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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/13/2019 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID19-1396 1  Action ItemApproval of minutes for May 16, 2019.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1833 1  Action ItemApproval of Budget minutes for June 3, 2019 and June 6, 2019.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1768 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of “Retired Fresno Police Officer Jouroyan”presented  Action details Not available
ID19-1608 1  Ceremonial ItemPresentation of the SPCA Pet of the Monthpresented  Action details Not available
ID19-1753 1  Ceremonial ItemPresentation of a $25,000 check from PG&E to offset costs associated with operation of the cooling centers.presented  Action details Not available
ID19-1655 1  Ceremonial ItemGovernment Finance Officers Association’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award Recognition, Budget and Management Studiespresented  Action details Not available
ID19-1853 1  Ceremonial ItemProclamation of “Immigration Heritage Month”presented  Action details Not available
ID19-1666 21-A Action ItemApprove the Solutions Agreement with Superion LLC (Superion) to renew software hosting, maintenance, and support services annually for five years in an amount not to exceed $225,000 per year.approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1628 21-B Action Item***RESOLUTION - Repealing Resolution No. 2017-339 and Clarifying Procedures for Retention and Production of Public Records Contained in Electronic Media (Subject to Mayor’s veto)continued  Action details Not available
ID19-1456 11-C Action ItemActions relating to the purchase of on-board vehicle traffic signal priority equipment 1. Award a sole source purchase agreement to Opticom/Global Traffic Technologies in the amount of $223,844.33 for the purchase of on-board vehicle traffic signal priority equipment 2. RESOLUTION - Approve an exception to formal bidding procedures and awarding a sole source contract for on-board vehicle traffic signal priority equipmentadopted  Action details Not available
ID19-1634 11-D Action ItemActions relating to the purchase of traffic signal priority technology 1. Award a sole source purchase agreement to Opticom/Global Traffic Technologies in the amount of $210,205.73 for the purchase of traffic signal priority technology 2. RESOLUTION - Approve an exception to formal bidding procedures and awarding a sole source agreement for traffic signal priority technologyadopted  Action details Not available
ID19-1721 11-E Action ItemApprove the award of a cooperative purchase agreement to Pape Kenworth of Fresno, CA, for the purchase of six Kenworth T300 trucks in the amount of $435,983approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1714 11-F OrdinanceAction pertaining to non-transient motels: 1. ***BILL NO. B-14 - (Intro 5/16/2019) (For adoption) - Adding Article 18 to Chapter 10 of the Fresno Municipal Code adopting a non-transient motel inspection program. (Subject to Mayor’s veto)   Action details Not available
ID19-1752 11-G AppointmentApprove the Appointment of Lucio Avila to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1773 11-H Action ItemApprove the appointment of Alysia Bonnez to the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Boardapproved  Action details Not available
ID19-1814 11-I Action ItemApprove the appointment of Pablo Villagrana to the City of Fresno Capital Projects Oversight Boardapproved  Action details Not available
ID19-1868 11-J Resolution***RESOLUTION - Amending and restating Resolution 2007-110 establishing the Finance and Audit Committee (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adopted  Action details Not available
ID19-1825 11-K Action ItemApprove the appointment of S. Matthew Cunningham to the Fresno Madera Area on Aging Board.approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1649 11-L Action ItemActions pertaining to the Building and Safety Services Division professional plan check services: 1. Approve the Seventh Amendment to extend the current Consultant Services Agreement between Brooks Ransom and Associates and the City of Fresno until September 30, 2019 and to increase the contract amount by an additional $30,000. 2. Approve the Seventh Amendment to extend the current Consultant Services Agreement between Interwest and the City of Fresno until September 30, 2019.   Action details Not available
ID19-1690 11-M Action ItemApprove a consultant services agreement between the City of Fresno and Quad Knopf, Inc., to prepare an Environmental Impact Report evaluating the proposed regulation and permitting of commercial cannabis activities not to exceed the amount of $300,000.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1764 11-N Action ItemActions pertaining to California Health and Safety Code Sections 13146.2 and 13146.3: 1. Approve the measure of compliance of the Fresno Fire Department for certain occupancies in the City of Fresno. 2. RESOLUTION - Acknowledging receipt of a report made by the Fire Chief of the Fresno Fire Department regarding annual inspections of certain occupancies.   Action details Not available
ID19-1746 11-O Action ItemApprove an agreement for professional engineering services with Provost & Pritchard Engineering Group for $67,500 plus $10,000 for contingencies for design and construction support services for the Chestnut Avenue Overlay Project from Bullard Avenue to Herndon Avenue (Council District 6)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1459 11-P Action Item***RESOLUTION - 33rd Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2018-157 appropriating $20,000 to commence design work for the Shaw Avenue and Maple Avenue Pedestrian Scramble and Cycle Track Project (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto) (Council District 4)adopted  Action details Not available
