ID 24-454
| 1 | | | Action Item | Central Valley Fuego FC | PRESENTED | |
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Not available
ID 24-453
| 1 | | | Action Item | Proclamation for “Igal Francis Day” | PRESENTED | |
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ID 24-482
| 1 | | | Action Item | Proclamation for Exceptional Parents Unlimited’s 31st Annual “Fiesta de los Niños” | PRESENTED | |
Action details
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ID 24-520
| 1 | | | Action Item | KMJ’s Broadcasting Excellence Awards Recognition | PRESENTED | |
Action details
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ID 24-491
| 1 | | | Action Item | Proclamation for “Arbor Day” | PRESENTED | |
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ID 24-447
| 1 | | | Action Item | Fresno Animal Center presents “Pet of the Month” | PRESENTED | |
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Not available
ID 24-461
| 1 | A. | | Action Item | HEARING designating and authorizing certain Finance Officers of the City of Fresno (“City”) to sign various investment and commercial banking documents, and to provide verbal instruction required for prudent financial administration and safekeeping of Fresno Joint Powers Finance Authority (“JPFA”) funds and property | APPROVED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-463
| 1 | B. | | Action Item | HEARING to consent to and authorize the investment monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund (“LAIF”) in the custody of the State Treasurer for purposes of prudent financial administration and safekeeping of Fresno Joint Powers Finance Authority (“JPFA”) funds, and authorize certain Finance Officers of the City of Fresno (“City”) in connection therewith | APPROVED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-460
| 1 | C. | | Action Item | Appoint and authorize certain Finance Officers of the City of Fresno (“City”) to sign City checks and various investment and commercial banking documents, and to provide verbal instruction required for the prudent financial administration and safekeeping of City funds | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-462
| 1 | D. | | Action Item | Consent to and authorization of the investment of monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund (“LAIF”) in the custody of the State Treasurer for purposes of investment and authorize certain Finance Officers in connection therewith | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-467
| 1 | | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the fee interest acquisition of a parcel to construct the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project (Council Districts 1 and 7):
1. HEARING to consider a Resolution of Necessity for acquisition of fee title interest of Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 444-314-20S, owned by Bettina Daniels Cervantes and Tracy Deshler, as successor trustees of the Brackin-Daniels Trust dated January 19, 2008, for the construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project;
2. ***RESOLUTION - Determining that public interest and necessity require fee title interest acquisition of APN 444-314-20S, owned by Bettina Daniels Cervantes and Tracy Deshler, as successor trustees of the Brackin-Daniels Trust dated January 19, 2008, for the construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project and authorizing eminent domain proceedings for public use and purpose (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-469
| 1 | | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the fee interest acquisition of a parcel to construct the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project (Council Districts 1 and 7):
1. HEARING to consider a Resolution of Necessity for acquisition of fee title interest of Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 451-071-35, owned by Art A. Terzian, for the construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project;
2. ***RESOLUTION - Determining that public interest and necessity require fee title interest acquisition of APN 451-071-35, owned by Art A. Terzian, for the construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project and authorizing eminent domain proceedings for public use and purpose (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-487
| 1 | | | Action Item | HEARING to Consider Plan Amendment and Rezone Application No. P21-01960, Conditional Use Permit Application No. P21-01959, Conditional Use Permit Application No. P21-03251, Planned Development Permit Application No. P21-03252 and related Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), State Clearinghouse (SCH) No. 2021100443 pertaining to ±22.4 acres of property located on the northeast corner of West Herndon Avenue and North Riverside Drive (Council District 2) - Planning & Development Department.
