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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/28/2018 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID18-0694 11-A Action ItemActions pertaining to Initiating Proceedings and Declare Intention to Levy the Annual Assessment for the City of Fresno Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 1; and setting the public hearing for July 26, 2018 at 10:10 a.m. (City-wide) 1. RESOLUTION - Initiating proceedings for the annual levy of assessment 2. RESOLUTION - Of Intention to levy and collect the annual assessmentadopted  Action details Not available
ID18-0761 11-B Action Item***RESOLUTION - Dedicating a portion of City-owned property at 8090 N. Palm Avenue for the purpose of providing a private access easement to the adjacent property. (Council District 2) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)adopted  Action details Not available
ID18-0785 11-C Action ItemRESOLUTION - Of Intention to Annex Assessor’s Parcel Number 329-130-17, 18, and 19 as Annexation No. 30 to the City of Fresno Community Facilities District No. 9 and to Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes (northwest corner of East Central and South East Avenues) (Council District 3)adopted  Action details Not available
ID18-0789 11-D Ordinance***BILL NO. B-37 - (Intro. 6/21/2018) (For adoption) - Adding Article 22 to Chapter 12 of the Fresno Municipal Code to allow At-Risk Development (Subject to Mayor’s veto)   Action details Not available
ID18-0796 11-E Action ItemApprove the First Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Coordination, Cooperation, and Cost Sharing on Preconstruction Activities Related to the Temperance Flat Reservoir Project   Action details Not available
ID18-0809 11-F Action Item***Approve a Side Letter of Agreement with the Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA), representing Unit 4, Non-Supervisory Police, regarding Lateral Hire Incentives (Subject to Mayor’s veto)   Action details Not available
ID18-0827 11-G Discussion ItemApprove a professional consultant agreement in the amount of $152,526 with Ascent Environmental, Inc., a Sacramento-based California corporation, to prepare an EIR for the proposed Darling Rendering Plant Relocation Project.approved  Action details Not available
ID18-0833 11-H Action ItemApprove the Second Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with the Youth Leadership Institute, in an amount not to exceed the appropriations for fiscal years 2018 and 2019, and extend the contract to June 30, 2020, with the option of two one-year extensions   Action details Not available
18-0030 1  MinutesApproval of minutes from June 14, 2018approvedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0818 1  MinutesApproval of Budget Hearing minutes from June 19, 2018approvedPass Action details Not available
18-0031 1  Action ItemApproval of minutes from June 21, 2018.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0965 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of Tyler Ward Day”   Action details Not available
ID18-0789 11-D Ordinance***BILL NO. B-37 - (Intro. 6/21/2018) (For adoption) - Adding Article 22 to Chapter 12 of the Fresno Municipal Code to allow At-Risk Development (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0796 11-E Action ItemApprove the First Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Coordination, Cooperation, and Cost Sharing on Preconstruction Activities Related to the Temperance Flat Reservoir ProjectapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0809 11-F Action Item***Approve a Side Letter of Agreement with the Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA), representing Unit 4, Non-Supervisory Police, regarding Lateral Hire Incentives (Subject to Mayor’s veto)approvedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0833 11-H Action ItemApprove the Second Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with the Youth Leadership Institute, in an amount not to exceed the appropriations for fiscal years 2018 and 2019, and extend the contract to June 30, 2020, with the option of two one-year extensionsapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0764 1  Action ItemHEARING Regarding Increasing the Annual Assessment for Tract 3884 of Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 1. (Council District 2) 1. Submission by City Clerk of Affidavit Certifying the Mailing of Notices and Ballots for Hearing 2. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring the Results of the Majority Protest Public Hearing Proceedings to Increase Assessments for Tract 3884 of Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Authorizing the Levy of Increased AssessmentsadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0751 1 Pre-zone No R-17-020Action ItemHEARING to consider Pre-zone Application No. R-17-020 and related Environmental Assessment No. R-17-020, filed by Jeffrey Roberts, on behalf of the Assemi Group. The application pertains to ±1.43 acres of property located on the south side of West San Jose Avenue between North Maroa and North Del Mar Avenues in the unincorporated portion of City’s Sphere of Influence boundary. The proposed site is currently under the jurisdiction of Fresno County and will be annexed to the City of Fresno (Council District 2). 1. ADOPT the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Environmental Assessment No. R-17-020 dated April 20, 2018. 2. BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Approving Pre-zone Application No. R-17-020 which proposes to amend the Official Zone Map from the R-1 (Single Family Residential, 6,000 sq. foot minimum) County of Fresno zone district to the RS-5 (Single Family Residential, Medium Density ) City of Fresno zone district.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0746 13-B Action ItemAward a construction contract in the amount of $4,693,392.60 to American Paving Company, of Fresno, California for the Veterans Boulevard Project - Bullard Extension Package from Bullard Avenue to the Riverside Drive and Veterans Boulevard Intersection - Bid File No. 3582 (Council District 2)   Action details Not available
