| 1 | 1-A | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to Resolution of Intention No. 1120-D to vacate a portion of East Copper Avenue at North Millbrook Avenue, and vacate a portion of a Public Utility Easement in Outlot A and Lots 1 through 4 of Tract Map No. 6099; and setting the public hearing for April 5, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. (Council District 6).
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Environmental Assessment No. EA-17-033.
2. Adopt the Resolution of Intention No. 1120-D to vacate a portion of East Copper Avenue at North Millbrook Avenue, and vacate a portion of a Public Utility Easement in Outlot A and Lots 1 through 4 of Tract Map No. 6099. | approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 1-B | | Action Item | RESOLUTION - Of Intention to Annex the Territory Known as Assessor’s Parcel Number 578-010-11 as Annexation No. 25 to the City of Fresno Community Facilities District No. 9 and to Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes (southwest corner of East Copper and North Chestnut Avenues); and setting the public hearing for April 19, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. (Council District 6) | adopted | |
Action details
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| 1 | 1-C | | Action Item | RESOLUTION - Of Intention to annex Final Tract Map No. 6177 as Annexation No. 86 to the City of Fresno Community Facilities District No. 11 and to Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes (northwest corner of North Polk and West Olive Avenues, adjacent to Final Tract Map No. 6139); and setting the public hearing for April 19, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. (Council District 3) | adopted | |
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| 1 | 1-D | | Action Item | Approve a professional consultant agreement in the amount of $298,000 with HDR Engineering, Inc., for a basis for design report and comprehensive re-location strategy | | |
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| 1 | 1-E | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the City’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) System:
1. Affirm the City Manager’s finding that Badger Meter, Inc., is uniquely qualified to perform services related to the City’s AMI system, in accordance with Administrative Order (AO) 6-19.
2. Approve a Software Purchase and Services Agreement with Badger Meter, Inc., for a not-to-exceed annual amount of $350,000 per year, for a term of five years. | approved | |
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| 1 | 1-F | | Appointment | Approve the appointments of Katherine Rexroat and Jean Petty to the District 6 Plan Implementation/ Project Review Committee | approved | |
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| 1 | 1-G | | Appointment | Approve the appointment of Nathan Alonzo to the Capital Projects Oversight Board | approved | |
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| 1 | 1-H | | Ordinance | ***BILL No. B-8 - (Intro. 3/1/2018) (For adoption) - Amending Section 2-1104 of the Municipal Code relating to campaign contributions. (Subject to Mayor’s veto) | adopted | |
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| 1 | | | Action Item | Approval of minutes from March 1, 2018. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Item | Presentation of the SPCA Pet of the Month | presented | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Item | Recognition of “University High School Academic Decathlon Team” | presented | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Item | Proclamation of Southeast Police Officer David Standley Day | presented | |
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| 1 | 1-D | | Action Item | Approve a professional consultant agreement in the amount of $298,000 with HDR Engineering, Inc., for a basis for design report and comprehensive re-location strategy | continued | Pass |
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| 1 | 3-B | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to improvements at Chukchansi Park funded by the Chukchansi Park Capital Reserve fund:
1. ***RESOLUTION - 60th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2017-165 appropriating $1,200,000 for non-structural capital improvements at Chukchansi Park (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto)
2. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemptions per staff determination, pursuant to Sections 15301, 15302, and 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines
3. Approve the use of up to $1,200,000 for non-structural capital improvements at Chukchansi Park consistent with the Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Sublease Agreement between the City of Fresno and Fresno Baseball Club, LLC. | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Action Item | CONTINUED HEARING to consider Official Plan Lines (OPL) for the South Temperance Avenue alignment from East Jensen Avenue to State Route 180, and, related Environmental Assessment No. EA-17-017. (Council District 5)
a. ADOPT the Finding of Conformity to the Fresno General Plan Master Environmental Impact Report (MEIR #2012111015) as prepared for Environmental Assessment No. EA-17-017, filed September 29, 2017.
b. BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - approving the Official Plan Lines for the South Temperance Avenue alignment from East Jensen Avenue to State Route 180 pursuant to the Fresno General Plan Land Use and Circulation Map. | continued | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Discussion Item | Appearance by Mary Esther Correa to discuss Code Enforcement (Speaker resides in District 7) | | |
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| 1 | 3-A | | Action Item | Award a five-year contract with the option for two one-year extensions for banking services for the City of Fresno Finance Department to Bank of America, N.A. (Bid File 9412) | continued | Pass |
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| 1 | 3-C | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility Six-Million Gallon Finished Water Reservoir Project: (Council District 6)
1. Award a Design-Build contract in the amount of $11,758,200 to W. M. Lyles Co., for the City of Fresno’s Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility (NESWTF) Six-Million Gallon Finished Water Reservoir Project (Project) - Bid File No. 3531(Council District 6)
2. Authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to sign the agreement on behalf of the City | | |
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| 1 | 5-A | Closed Session | Closed Session Item | CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2)
Significant Exposure to Litigation: South Central Neighbors United vs. City of Fresno | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5-B | Closed Session | Closed Session Item | CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2)
1. Significant Exposure to Litigation: Mountain Cascade Incorporated v. City of Fresno | | |
Action details
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