ID19-1743 11-Q Action ItemApprove the acquisition of a 1,311 square foot street easement at the northeast corner of West Clinton and North Valentine Avenues for $35,400 in monetary consideration (Council District 3)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1798 11-R Action ItemActions pertaining to the Installation of 16” Water Main in West Shaw Avenue from 570’ East of Veterans Blvd. to Bryan Ave. - Project Bid File No. 3659 (Council District 1) 1. Adopt finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 3 Section 15303(d) (new construction) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for the Installation of 16” Water Main in West Shaw Avenue from 570’ East of Veterans Blvd. to Bryan Ave. 2. Award a construction contract to West Valley Construction Company, Inc. of Fresno, CA, in the amount of $173,885 for the Installation of 16” Water Main in West Shaw Avenue from 570’ East of Veterans Blvd. to Bryan Ave.approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1749 11-S Action ItemApprove Contract Change Order Number 6 to the Blackstone Avenue and Shields Avenue Intersection Improvements project construction contract with American Paving Company of Fresno California, to increase the total construction contract amount by $140,000 and add sixty working days of contract time (Bid File 3488) (Council District 7)   Action details Not available
ID19-1758 11-T Action ItemRESOLUTION - Approving the Final Map of Tract No. 5913 and accepting dedicated public uses offered therein except for dedications offered subject to City acceptance of developer installed required improvements - between South Armstrong Avenue, South Temperance Avenue, East California Avenue Alignment and East Butler Avenue (Council District 5)adopted  Action details Not available
ID19-1802 11-U Action Item1. ***Approve a Side Letter of Agreement with the Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA) representing Unit 3 which provides for equity increases for various classifications (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - 12th Amendment to FY 2019 Salary Resolution No. 2018-159, amending Exhibit 3, Unit 3, Non-Supervisory White Collar (FCEA) to implement a previously approved wage increase and to implement phase two of the 2018 Classification and Compensation agreement with FCEA (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) 3. ***Approve a Side Letter of Agreement with the Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA) representing Unit 3 which amends provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and FCEA regarding Uniform Allowances and the Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) 4. ***Approve a Side Letter of Agreement with the Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA) representing Unit 3 which outlines agreement for the Development and Resource Management (DARM) department to proceed with contracting out work for the Third Party Plan Review program and Plan Cadopted  Action details Not available
ID19-1803 11-V Action Item***Approve a Side Letter of Agreement with the City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA), representing Unit 13-1 and 13-2, Unit 3 which outlines agreement for the Development and Resource Management (DARM) department to proceed with Third Party Plan Check Review and the contracting of Plan Check work as necessary (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1674 11-W Action ItemActions pertaining to a lease agreement, to lease property for Special Investigation Bureau offices located at 5051-5059 E. McKinley. 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption Class 1/Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. Approve a lease agreement between the City of Fresno and HR, LLC, a California limited liability company, to lease property for Special Investigation Bureau offices located at 5051-5059 E. McKinley.   Action details Not available
ID19-1720 11-X Action ItemApprove the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Mandated Partner Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board (FRWDB) and the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1771 11-Y Action ItemApprove and authorize the Mayor to execute the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board’s application through the California Workforce Development Board (State Board) for Local Board Certification for the period of July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2021.approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1766 11-Z Action ItemApproval of a First Amendment to the Agreement entered between the City of Fresno and the SMG for a six-month extension.   Action details Not available
ID19-1774 11-AA Action Item***RESOLUTION - Adopt the Sewer System Management Plan 2019 update as recommended by the Statewide General Waste Discharge requirements for sanitary sewer collection systems (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)   Action details Not available
ID19-1775 11-BB Action ItemActions related to the First Amendments to the Service Agreements with Mid-Valley Recycling, LLC, and Cedar Avenue Recycling and Transfer Station, LP (Citywide): 1. Approve a First Amendment to the Service Agreement with Mid-Valley Recycling, LLC 2. Approve a First Amendment to the Service Agreement with Cedar Avenue Recycling and Transfer Station, LPcontinued  Action details Not available