1. RESOLUTION - CERTIFYING Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 2021100443), for the proposed Costco Commercial Center Project;
a. Adopt the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15091; and,
b. Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15097; and,
2. APPROVE Plan Amendment Application No. P21-01960, requesting authorization to amend the Fresno General Plan and Bullard Community Plan to change the planned land use designation for the subject property from Community Commercia | ADOPTED AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-476
| 1 | | | Action Item | HEARING to adopt resolutions and ordinance to annex territory and Levy a Special Tax regarding City of Fresno Community Facilities District Number 9, Annexation Number 59 (Final Parcel Map Number 2004-36) (East Belmont Avenue and North Laverne Avenue) (Council District 5):
1. ***RESOLUTION - to Annex Territory to Community Facilities District No. 9 and Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax for Annexation No. 59 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto);
2. ***RESOLUTION - Calling Special Mailed-Ballot Election (Subject to Mayor’s Veto);
3. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring Election Results (Subject to Mayor’s Veto);
4. ***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Levying a Special Tax for the Property Tax Year 2024-2025 and Future Tax Years Within and Relating to Community Facilities District No. 9, Annexation No. 59 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | TABLED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-501
| 1 | 2.-A. | | Action Item | Approval of the minutes for April 4, 2024, regular meeting | ADOPTED | Pass |
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Not available
ID 24-464
| 1 | 2.-B. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Declaring the results of the consolidated Presidential Primary Election held on March 5, 2024. (Subject to Mayor’s veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-484
| 1 | 2.-D. | | Action Item | Approve the First Amendment to a Consultant Services Agreement with Covino Smith & Simon (formerly known as Simon and Company, Inc.), to extend the Agreement to April 20, 2025, and increase the contract value by $5,200.04 to $70,200 per year for Professional Lobbying and Consulting Services in Washington DC. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-481
| 1 | 2.-E. | | Action Item | Approve a three-year Agreement with Dell Marketing L.P. to renew Microsoft Enterprise licensing for the City in the amount of $4,659,649.05, in accordance with purchasing procedures from cooperative purchase agreements as set forth in Administrative Order 3-1. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-486
| 1 | 2.-F. | | Ordinance | Actions pertaining to City of Fresno Retirement Boards and City of Fresno Deferred Compensation Board:
1. BILL (for introduction) - Amending FMC Section 3-330(a) to clarify Tier I death provisions in the Fire and Police Retirement System;
2. BILL (for introduction) - Amending FMC Sections 3-332, 3-353, 3-410, 3-424, and 3-566 to modify the DROP provisions in the Fire and Police and Employees Retirement Systems;
3. BILL (for introduction) - Amending FMC Sections 3-352 and 3-565 in compliance with SECURE ACT 2.0 Required Minimum Distribution provisions;
4. BILL (for introduction) - Amending FMC Sections 3-351 and 3-564 adding SIMPLE IRAs;
5. BILL (for introduction) - Amending FMC Sections 3-402(f) to incorporate 3-303 and 3-320 to provide useful clarification as to the scope and status of the second tier; and
6. Approve the Sixth Amendment to the Trust Agreement between Fidelity Management Trust Company and the City of Fresno to incorporate QDRO processing. | TABLED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-492
| 1 | 2.-G. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Parks, After School Recreation and Community Services Department’s (PARCS) Summer Swim Program with Fresno Unified School District:
1. Approve a one-year facility use “Blue Space” Agreement with Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) to use FUSD high school pools for City-led swim lessons and recreational swim (aquatics).
2. Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the Facility Use Blue Space Agreement with FUSD. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-362
| 1 | 2.-H. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the City Studios affordable housing development located at 3876 North Blackstone Avenue, Fresno, California (District 4):
1. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing acceptance of funding from the California Department of Housing and Community Development Homekey Round 3 Program in the amount of $9,598,131 for the City Studios project and authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to enter into and execute a standard agreement to secure the Homekey Round 3 program funds and to participate in the Homekey Round 3 Program. (Subject to Mayor’s veto)
2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 50th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2023-185 to appropriate $9,598,200 for the City Studios project from the Homekey Round 3 Program Grant. (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto)
3. ***RESOLUTION - Finding good cause and clear and convincing benefit to the public pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code Section 4-204 relating to the disposition of real property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 436-260-22 (3876 North Blackstone Avenue) for an affordable housi | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-483
| 1 | 2.-J. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the 2024 Law Enforcement Specialized Unit Program:
***RESOLUTION Adopt a Resolution authorizing acceptance of $203,143 in grant funding from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services’ Law Enforcement Specialized Unit Program for the Fresno Police Department’s Domestic Violence Unit 2024 Law Enforcement Specialized Unit Program (Subject to Mayor’s veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-465
| 1 | 2.-L. | | Action Item | Actions Pertaining to the Woodward and Roeding Tot Lots and ADA Accessibility Improvements Project, Bid File 12401362 (Council District 3 and Council District 6):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination, pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Environmental Assessment No. PC00362, for Roeding Tot Lot and ADA Accessibility Improvement Project;
2. Adopt of finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s determination, pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Environmental Assessment No. PC00363, for Woodward Tot Lot and ADA Accessibility Improvement Project;
3. Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,962,257 to American Paving Company of Fresno, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Woodward and Roeding Tot Lots and ADA Accessibility Improvements Project. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-468
| 1 | 2.-M. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Chestnut Avenue Overlay Project, from Cesar Chavez Boulevard (Kings Canyon Road) to Butler Avenue (Bid File No. 12401042) (Council District 5):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Sections 15301/Class 1, 15302/Class 2, and 15303/Class 3 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines;
2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,484,956 to Cal Valley Construction, Inc. of Fresno, CA as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-477
| 1 | 2.-N. | | Action Item | Approve consultant services agreement with Akel Engineering Group, Inc., for a total amount not to exceed $120,000, to provide on-call water distribution system hydraulic modeling services (Bid File No. 12400549) (Citywide). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-478
| 1 | 2.-O. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the Digester Centrifugal Pump Replacement at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Bid File 12400504-1) (Council District 3):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 2, Section 15302 (Replacement or Reconstruction) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines;
2. Approve the award of a purchase contract to Rockwell Engineering and Equipment Company, Inc., of Tustin, California, for the purchase of seven (7) heated sludge pumps in the amount of $107,305.51 for the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-323
| 1 | 2.-P. | | Action Item | Award requirements contract for CNG Station Service and Maintenance with Chart International Inc. of Ball Ground, Georgia for two years for an amount not to exceed $315,936, with five optional one-year extensions (Bid File 12400018) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-502
| 1 | 2.-R. | | Action Item | ***BILL B-10 (Intro’d April 4, 2024)(For Adoption) - Adding Article 35 to Chapter 9 of the Fresno Municipal Code, Relating to Naloxone (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-531
| 1 | 2.-S. | | Action Item | ***Authorize the City Manager to accept $9,300,000 in grant funding from the San Joaquin River Conservancy to be used for the River West Project and execute all documents necessary for use of said funds. (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | TABLED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-538
| 1 | 2.-T. | | Action Item | *** RESOLUTION - Adopting the 53rd Amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution (AAR) No. 2023-185 Reallocating $50,000 from the Department of Public Works to the Parks, After School, Recreation & Community Services Department for pool repairs at the Pinedale Community Center (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-500
| 1 | 2.-U. | | Action Item | ***RESOLUTION - Declaring Outdoor Warming Fires to be a Health and Safety Hazard and a Public Nuisance and Direct the City Manager to Cause Them to be Extinguished (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). | TABLED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-498
| 1 | 2.-C. | | Action Item | Approve the appointment of Ronald Sheppard, and the reappointment of Frances Reyes Acosta to the Disability Advisory Commission. Approve the appointment of Brad Hardie to the Civil Service Board. Approve the reappointment of Paul Idsvoog to the Housing Authority of the City of Fresno. Approve the reappointments of Kimberly McCoy, Jon Dohlin and Jose Barraza to the Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission. | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-452
| 1 | 2.-I. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the California Department of Toxic Substances Control’s Office of Brownfields Equitable Community Revitalization Grant for the Remediation of the 1457 H Street Site Round 2 (Council District 3):
1. ***RESOLUTION - Approve the Acceptance of Equitable Community Revitalization Grant Round 2 Funding from the State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control in the amount of $3,122,648 and authorize the City Manager or Designee to enter into and execute a grant agreement and any and all subsequent documents during the two-year funding period. (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-408
| 1 | 2.-K. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to the North Granville Avenue and East Behymer Avenue Safety Improvements Project (Bid File No. 12400905) (Council District 6):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines;
2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $624,487 to Dave Christian Construction Company Incorporated, of Fresno, California. | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-475
| 1 | 2.-Q. | | Action Item | Actions pertaining to professional consulting services for the Vision Zero Action Plan (Citywide)
1. Approve a Professional Consultant Services Agreement with TDG Engineering, Inc., an affiliate of Toole Design Group, LLC., in the amount not to exceed four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) and a contingency amount not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) for any additional work. | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-368
| 1 | 3.-A. | | Action Item | WORKSHOP - Update from Fresno Housing | PRESENTED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-470
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)
Ompreshia Vick v. City of Fresno; Fresno Superior Court Case No.: 23CECG00095 | DISCUSSED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-471
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)
Tammy Lynn Mitchell v. City of Fresno; Fresno Superior Court Case No.: 22CECG01107 | DISCUSSED | |
Action details
Not available
ID 24-518
| 1 | 5.-C. | | Closed Session Item | CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - Government Code Section 54957.6
City Negotiators: Jennifer Misner
Employee Organization(s): 1. International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local 39); 2. Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA); 3. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Basic), Unit 4; 4. International Association of Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 5 (Fire Basic); 5. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1027 (ATU); 6. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 100 (IBEW); 7. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Management) Unit 10; 8. International Association of Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 10 (Fire Management); 9. City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA); 10. City of Fresno Management Employees Association (CFMEA). | DISCUSSED | |
Action details
Not available