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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/14/2019 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID19-11465 1  Action ItemApproval of Minutes for November 7, 2019.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11268 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of “World Prematurity Day”   Action details Not available
ID19-11269 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of Sikh Awareness & Appreciation Day”   Action details Not available
ID19-11458 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of “KMY Prosthetic & Orthotic, Inc. Day”   Action details Not available
ID19-11267 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of “Denise Soria Day”   Action details Not available
ID19-11525 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation honoring Malcolm & LaVerne Masten as they celebrate their 100th birthdays   Action details Not available
ID19-11270 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of “National Alzheimers & Caregivers Day”   Action details Not available
ID19-11390 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of “Marc Castro Day”   Action details Not available
ID19-11482 11-A Action ItemActions pertaining to Fire and Life Safety Regulations in the Fresno Municipal Code: 1. Adopt the finding that this project is not subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061(b)(3) as the adoption of the 2019 California Fire Code or amendments will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment 2. RESOLUTION - Making and Adopting Express Findings that Modifications or Changes to the 2019 California Fire Code Are Reasonably Necessary Because of Local Climatic, Geological, or Topographical Conditions 3. BILL - (For Introduction) - Repealing and Adding Fire and Life Safety Regulations in the Fresno Municipal Code   Action details Not available
ID19-11509 11-B Action ItemReject all bids for the Herndon Avenue Corridor Pedestrian Signalization Upgrade - Bid File No. 3683 (Council Districts 2 and 6)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-11510 11-C Action ItemReject all bids for the Shaw Avenue Corridor Pedestrian Signalization Upgrade - Bid File No. 3683 (Council Districts 1, 2 and 4)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-11513 11-D Action ItemActions pertaining to Resolution of Intent Number 1134-D to vacate a portion of South Golden State Boulevard, south of San Benito Street, between G Street and F Street (Council District 3) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption Number PW12454 per staffs determination, pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1, Section 15302/Class 2, and Section 15305/Class 5 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. Adopt Resolution of Intent Number 1134-D to vacate a portion of South Golden State Boulevard, south of San Benito Street, between G Street and F Streetapproved  Action details Not available
ID19-11514 11-E Action ItemApprove the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of a Permanent Street Easement and Escrow Instructions for the acquisition of a 1,430 square foot permanent easement from a portion of 3897 N. Polk Avenue, Fresno (APN: 511-011-10), located on the west side of North Polk Avenue, between West Ashlan Avenue and West Dakota Avenue, owned by Michael J. Berube and Cynthia L. Berube, Trustees of the Declaration of Trust of Michael J. Berube and Cynthia L. Berube established January 24, 2005, for $38,800 in monetary compensation, and authorize the Public Works Director or his designee to sign all documents necessary to complete the subject acquisition (Council District 1)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-11515 11-F Action ItemApprove the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of a Permanent Street Easement and Escrow Instructions for the acquisition of a 1,430 square foot permanent easement from a portion of 3793 N. Polk Avenue, Fresno (APN: 511-011-15), located on the west side of North Polk Avenue, between West Ashlan Avenue and West Dakota Avenue, owned by DNAssociates, a California Corporation for $37,500 in monetary compensation, and authorize the Public Works Director or his designee to sign all documents necessary to complete the subject acquisition (Council District 1)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-11489 11-G Action ItemActions pertaining to the dedication of a portion of City-owned property for the purpose of a Public Street easement, to accommodate the construction of North Willow Avenue between East Copper Avenue and East International Avenue (Council District 6) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section 15301, Section 15302, and Section 15304 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Environmental Impact Report No 10126 2. RESOLUTION - Dedicating a portion of a City-owned property for the purpose of constructing public street improvements for Willow Avenue between East Copper Avenue and East International Avenueadopted  Action details Not available
ID19-11524 11-H Action ItemRESOLUTION - Of Intention to Annex Assessor’s Parcel Number 509-040-03 and 509-040-04 as Annexation No. 42 to the City of Fresno Community Facilities District No. 9 and to Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes; and setting the public hearing for December 12, 2019, at 10:10 am (northwest corner of the intersection West Jennifer and West Jacquelyn Avenues) (Council District 2)adopted  Action details Not available