ID19-1777 11-CC Action ItemActions pertaining to Plant Nitrate Assessment and Treatment Evaluation/Selection at the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District 3) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 6, Section 15306 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. Approve consultant services agreement with Carollo Engineers in an amount not to exceed $399,082approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1778 11-DD Action ItemActions pertaining to Furnish and Install Intelligent Transportation System Fiber Optic Facilities at the Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility (Bid File 3643) (Council District 6): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 1/Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) and Class 3/Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. ***RESOLUTION - 41st Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2018-157 to appropriate $227,500 to fully fund the award of a contract and staff support costs to furnish and install intelligent transportation system fiber optic facilities at the Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto) 3. Award a construction contract to Kertel Communications, Inc., dba Sebastian, in the amount of $259,772adopted  Action details Not available
ID19-1780 11-EE Action ItemReject the bid proposal for Lift Station 14 Rehabilitation (Bid File 3625) (Council District 2)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1784 11-FF Action ItemActions pertaining to construction of 850 linear feet of Water Main Installation for the Mono Street and H Street Downtown Water Main Enhancements project (Council District 3): 1. Adopt findings of Section 15282 (Other Statutory Exemptions) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. Award a construction contract to Dawson-Mauldin LLC, in the amount of $349,049.55approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1843 11-GG Action ItemAuthorize the City Manager to execute an Amended and Restated Biomethane Purchase and Sales Agreement with Colony Energy Partners, LLC.approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1794 11-HH Action ItemActions pertaining to well site improvements at Pump Station 241-2, located at 2529 North Barton Avenue (Bid File 3649) (Fresno County and Council District 7) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 and Section 15303/Class 3 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. Award a construction contract to Smith Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $366,890.38approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1799 11-II Action ItemActions pertaining to North Avenue sewer trunk main emergency repair (Council District 5): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 1, Section 15301(b) (Existing Facilities) and Section 15301(d) (Restoration or Rehabilitation) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring an urgent necessity for the preservation of life, health, property, and authorizing the Purchasing Manager of the Finance Department, or designee, to contract with Floyd Johnston Construction Co., Inc., without advertised competitive bidding for the emergency repair of the North Avenue sewer trunk main (Requires 5 votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) 3. Award a construction contract to Floyd Johnston Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of $450,000adopted  Action details Not available
ID19-1800 11-JJ Action ItemApprove a Fourth Amendment to the Agreement with Provost and Pritchard Engineering Group, Inc., amending the scope of work for Engineering Design and Feasibility Analysis for Removal of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane from Groundwater Wells (Citywide)approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1792 1 TEFRA Hearing - Human Good (Terraces at San Joaquin Gardens)Action ItemTEFRA HEARING - To hear and consider information concerning the proposed issuance of Revenue Bonds by California Municipal Finance Authority (CMFA) for the purpose of financing and refinancing the acquisition, construction, furnishing and equipping of The Terraces at San Joaquin Gardens 1. ***RESOLUTION - Approving the issuance by the CMFA of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 (HumanGood) in an aggregate principal not to exceed $195 million for the purpose of financing and refinancing the acquisition, construction, furnishing and equipping of The Terraces at San Joaquin Gardens and certain other matters relating thereto (Subject to Mayor’s veto).adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1770 1  Discussion ItemEssay on Fresno; Homelessness by Kahlan Fitzcharlespresented  Action details Not available
ID19-1826 1  Action ItemAppearance by Gary Doesekle to discuss the homeless issues by the Convention Center. (Speaker resides in District 4)   Action details Not available
ID19-1863 1  Discussion ItemAppearance by Gidai Maaza and Cesar CasaMayor to discuss the Measure Cannabis Business tax and the need to define the regulations.   Action details Not available
ID19-1807 1  Action ItemWORKSHOP - Update regarding Proposition 68 California State-wide Grant Opportunities for Quigley Park, Radio Park and new park development at Orangewood and Church Avenuepresented  Action details Not available
ID19-1748 1  Action ItemHEARING to Consider Adoption of the 551st Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to Increase Fire Facility Impact Fees (Fire Impact Fees); Acceptance and Adoption of the Public Review Draft Nexus Study Reports for the Fire Impact Fee Program (Citywide). 1. Adopt a Finding of Statutory Exemption that a Fire Facilities Impact Fee update is exempt pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21080(b)(8) and Section 15273 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. 