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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 12/12/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID 24-1631 1  Action ItemProclamation for 75th Anniversary of Big Red Church   Not available Not available
ID 24-1472 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation “Honoring Diana Gomez”   Not available Not available
ID 24-1645 1  Action ItemApprove First Amendment to the First Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement between the City of Fresno in its capacity as Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno and Self-Help Enterprises regarding the affordable single family home development at the Southwest corner of Florence and Walnut and the Northwest corner of Florence and Plumas Avenues.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1626 1  Action ItemHearing to consider Plan Amendment Application No. P24-04066, filed by the Planning and Development Director, to amend the text of Chapter 11 of the Fresno General Plan by replacing the current Fresno Housing Element (2015-2023) with an updated Fresno Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element (Fresno Housing Element, 2023-2031). The Housing Element is a State-mandated plan for meeting the City’s housing needs, including housing affordable to low- and moderate-income households and special needs populations. The Fresno Housing Element is applicable within the Fresno city limits and would apply to all lands annexed into the City of Fresno. 1. FINDING that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines pursuant to the commonsense exemption set forth in Section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that adoption of the Fresno Housing Element (2023-2031) has no possibility of causing a significant effect on the environment. 2. RESOLUTION - adopting Plan Amendment Application No. P24-04066, amending the text of Chapter 11 of   Not available Not available
ID 24-1600 1  Action ItemActions pertaining to the acquisition of fee title interest of a parcel to benefit the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project: (Council Districts 1 and 7) 1. HEARING to consider a Resolution of Necessity for acquisition of fee title interest for rights of way for public street purposes of Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 451-071-25 and 451-071-38, owned by Rocking Rail, LLC, a California limited liability company, for the construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project; 2. ***RESOLUTION - Determining that public interest and necessity require acquisition of fee interest for rights of way for public street purposes of Assessor’s Parcels Numbers 451-071-25 and 451-071-38, owned by Rocking Rail, LLC, a California limited liability company, for the construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project and authorizing eminent domain proceedings for public use and purpose. (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1653 1  Action ItemHEARING to consider Conditional Use Permit Application No. P21-06064, (Council District 1) - Planning & Development. 1. DENY the appeal and UPHOLD the action of the Planning Commission to deny Conditional Use Permit Application No. P21-06064 requesting authorization to establish a State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 20 alcohol license (Off-Sale beer and wine) for a proposed Arco AM/PM combination automobile service station and convenience store.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1604 1  Action ItemHEARING to obtain public comments regarding community needs for consideration in the development of the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, 2025-2026 Annual Action Plan, Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, and Citizen Participation Plan.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1559 12.-A. Action Item***RESOLUTION - Declaring the results of the Presidential General Election held within the City of Fresno on November 5, 2024. (Subject to Mayor’s veto)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1585 12.-B. Action ItemRESOLUTION - Amending certain designated positions which shall be subject to the Conflict of Interest Code and defining categories of disclosures for such positions   Not available Not available
ID 24-1650 12.-C. Action ItemApproval of City Council Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2025.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1665 12.-D. Action Item***RESOLUTION - Declaring a Vacancy in the Office of Councilmember for District 5; Calling a Special Election to be Held on March 18, 2025, to Fill the Vacancy; and Calling for a Potential Run-Off Election (Subject to Mayor’s veto)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1601 12.-E. ResolutionActions pertaining to the expansion of the Code Enforcement Division in the City Attorney’s Office: ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Second Amendment to the Position Authorization Resolution (“PAR”) No. 2024-121, adding one full-time Senior Community Revitalization Specialist, and one full-time Community Revitalization Specialist positions in the City Attorney’s Office (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1666 12.-F. Action ItemApprove the appointment of Mohammad Shaikh, MD to the Active Transportation Advisory Committee to a term ending December 12, 2027. Approve the appointment of Ward Scheitrum to the Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District to a term ending December 31, 2028. Approve the appointments of Marisol Baca and Danielle Shapazian to the Poet Laureate Selection Committee to terms ending December 31, 2026. Approve the reappointments of Megan Bohigian, Honora Chapman, Bryan Harley, Heather Kuyper-McKeithen, and Jessica Giffen to the Poet Laureate Selection Committee to terms ending December 31, 2028.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1547 12.-G. Action ItemAward an equipment contract to Oshkosh Airport Products, a Division of Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., for the procurement of one Class 5, 3,000-gallon Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle for Fresno Yosemite International Airport in the amount of $1,421,363.47 (Council District 4)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1675 12.-H. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to the Agreement with Lighthouse for Children, Inc. allocating an additional $75,375 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to support a partnership with the Dollywood Foundation implementing the Imagination Library program in the City of Fresno.