ID18-0783 13-C Action ItemRESOLUTION - Authorizing the submission of the application for grant funds from the United States Department of Transportation’s Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Program and authorizing the execution of documents by the Public Works Director or designee (Council District 2)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0748 13-D Action ItemActions pertaining to the Herndon Avenue Westbound Widening Project, from Brawley Avenue to Blythe Avenue - Bid File 3606 (Council District 2): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per City of Fresno Environmental Assessment EA-15-028, pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1, Section 15302/Class 2 and Section 15332/Class 32 of the State of California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines for the Herndon Avenue Widening Project, from Brawley Avenue to Blythe Avenue. 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $845,722.30 to Dave Christian Construction Company, of Fresno, California as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Herndon Avenue Westbound Widening Project, from Brawley Avenue to Blythe Avenue.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0828 13-E Action ItemActions pertaining to the Orange Avenue Pavement Overlay from California Avenue to Jensen Avenue - Bid File 3601 (County of Fresno and Council District 5) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination, pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (CEQA) 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,143,341 with Avison Construction Inc., of Madera, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Orange Avenue Pavement Overlay from California Avenue to Jensen Avenue   Action details Not available
ID18-0820 1  Action ItemActions pertaining to approximately 4.79 acres located at 1153 Fresno Street (APN 467-310-12T): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. Approve a Purchase, Sale and Settlement Agreement in the amount of $1,912,915 for sale of the Kearney Palms Shopping Center Parking Lot to Kearney Palms, LLC. (Council District 3)approvedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0834 1  Discussion ItemAppearance by Mary Esther Correa to discuss the fines she has received from Code Enforcement (Speaker resides in District 7)   Action details Not available
ID18-0835 1  Discussion ItemAppearance by Gonzalo Arambula to discuss the damage done to his wheelchair by a FAX Driver while on a City bus and the need to properly train the bus drivers on handling the disabled.   Action details Not available
ID18-0821 11. Resolution***RESOLUTION - Council Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 City of Fresno Budget including the Annual Appropriations Resolution (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0822 12. Resolution***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Fiscal Year 2019 Position Authorization Resolution (PAR) (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0823 13. Ordinance***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Adoption of Property Tax Override Ordinance (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0824 14. Resolution***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Fiscal Year 2019 Salary Resolution. (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0825 15. Resolution***RESOLUTION - FY 2019 Gann Appropriation Limit Resolution (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0826 16. ResolutionRESOLUTION - Approve the City of Fresno (the “City”) Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2018-2019adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0829 1  Action ItemActions pertaining to the Orange Avenue Pavement Overlay from California Avenue to Jensen Avenue - Bid File 3601 (County of Fresno and Council District 5) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination, pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (CEQA) 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,141,217 with Dave Christian Construction Co., Inc., of Fresno, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Orange Avenue Pavement Overlay from California Avenue to Jensen AvenueapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID18-0837 1  Action ItemHEARING to Consider a Proposed Parks and Public Safety Transactions and Use Tax: 1. ***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Adding Article 15 to Chapter 7 of the Fresno Municipal Code Relating to a Parks and Public Safety Transactions and Use Tax (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - Calling a General Election to be held on November 6, 2018, for a Ballot Measure Proposal to Impose a Parks and Public Safety Transactions and Use Tax; Requesting the County to Conduct the Election; and Requesting Consolidation of the Election with any Other Election held on that Date (Subject to Mayor’s veto)   Action details Not available
ID18-0628 13-A Action ItemWORKSHOP - Transit Restructure and Title VIpresented  Action details Not available
ID18-0830 15-AClosed SessionClosed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: Fresno Irrigation District property along Herndon Canal between McKinley Ave and Millbrook Ave Negotiating Parties: City Manager Wilma Quan-Schecter Under Negotiation: Terms and Conditions of Property Acquisition   Action details Not available
ID18-0831 15-BClosed SessionClosed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54957.6 City Negotiator(s): Jeffrey Cardell, Ken Phillips Employee Organizations: 1. City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA)   Action details Not available
ID18-0838 15-CClosed SessionClosed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54957.6 City Negotiator(s): Jeffrey Cardell, Ken Phillips Employee Organizations: 1. International Association of Firefighters, Local 753, Unit 10 (Fire Management)   Action details Not available