2. ***RESOLUTION - 551st Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to Adjust Citywide Fire Impact Fees. (Subject to Mayor’s Veto) 3. RESOLUTION - Establishing Findings Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65961 and 66498.1(c)(1), Finding that Failure to Impose the Increased Fire Impact Fee on New Development, Including Approved Vesting Tentative Maps, Would Place Future and Existing Residents in a Condition Dangerous to Their Health and Safety.continuedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1181 1  Action Item(REFERRED BACK TO STAFF) HEARING to Consider Plan Amendment Application No. P18-03569, Rezone Application No. P18-03569, Modification of Zoning Conditions Application No. P18-03569 and related Environmental Assessment No. P18-03659 filed by Jeff Roberts of Assemi Group, Inc. These applications pertain to approximately 6.9 acres of property located on the corner of North Colonial and West San Jose Avenues. (Council District 2) 1. ADOPT CEQA Environmental Assessment No. P18-03569, a Mitigated Negative Declaration dated May 22, 2019. 2. RESOLUTION - Approving Plan Amendment Application No. P18-03569 proposing to amend the Fresno General Plan and the Bullard Community Plan planned land use for ±1.0 acre of property at the northeast corner of North Colonial and West San Jose Avenues from Residential Medium Density to Regional Mixed-Use. 3. BILL (For introduction and adoption) - Approving Rezone Application No. P18-03569 requesting authorization to rezone ±1.0 acre of property at the northeast corner of North Colonial and West San Jose Avenues from RS-5/EQ (Residential Single Family/Equine   Action details Not available
ID19-1716 1  Action ItemCONTINUED HEARING to consider initiation of the Specific Plan of the West Area, pertaining to approximately 7,077 acres in the West Development Area of the Fresno General Plan, filed by the Development and Resource Management Department Director 1. RESOLUTION - Initiating the Specific Plan of the West Area Draft Land Use Map and Guiding Principles and the corresponding amendment of the General Plan, and repeal or amendment of the West Area Community Plan and Highway City Neighborhood Specific Plan pertaining to approximately 7,077 acres located in the West Development Area to allow for future adoption of the Specific Plan of the West Area pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code Sections 15-5803-C and 15-4902-B.continued  Action details Not available
ID19-1719 13-A OrdinanceBILL - (For introduction) - Amending portions of the City Purchasing, Contracts and Sales Ordinance to update Chapter 4, Article 5 of the Fresno Municipal Code - Design Build Contracts to include qualification based methods of procurement.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1767 13-B Action ItemApproval of a Third Amendment to the Agreement entered between the City of Fresno and the Central California Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.continued  Action details Not available
ID19-1742 13-C Action ItemActions pertaining to the award of a requirements contract to Calaveras Materials, Inc., of Fresno, California in the amount of $2,838,662.75 for the purchase of Asphalt Concrete Material. Bid File No. 9469 (City Wide)approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1759 13-D Action ItemRESOLUTION - Authorizing the submission of a grant application for $10,540,582 from the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Program for the Veterans Boulevard Interchange, Extension and Grade Separation Project and Authorizing the Execution of All Grant Application Documents by the Public Works Director or Designee (Council District 2)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1754 13-E Action ItemActions pertaining to the Belmont Avenue Overlay Project from Cedar Avenue to Chestnut Avenue - Bid File No. 3657 (Council District 7) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the CEQA guidelines 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $978,160 to Dave Christian Construction Co., of Fresno, CAapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1796 13-F Action ItemAward a three-year Product Requirements Contract: Rebid of Bulk Calcium Hydroxide to Univar USA Inc., in an amount not to exceed $1,503,713.83 per year, with provision for up to two one-year extensions (Bid File 9493) (Citywide)approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1781 13-G Action ItemActions pertaining to removal of Perchloroethylene from Groundwater at Pump Station 117 and Pump Station 284 (Fresno County and Council District 2): 1. Adopt findings of Class 1, Class 3, and Class 32 Categorical Exemptions pursuant to Sections 15301, 15303, and 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. Approve a Fourth Amendment to Agreement for supplemental engineering services with Provost & Pritchard Engineering Group, Inc., in the amount of not to exceed $156,000approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1793 13-H Action ItemActions pertaining to Madison-Whitesbridge Recycled Water Main (Bid File 3620) (Council District 3 and County of Fresno): 1. Adopt Addendum 2 to the Fresno Recycled Water Distribution System, Southwest Quadrant Tiered Mitigated Negative Declaration (State Clearinghouse No. 2014081078) 2. Award a construction contract to West Valley Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $3,854,224 3. Authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to sign the contract on behalf of the City of FresnoapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1801 13-I Action ItemActions pertaining to Sewer Rehabilitation in the Vicinity of North Fresno Street and East Shields Avenue (Bid File 3646) (Council District 7): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Class 1, Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. Award a construction contract to Emmett’s Excavation, Inc., in the amount of $1,212,543 3. Authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to sign the contract on behalf of the City of FresnoapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1811 23-J Action Item***RESOLUTION - Approving the reallocation of $3,000,000 from the Liability Self-Insurance Fund Contingency to fund refunds and claims (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1851 14-D Action Item***RESOLUTION - Approving the installation of a Fresno Public Safety Memorial in front of City Hall, on the north lawn, and donating the existing Fresno Police Department Memorial to the Fresno Police Officers’ Association. (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1769 14-B Action Item***RESOLUTION - Amending the “Council Residency Act” and renaming it the “Council and Mayor Residency Act”. (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1751 14-A Action ItemDiscussion of Parks & Public Safety Subcommittee: 1. Announce creation of an ad hoc Council subcommittee to work with Mayor and make recommendations on a potential ballot item for parks and public safety; subcommittee will report back to the full Council within 90 days; 2. Announce appointments of Vice President Arias, Councilmember Soria, and Councilmember Chavez as the committee members.approved  Action details Not available
ID19-1815 14-C Action ItemRESOLUTION - Initiating a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fresno to Add Chapter 15, Article 24, Section 15-2424 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to an expedited, streamlined permitting process for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code Section 15-5803-A1.   Action details Not available
ID19-1766 11-Z Action ItemApproval of a First Amendment to the Agreement entered between the City of Fresno and the SMG for a six-month extension.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1674 11-W Action ItemActions pertaining to a lease agreement, to lease property for Special Investigation Bureau offices located at 5051-5059 E. McKinley. 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption Class 1/Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 2. Approve a lease agreement between the City of Fresno and HR, LLC, a California limited liability company, to lease property for Special Investigation Bureau offices located at 5051-5059 E. McKinley.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1764 11-N Action ItemActions pertaining to California Health and Safety Code Sections 13146.2 and 13146.3: 1. Approve the measure of compliance of the Fresno Fire Department for certain occupancies in the City of Fresno. 2. RESOLUTION - Acknowledging receipt of a report made by the Fire Chief of the Fresno Fire Department regarding annual inspections of certain occupancies.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1714 11-F OrdinanceAction pertaining to non-transient motels: 1. ***BILL NO. B-14 - (Intro 5/16/2019) (For adoption) - Adding Article 18 to Chapter 10 of the Fresno Municipal Code adopting a non-transient motel inspection program. (Subject to Mayor’s veto)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1649 11-L Action ItemActions pertaining to the Building and Safety Services Division professional plan check services: 1. Approve the Seventh Amendment to extend the current Consultant Services Agreement between Brooks Ransom and Associates and the City of Fresno until September 30, 2019 and to increase the contract amount by an additional $30,000. 2. Approve the Seventh Amendment to extend the current Consultant Services Agreement between Interwest and the City of Fresno until September 30, 2019.approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1749 11-S Action ItemApprove Contract Change Order Number 6 to the Blackstone Avenue and Shields Avenue Intersection Improvements project construction contract with American Paving Company of Fresno California, to increase the total construction contract amount by $140,000 and add sixty working days of contract time (Bid File 3488) (Council District 7)approvedPass Action details Not available
ID19-1712 15-A Closed Session ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2) 1 1. City of Fresno v. Helen Woodward   Action details Not available
ID19-1817 15-B Action ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION - Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1) Lowell Community Development Corp., v. City of Fresno; Fresno County Superior Court Case No. 18CECG01885   Action details Not available
ID19-1818 15-C Action ItemCONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - Government Code Section 54957.6 City Negotiators: Jeffrey Cardell, Ken Phillips Employee Organizations: 1. International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local 39) 2. Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA) 3. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Basic) 4. International Association of Firefighters, Local 753, Unit 5 (Fire Basic) 5. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1027 (ATU) 6. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 100 (IBEW) 7. Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA Management) 8. International Association of Firefighters, Local 753, Unit 10 (Fire Management) 9. City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA) 10. City of Fresno Management Employees Association (CFMEA) 11. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3, Fresno Airport Public Safety Supervisors (FAPSS) 12. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3, Fresno Airport Public Safety Officers (FAPSO) 13. Unrepresented Employees in Unit 2 (Non-Represented Management and Confidential Classes): Airport Public Safet   Action details Not available
ID19-1846 15-D Action ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1) Case Name: Curtis Waller (Dec’d) vs. City of Fresno, psi, Administered by RISICO Claims Management Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board Case No. ADJ9861653   Action details Not available
ID19-1845 15-E Action ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2) 1. City of Fresno v. Garney Pacific Company dba Garney Construction Company   Action details Not available