEW); Exhibit 13-1, Unit 13 - Exempt Supervisory and Professional (CFPEA); and Exhibit 13-2, Unit 13 - Non-Exempt Professional (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-545
| 1 | 1.-GG. | | Action Item | Adopt Restatement of the City of Fresno Deferred Compensation Plan Document | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-521
| 1 | 1.-HH. | | Action Item | ***BILL No. 4 (Re-intro’d 3/24/2022) (For Adoption) - Amending Section 12-4.1603 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to fee waiver program for certain residential infill projects (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-633
| 1 | 1.-JJ. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the City of Fresno Tree Policy (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-597
| 1 | 1.-KK. | | Action Item | Approve a requirements contract to Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission, in an amount not to exceed $89,118.26 per year for Property Maintenance and Year-Round Weed Control services. | ADOPTED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-548
| 1 | 1.-S. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to homeless services agreements provided under the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program:
1. Approve a Third Amendment with Turning Point of California, Inc., to increase funding by $346,080 for triage center security services at the Golden State Triage for a total award of $4,858,776.19
2. Approve a Second Amendment with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., to increase funding by $224,448 for triage center security services at the Journey Home Triage Center for a total award of $724,448.
3. Approve an Agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., for triage center security services at the Step-up Triage Center in the amount of $224,448.
4. Approve an Agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., for triage center security services at the Sun Lodge Triage Center in the amount of $80,640. | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-467
| 1 | 1.-U. | | Action Item | BILL - (For introduction) - Amending Article 22 of Chapter 12 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to At-Risk Development. | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-612
| 1 | 1.-II. | | Action Item | Resolution amending the Council Communication Policy. | ADOPTED AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-613
| 1 | 1.-LL. | | Action Item | Actions Pertaining to the Acquisition of property at 1247 North Wishon (APN 451-265-02) and 777 East Olive Avenue (APN 451-265-03)
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for the project.
2. Approve a Resolution Establishing a Policy for the Preservation and Use of the Tower Theatre Property and Authorizing Purchase of the Tower Theatre Property.
3. Approve a Joint Litigation, Defense, and Indemnity Agreement by and between the City of Fresno, the Tower Theatre Entities and Sequoia Brewery
4. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions by and between City of Fresno, Tower Theater Productions, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, and Tower Theatre Productions for the Performing Arts for real property at 1247 North Wishon (APN 451-265-02) and 777 East Olive Avenue (APN 451-265-03) for $6,500,000.
5. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions by and between City of Fresno and J&A Mash & Barrell, LLC., and Fi | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-541
| 1 | | | Action Item | HEARING to adopt resolutions and ordinance to annex territory and levy a special tax regarding CITY OF FRESNO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 9, Annexation No. 55 (Assessor’s Parcel Number 330-021-40) (Northpointe Drive south of Fortune Ave) (Council District 3)
1. ***RESOLUTION - to Annex Territory to Community Facilities District No. 9 and Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax for Annexation No. 55 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
2. ***RESOLUTION - Calling Special Mailed-Ballot Election (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
3. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring Election Results (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
4. ***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Levying a Special Tax for the Property Tax Year 2021-2022 and Future Tax Years Within and Relating to Community Facilities District No. 9, Annexation No. 55 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-542
| 1 | | | Action Item | HEARING to consider the vacation of the most northerly corner cut-off of M street and Inyo Street (Council District 3)
1. ***RESOLUTION - Ordering the vacation of the most northerly corner cut-off of M Street and Inyo Street (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-464
| 1 | 3.-A. | | Action Item | WORKSHOP- Presentation of the Annual Report of the Downtown Fresno Partnership | TABLED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-584
| 1 | 3.-B. | | Action Item | WORKSHOP - Animal Center Presentation | PRESENTED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-601
| 1 | 3.-C. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to COVID-19 emergency:
1. WORKSHOP - Discussion of Emergency Order (EO) 2021-02 (Modified COVID-19 Emergency Order); EO 2020-09 (Employee COVID-19 Self-Screening); EO 2020-10 (Employee Leave Pay); EO 2020-15 (Telework by City Employees) | PRESENTED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-559
| 1 | 5.-A. | | Closed Session Item | CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code 54956.9(d)(1); Existing Litigation: J & A Mash & Barrel, LLC. v. Superior Court of Fresno County. | DISCUSSED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-560
| 1 | 5.-B. | | Closed Session Item | CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54956.8; Property: 809 E Olive Ave; Negotiating Parties: City Manager, Lawrence Abbate; Under Negotiation: Terms and Conditions of Property Acquisition. | DISCUSSED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-578
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)
City of Fresno v. Bassam Mohammad Khai Ali Hamad, Fresno Superior Court Case No. 21CECG02487 | DISCUSSED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-620
| 1 | 5.-D. | | Closed Session Item | CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - Government Code Section 54957.6
City Negotiator: TJ Miller
Employee Organizations: 1. International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local 39); 2. Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA); 3. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Basic); 4. International Association of Firefighters, Local 753, Unit 5 (Fire Basic); 5. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1027 (ATU); 6. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 100 (IBEW); 7. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Management); 8. International Association of Firefighters, Local 753, Unit 10 (Fire Management); 9. City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA); 10. City of Fresno Management Employees Association (CFMEA); 11. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3, Fresno Airport Public Safety Supervisors (FAPSS); 12. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3, Fresno Airport Public Safety Officers (FAPSO). | DISCUSSED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 22-631
| 1 | 5.-E. | Closed Session | Closed Session Item | PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
1. Government Code Section 54957(b): consider the appointment, employment, evaluation of
performance, discipline, or dismissal of a public employee.
Title: City Attorney
2. Government Code Section 54957.6: conference with labor negotiator.
City Negotiator: Council President Nelson Esparza
Unrepresented Employee: City Attorney | DISCUSSED | |
Action details
Not available