ID19-11561 11-I ResolutionRESOLUTION - Approving the Final Map of Tract No. 6191 and accepting dedicated public uses offered therein except for dedications offered subject to City acceptance of developer installed required improvements - East Fancher Creek Drive, West of North Armstrong Avenue (Council District 5)adopted  Action details Not available
ID19-11564 11-J ResolutionRESOLUTION - Authorizing the Application for Funding from the Urban Forestry Grant Program Entitled “Urban and Community Forestry Program” as Provided Through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (Citywide)adopted  Action details Not available
ID19-11517 11-K OrdinanceActions related to amending the Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business Ordinance: 1. Adopt a finding that there is no possibility that this approval will have a significant effect on the environment pursuant to the common sense exemption set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3); and 2. BILL - (For re-introduction) - Amending sections 9- 3307, 9-3308, 9-3309, 9-3310, 9-3311, 9-3312, 9-3313, 9-3314, 9-3316, 9-3317, 9-3318, 9-3319, 9- 3321, 9-3328, 9-3335, and 9-3337 of the Fresno Municipal Code related to Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business.   Action details Not available
ID19-11553 11-L Ordinance***BILL NO. B-45 (Intro. 11/7/2019) (For adoption) - Adding Section 2-804 to the Fresno Municipal Code relating to Planning Commission composition (Subject to Mayor’s veto)continued  Action details Not available
ID19-11552 11-M OrdinanceAction relating to repealing and adding Building Regulations in the Fresno Municipal Code: 1. ***BILL NO. B-41- (Intro. 11/7/2019) (For adoption) - Adopting express findings related to local climatic, topographical and geological conditions that make the City’s amendments to the California Mechanical Code and California Plumbing Code reasonably necessary and repealing Sections 11-101 through Section 11-109 of Article1, Chapter 11 of the Fresno Municipal Code and adding Sections 11-101 through Section 11-109 of Article1, of Chapter 11 to adopt and amend the California Building, Residential, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy and Green Building Standards Codes. (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adopted  Action details Not available
ID19-11531 21-N Action ItemApprove the award of a three-year purchase contract to Robert Burgess, dba Burgess Innovation Management for the purchase of Adobe Enterprise Licenses in the amount of $187,904 (Bid File No. 9523)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-11532 11-O AppointmentApprove the appointment of Edgar Blunt to the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Boardapproved  Action details Not available
ID19-11311 13-A Discussion ItemActions pertaining to the 2017 Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant and Transform Fresno Plan project regarding the Clean Shared Mobility Network: 1. Adopt a Class 3 Categorical Exemption under Section 15303(e) of the State of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. Approve Sub-Recipient Agreement A with the Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce for the Clean Shared Mobility Network totaling $137,757.66 3. Approve Sub-Recipient Agreement B with the Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce for the Clean Shared Mobility Network totaling $7,579,256.55 4. ***RESOLUTION - 17th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2019-133 appropriating $7,717,000 for the TCC grant (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto).adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11519 13-C Action ItemActions pertaining to the Capital Improvement Projects within the City of Fresno street right of way (All Council Districts) 1. Approve agreement in the amount of $575,000 with Moore Twining & Associates, Inc. for materials testing and acceptance services 2. Approve agreement in the amount of $575,000 with Salem Engineering Group Inc. for materials testing and acceptance services 3. Approve agreement in the amount of $575,000 with Krazan & Associates, Inc. for materials testing and acceptance services 4. Approve agreement in the amount of $70,000 with Technicon Engineering Services, Inc. for independent assurance testing 5. Authorize the Public Works Director or designee to execute the agreements on behalf of the CityapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11565 13-D Action ItemActions pertaining to the City Hall and Municipal Services Center (MSC) energy savings and sustainability capital improvement projects: (Council District 3) 1. Adopt findings of Categorical Exemptions pursuant to Sections 15301(c), 15301(d), and 15301(e) of the California Environmental quality Action Guidelines 2. Approve a design build agreement with Alliance Building Solutions, Inc., in the amount of $5,555,258 for an Energy Efficiency Program and equipment, including but not limited to efficient lighting, air-conditioning and control and monitoring systems, roof replacement, elastomeric coating, and solar panels for implementation of certain energy related and sustainability services 3. Approve a Solar Power Purchase Agreement with Fresno Street Solar Project 2019, LLC., for City Hall 4. Approve a Solar Power Purchase Agreement with El Dorado Street Solar Project 2019, LLC., for the MSC 5. Approve a Solar Energy System Lease Agreement with Fresno Street Solar Project 2019, LLC., 6. Approve a Solar