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1652 12.-I. Action ItemSubmission and Acceptance of the City of Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Tax (Measure P) Report for Fiscal Year 2024.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1662 12.-J. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to the Consultant Agreement with Borrelli and Associates, Inc. expanding services to revise the emergency back-up generation system by $24,300 for a total revised contract amount of $214,100 for the Municipal Service Center Electrical Infrastructure and Rehab project and authorize the General Servies Director or designee to execute all related documents (Council District 3)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1418 12.-K. Action ItemActions pertaining to grant agreements between the City of Fresno and the Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (FEOC)/Advance Peace: 1. Approve a Third Amendment to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant Agreement for the Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (VIPI) Year 1, dated February 21, 2023, to incorporate the Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy requiring community violence intervention employee(s) and/or independent contractor(s) to go through a Live Scan background check, and to approve a no-cost revision to the scope of services to reallocate $16,752.44 to salaries and benefits from the educational/skill development line item. 2. Approve a First Amendment to the general fund Grant Agreement for the Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (VIPI) Year 2, dated June 26, 2024, to incorporate the Community Violence Intervention Vetting Policy requiring community violence intervention employee(s) and/or independent contractor(s) to go through a Live Scan background check. 3. Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the agreement   Not available Not available
ID 24-1668 12.-L. Action Item***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Eighth Amendment to the FY 2025 Salary Resolution No. 2024-120, amending Exhibit 8, Unit 8, Non-Represented to increase the salary range for impacted classifications in accordance with the increase in California minimum wage, effective January 1, 2025 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1477 12.-M. Action ItemActions related to the acquisition of 930-934 F St and 931-937 China Alley, APN 467-071-15 (Council District 3) 1. *** RESOLUTION - Declaring an urgent necessity for the preservation of life, health, property; and authorizing the Planning and Development Director or designee to enter into and administer contracts for the demolition of dangerous structures, and removal of hazardous materials without advertised competitive bidding; and approve the following contracts: David Knott Incorporated for Demolition Services in an amount not to exceed $490,000 and JSA Environmental Consulting for the Removal of Hazardous Materials in an amount not to exceed $40,100; and authorize the Planning and Development Director to sign such contracts (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) 2. Adopt a finding of an In-fill exemption in accordance with Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 3. Approve an Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property and Escrow Instructions with Central California Land Trust to acquire a fee interest in the real property situ   Not available Not available
ID 24-1551 12.-N. Action ItemApprove the Standard Agreement for Consultant and Cleanup Services between the City of Fresno (City) and GHD Inc. for an amount not to exceed $2,157,000, for Environmental Consultant and Cleanup Services for Project at 1457 H Street and a contingency amount not to exceed $484,000, for any additional work, and authorize the City Manager, or designee, to sign the agreement on behalf of the City (Bid File 12500393) (Council District 3)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1569 12.-P. Action ItemApprove the Second Amendment to the Service Agreement with Poverello House (Poverello) for professional emergency shelter, bridge housing, street outreach and navigation services for individuals experiencing homelessness in the State Encampment areas. The second amendment will not increase the overall funding provided to Poverello. The second amendment will continue the current contract term till July 30, 2025, and provides Poverello a 25% advance payment of $500,320.00, from the total Encampment Resolution Fund (ERF-3R) agreement of $2,001,280.00.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1630 12.-Q. Action ItemApprove the Grant Funding Agreement between Fresno Council of Governments and the City of Fresno for expenses related to housing planning and Development Code streamlining, in an amount not to exceed $146,230.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1654 12.-S. Action Item***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 583rd Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 revising various Contract Law Enforcement Services, Regional Training Center Facilities, Public Safety False Alarm, and Witness Fees in the Police Department Section (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1608 12.-T. Action ItemActions pertaining to the Paul “Cap” Caprioglio Community Center Remodel Project Bid File No. 12403201-1: (Council District 4) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per staff’s determinations, pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Environmental Assessment No. PC00212, for the Paul “Cap” Caprioglio Community Center Remodel Project; 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,299,850.00 to MSH Development Group Inc., of Valencia, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Paul “Cap” Caprioglio Community Center Remodel Project.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1611 12.-U. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. of Fresno, California, to extend the term of the Agreement to December 31, 2026, without changing the compensation of the Agreement, for the engineering design services for the Wellhead Treatment Improvements at Pump Station 101A Project. (Council District 7)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1612 12.-V. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement with Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group, of Fresno, California, to extend the term of the contract to December 31, 2026, without changing the compensation of the Agreement, for the engineering design services for the Wellhead Treatment Improvements at Pump Station 102A Project. (Council District 5)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1670 12.-W. Action Item***BILL B-43 (Introduced December 5, 2024) (For Adoption) amending Chapter 15 of the Fresno Municipal Code, Sections 15-4907 and 15-5016, relating to modification authority for Conditional Use Permits (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1614 12.-X. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with OMNI Design, Inc., of San Luis Obispo, California, to extend the term of the contract to December 31, 2026, without changing the compensation of the Agreement, for the Design of Materials Storage Buildings at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility Project. (Council District 3)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1617 12.-Y. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Michael K. Nunley & Associates, Inc., of Fresno, California, to extend the term of the contract to October 31, 2026, without changing the overall compensation of the Agreement, for the Design of Booster Pump Replacements at Pump Stations 89A, 133 and 150 and replace design work at Pump Station 133 with design work for Pump Station 176. (Council District 6)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1619 12.-Z. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Blair, Church, and Flynn Consulting Engineers, Inc., a California corporation of Clovis, to extend the term of the contract to December 31, 2026, without changing the compensation of the Agreement, for the Water Main Replacements in the area bound by Clinton, Teilman, University and West Avenues Project. (Council District 3)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1615 12.-AA. Action ItemActions pertaining to the sale of remnant, undeveloped portions of land from the Veterans Boulevard Project: (Council District 2) 1. Adopt a finding that the sale of remnant, undeveloped portions of land from the Veterans Boulevard Project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the “Common Sense Exemption,” set forth in the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3); 2. Approve the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property and Escrow Instructions between the City of Fresno and Abbey Transportation System, Inc., a California corporation, for the sale of remnant, undeveloped portions of land located adjacent to the Veterans Boulevard Interchange.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1660 12.-CC. Action ItemApprove the Second Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement with Michael K. Nunley & Associates, Inc., to extend the term of the agreement to December 30, 2025, for the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility Bar Screen Optimization Study (Council District 3).   Not available Not available
ID 24-1655 12.-EE. Action ItemApprove a cooperative purchase agreement with Carahsoft Technology Corporation through June 30, 2027, for licensing OpenGov asset management software in the amount of $425,094.55, and for one-time professional software implementation services in the amount of $152,120.28, for a total contract amount of $577,214.83. (Citywide)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1667 12.-FF. Action ItemApprove the Third Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc., to extend the term of the agreement to December 31, 2026, for the preparation of a Nitrate Initial Assessment (Council Districts 3 and 6).   Not available Not available
ID 24-1677 12.-GG. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to the Facility Relocation Cooperative Agreement between the City of Fresno and the California High-Speed Rail Authority. (Council Districts 1, 2, and 3)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1599 12.-HH. Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to extend the term of the Master Dual Jurisdiction Cooperative Agreement between the County of Fresno and City of Fresno for the improvement, repair, or maintenance of roads and associated traffic signals, bridges, and facilities for 5 years to December 31, 2029. (Citywide)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1493 12.-II. Action ItemActions pertaining to the California Air Resource Board (CARB) Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) Grant Program for Environmental Justice and Transportation Equity in West Fresno: 1. Affirm the City Manager’s finding that Highway City Community Development, Inc.(HCCD), is uniquely qualified to perform services related to the City of Fresno’s CARB STEP Grant; 2. Approve a Services Agreement between the City of Fresno and Highway City Community Development, Inc. (HCCD), through April 30, 2028, in the total amount of$120,000, to provide outreach and engagement services related to the City’s CARB STEP Grant   Not available Not available
ID 24-1580 12.-JJ. Action ItemApprove the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Fresno, Department of Transportation/Fresno Area Express (FAX), and the Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce (FMBCC) to support and recognize the partnership and collaboration on many transportation initiatives.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1581 12.-KK. Action ItemApprove the award of a cooperative purchase agreement to New Flyer of America Inc. for the purchase of four (4) 40’ hydrogen fuel cell electric buses and required Technician training in the amount of $6,728,116.40   Not available Not available
ID 24-1582 12.-LL. Action ItemActions pertaining to the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express (FAX) Bus Maintenance Facility Improvement project (Bid File No. 12500168): 1. Adopt Environment Assessment No. P24-1582, dated November 21, 2024, a determination that the proposed project qualifies for categorical exemption as set forth in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15301/Class 1 and Section 15302/Class 2, of the State of California CEQA Guidelines. 2. Approve a construction contract in the amount of $3,473,781 with RMS Construction, for construction services to implement the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express (FAX) Bus Maintenance Facility Improvement project. 3. Authorize the City Manager or designee to sign and execute all related documents.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1590 12.-MM. Action ItemApprove the award of a cooperative purchase agreement to Gillig LLC. for the purchase of eleven (11) new, 40’ low floor compressed natural gas (CNG) buses in the amount of $10,258,545.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1672 12.-NN. Action ItemApprove the appointment of Matias G. Bernal to the Immigration and Resident Affairs Committee for a term which serves at the pleasure of the Councilmember   Not available Not available
