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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/2/2016 8:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Regular Session
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID16-148 1  MinutesApproval of minutes from May 19, 2016approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-538 11-A Action ItemActions pertaining to Right-of-Way Acquisition for the Copper Avenue Trail Project: 1. Approve the acquisition of an 8,100 square foot pedestrian walkway / bicycle path easement, a 5,743 square foot temporary construction easement and a 1,135 square foot slope easement from property owned by Pacific Gas & Electric (579-220-13su) in the amount of $45,365 for the construction of a multi-purpose trail along Copper Avenue from Cedar to Maple Avenues. (Council District 6) 2. Authorize the Public Works Director, or his designee, to sign all documents necessary to complete the transaction.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-559 11-B Action ItemActions pertaining to award of purchase contract for the rebuild of one Allison 501-KB5 turbine engine: 1. RESOLUTION - Declaring an urgent necessity for the preservation of life, health, property, and authorizing the Purchasing Manager or designee to contract for the repair of one Allison 501-KB5 Combustion Turbine Engine without advertised competitive bidding to ProTech Turbine Services (Requires 5 affirmative votes) 2. Award contract to ProTech in the amount of $198,000 Turbine Services of Tomball, TexasapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID16-573 11-C Action ItemActions pertaining to the acquisition of a portion of APN 505-070-38 for the Veterans Boulevard project: 1. Approve the acquisition of 52,202 square feet of property owned by Peter K. Boeck, Kathryn M. Boeck, and Guillon/Brouhard General Partnership 1, a California general partnership for fee simple right-of-way for public street purposes, in the amount of $195,400 for the construction of Veterans Boulevard interchange over State Route 99 near Barstow Avenue and Island Water Park Drive; 2. Authorize the Public Works Director, or his designee, to sign all documents necessary to complete the transaction.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-575 11-D Action ItemApprove a consultant agreement in the amount of $262,473 with Provost and Pritchard Engineering Group, Inc., for the design of well head treatment improvements at Pump Stations 117 and 284. (County Island within Council District 2)approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-578 11-E Action ItemActions pertaining to the design and Implementation of Phase 3 Groundwater Remedial Action for the Fresno Sanitary Landfill (FSL) (Citywide) (Council District 3): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section 15308 (Class 8) of the CEQA guidelines for design and implementation of Phase 3 Groundwater Remedial Action for the FSL 2. Approve an agreement with CDM Smith, Inc., (CDM) in the amount of $464,700 for design and implementation oversight of Phase 3 Groundwater Remedial Action for the FSL (City) (Council District 3)approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-587 11-F Action ItemReject all bids received for the purchasing of an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry instrument for the Wastewater Management Division Laboratory (Bid File No. 3468) (Council District 3)approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-608 11-G AppointmentApprove the appointment of Timothy Yeager to the Tower District Design Review CommitteeapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID16-609 11-H Action ItemActions pertaining to Lift Station 10 improvements at W. Stratford Drive and N. Woodlawn Drive (Bid File 3446) (Council District 6) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption of Class 1, pursuant to Section 15301(d) (Existing facilities) and Class 2, pursuant to Section 15302(c) (Replacement or reconstruction) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $202,166 to Floyd Johnston Construction Co., Inc. of Clovis, CaliforniaapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID16-638 11-I Action ItemApprove the First Amendment to the current contract with Fresno County to reimburse the City of Fresno for the cost on one full time Fresno Police Officer assigned to the Fresno County Adult Compliance Team (ACT).approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-599 11-J Action ItemSubmission and acceptance of the Restated City of Fresno Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Comprehensive Annual Debt Report (CADR) for Fiscal Year 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-610 11-K Action ItemActions pertaining to the purchase of three parcels located at the corner of B Street and Amador Street: 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15303/Class 3 (new small structures) and Section 15332/Class 32 (infill development) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines; 2. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Will C. Milam Jr., as Trustee of the Will C. Milam and Angelina L. Milam Family Trust dated September 24, 1990, for A.P.N.s 465-161-12 and 465-161-13 in the amount of $144,000; and 3. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Francis Scott, as Executor for the Estate of the James J. Repape property, APN 465-161-14 in the amount of $120,000.   Action details Not available
ID16-654 11-L ResolutionRESOLUTION - Adopting Administrative Order 2-16 to be applicable to elected and appointed officialsapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID16-616 12-A Action ItemAuthorize the City Manager or designee to sign the Consulting Services Agreement with Accela, Inc. effective June 27, 2016 to June 30, 2020 for licensing, implementation and maintenance of a new land management system.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-583 14-A ResolutionRESOLUTION - Directing staff to collaborate with the taxi industry to amend taxi laws and policiesapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID16-655 1  Closed Session ItemPUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION - Government Code Section 54957 Title: City Attorneypresented  Action details Not available
ID16-643 1  Discussion ItemPresentation of the Mayor’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budgetpresented  Action details Not available
ID16-646 1  Discussion ItemAppearance by Mary Esther Correa to discuss concerns with lack of water and sewer service at her residence. (Council District 7)presented  Action details Not available
ID16-586 1  Action ItemApproval of a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Housing Successor and the State of California, acting by and through the State Public Works Board on behalf and with the consent of the High Speed Rail Authority (Housing Successor of the City of Fresno and FRC action)approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-613 14-B Discussion ItemRequest update on the Transit Planpresented  Action details Not available
ID16-706 1  Action ItemHandout received from Howard Watkins during Unscheduled Communicationpresented  Action details Not available
ID16-531 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of “FRESNO PRIDE DAY”presented  Action details Not available
ID16-645 1  Ceremonial ItemPresentation of the SPCA Pet of the Monthread and presented  Action details Not available
ID16-649 1  Ceremonial ItemRecognition for “Operation Flag Fresno: Blackstone”presented  Action details Not available
ID16-610 11-K Action ItemActions pertaining to the purchase of three parcels located at the corner of B Street and Amador Street: 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15303/Class 3 (new small structures) and Section 15332/Class 32 (infill development) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines; 2. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Will C. Milam Jr., as Trustee of the Will C. Milam and Angelina L. Milam Family Trust dated September 24, 1990, for A.P.N.s 465-161-12 and 465-161-13 in the amount of $144,000; and 3. Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Francis Scott, as Executor for the Estate of the James J. Repape property, APN 465-161-14 in the amount of $120,000.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID16-640 1  Discussion ItemWorkshop regarding specific planning within Fresno’s Southeast Sphere of Influence.   Action details Not available