Energy System Lease Agreement with El Dorado Street Solar Project 2019, LLC.,approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11556 1  ResolutionRESOLUTION - Initiating a comprehensive update to the Fresno General Plan to allow for future adoption of a Fresno General Plan consistent with Alternative D; Initiating the amendment of the Woodward Park Community Plan; the Bullard Community Plan (which includes the Pinedale Neighborhood Plan and the Sierra Sky Park Land Use Policy Plan); the Hoover Community Plan (which includes the El Dorado Park Neighborhood Plan); the West Area Community Plan; the Fresno High-Roeding Community Plan; the McLane Community Plan; the Downtown Neighborhoods Community Plan; the Edison Community Plan; the Roosevelt Community Plan; the Butler-Willow Specific Plan; the Fresno-Chandler Downtown Airport Master Plan; the Fresno Yosemite International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan; the Fulton Corridor Specific Plan; the Highway City Neighborhood Plan; the North Avenue Industrial Triangle; the Southwest Fresno Specific Plan; the Tower District Specific Plan; and the Yosemite School Area Specific Plan pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code Section 15-4902-Bcontinued  Action details Not available
ID19-11536 1  Action ItemRESOLUTION - Of the City of Fresno Approving a Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement between the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno and the City of Fresno in its Capacity as Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno Sponsor: The City in its capacity as Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of FresnoadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11530 13-E Action ItemActions pertaining to the new Fire Station No. 18 project: 1. ***RESOLUTION - 15th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2019-133, appropriating $3,419,600 to fund the new Fire Station No. 18 project which includes $1,019,600 through defunded Urban Growth Management (UGM) appropriations as a funding source (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto) 2. Adopt finding of a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15332/Class 32 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 3. Approve Inter-fund Loan Agreements from the UGM Area-wide Oversize sewer fund and the UGM Wellhead Treatment Area 101S fund, for the new Fire Station No. 18, pursuant to Article VI of the City of Fresno Reserve Management Act and Article IV of the Taxpayer Protection Act, providing for a cumulative $3,857,700 loan 4. Award a construction contract with Klassen Corporation of Bakersfield, CA, for $6,260,000 (Bid File 3655) (District 1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11544 1  ResolutionRESOLUTION - Designating positions which shall be subject to the Conflict of Interest Code and defining categories of disclosure for such positions. (Council and Agency action)approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11562 14-B Resolution***RESOLUTION - In support of construction of a senior centerapproved as amendedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11446 13-B Action ItemWORKSHOP - Options for Improving Services in City of Fresno Landscape and Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 (LLMD)presented  Action details Not available
ID19-11554 1  Ordinance***BILL-44 (Intro. 11/7/2019) (For adoption) - Adding Section 2-319 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to confidentiality of closed session attorney-client privileged communications. (Subject to Mayor’s veto)approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11527 14-A Action ItemActions pertaining to the South Industrial Priority Area (SIPA): 1. Approve a First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Ascent Environmental, Inc., regarding land use, planning, and environmental services for the South Industrial Priority Area (SIPA). (Council District 3) 2. ***RESOLUTION - In support of community engagement in the South Industrial Priority Area Specific Plan (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11482 11-A Action ItemActions pertaining to Fire and Life Safety Regulations in the Fresno Municipal Code: 1. Adopt the finding that this project is not subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061(b)(3) as the adoption of the 2019 California Fire Code or amendments will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment 2. RESOLUTION - Making and Adopting Express Findings that Modifications or Changes to the 2019 California Fire Code Are Reasonably Necessary Because of Local Climatic, Geological, or Topographical Conditions 3. BILL - (For Introduction) - Repealing and Adding Fire and Life Safety Regulations in the Fresno Municipal CodeadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-11517 11-K OrdinanceActions related to amending the Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business Ordinance: 1. Adopt a finding that there is no possibility that this approval will have a significant effect on the environment pursuant to the common sense exemption set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3); and 2. BILL - (For re-introduction) - Amending sections 9- 3307, 9-3308, 9-3309, 9-3310, 9-3311, 9-3312, 9-3313, 9-3314, 9-3316, 9-3317, 9-3318, 9-3319, 9- 3321, 9-3328, 9-3335, and 9-3337 of the Fresno Municipal Code related to Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business.approvedPass Action details Not available