ID 24-1682 12.-OO. Action Item***RESOLUTION - Directing the City Attorney to continue enforcement of local and state laws related to wage theft prosecutions and street vending enforcement without requesting the immigration status of street vendors or victims of crime (Subject to Mayor’s veto)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1557 12.-O. Action ItemApprove a Service Agreement with RH Community Builders to manage a Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) Rapid Rehousing program offering 25-units serving youth ages 18 to 24, located at 1309 West Shaw Avenue (District 2), through June 30, 2026, in the total amount of $1,149,508.39 funded with Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) Youth Set-Aside Funds.   Not available Not available
ID 24-1658 12.-R. Action ItemApprove an Interagency Agreement between the City of Fresno and the Department of Planning and Development in an amount not to exceed $3,261,614 in State and Local Fiscal Recover Funds (SLFRF) part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).   Not available Not available
ID 24-1649 12.-BB. Action ItemActions related to updating water conservation measures and the City’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan (Citywide): 1. Adopt a finding that the proposed updates to the City’s water conservation measures are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the common sense exemption in that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility the proposed changes will have a significant effect on the environment pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines; 2. BILL (for Introduction) - Amending Subsection (vv) of Section 6-501, Subsections (a) and (e) of Section 6-520, and Section 6-522 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to regulations for urban water conservation and water efficient landscape standards; 3. ***RESOLUTION - Amending the Water Shortage Contingency Plan (Subject to Mayor’s Veto); 4. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 571st Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to update water rate penalties relating to conditions of service work in the Public Utilities Section (Subject to Mayor’s   Not available Not available
ID 24-1651 12.-DD. Action ItemApprove a three-year Consultant Services Agreement with Southwest Strategies Group for stakeholder engagement and public education support services for the Department of Public Utilities in the not to exceed amount of $1,338,000.00. (Citywide)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1693 12.-PP. Action ItemRESOLUTION - Amending Rules 2 and 3 of the Council Rules of Procedure Relating to Elections and Duties of the Council President and Vice President   Not available Not available
ID 24-1685 14.-A. Action ItemWORKSHOP - Fresno County Property Owner’s Protection Alert   Not available Not available
ID 24-1510 15.-A. Closed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - Government Code Section 54957.6 City Negotiators: Jennifer Misner; Sumeet Malhi Employee Organization(s): 1. International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local 39); 2. Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA); 3. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Basic), Unit 4; 4. International Association of Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 5 (Fire Basic); 5. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1027 (ATU); 6. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 100 (IBEW); 7. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Management) Unit 10; 8. International Association of Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 10 (Fire Management); 9. City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA); 10. City of Fresno Management Employees Association (CFMEA); 11. Fresno Airports Public Safety Officers Association (FAPSOA)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1681 15.-B. Closed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1) Tutelian & Company, Inc. v. City of Fresno; Case Number: 21CECG02805   Not available Not available
ID 24-1679 15.-C. Closed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1) City of Fresno v. County of Fresno; Fresno Superior Court Case No.: 24CECG01199   Not available Not available
ID 24-1680 15.-D. Action ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1) 1 Community Compact v. City of Fresno; Fresno Superior Court Case No. 23CECG02740   Not available Not available
ID 24-1597 15.-E. Closed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: 1 potential case   Not available Not available
ID 24-1674 15.-F. Closed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2): City of Fresno v. The Estate of Anthony Lambetecchio (2686 N. Clovis Ave.; Code Enforcement case number E24-000293)   Not available Not available
ID 24-1683 15.-G. Action ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2): 1 potential case   Not available Not available
ID 24-1684 15.-H. Closed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(4) 1 potential case   Not available Not available
ID 24-1647 15.-I. Closed Session ItemPUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 1. Government Code Section 54957(b): consider the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, discipline, or dismissal of a public employee. Title: City Clerk 2. Government Code Section 54957.6: conference with labor negotiator. City Negotiator: Council President Annalisa Perea. Unrepresented Employee: City Clerk   Not available Not available
ID 24-1693 12.-PP. Action ItemRESOLUTION - Amending Rules 2 and 3 of the Council Rules of Procedure Relating to Elections and Duties of the Council President and Vice President   Not available Not available
ID 24-1646 15.-J. Closed Session ItemPUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 1. Government Code Section 54957(b): consider the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, discipline, or dismissal of a public employee. Title: City Attorney 2. Government Code Section 54957.6: conference with labor negotiator. City Negotiator: Council President Annalisa Perea. Unrepresented Employee: City Attorney   Not available Not available