FROM: BRYON HORN, Chief Information Officer
Information Services Department
Actions pertaining to the Crown Castle Tower Site License Agreement:
1. ***RESOLUTION: Adopt the 48th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No 2023-185 appropriating $326,100 from the Information Services Department (ISD) FY23 carryover (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
2. Approve the 2nd Amendment to the Crown Castle Tower Site License Agreement increasing the rent by $700 per month ($500 per month from September 1, 2023, and $200 per month from January 1, 2024)
3. Authorize the Chief Information Officer or designee to approve and execute the change order for $85,638 for the installation of a generator pad and propane tank pad and $34,834 for previously installed radio antennas.
Approve the appropriation of $326,100 from the Information Services Department’s (ISD) FY23 carryover for the implementation of radio equipment, generator pad and propane tank pad on the newly established signal presence for the City of Fresno’s (City) Public Safety Radio network; and authorize the Chief Information Officer or designee to sign the 2nd Amendment for additional rent of $700 per month and accept the change order for $85,638. The generator pad and propane tank are needed to assure 24 x 7 operations.
The Public Safety Radio System Upgrade project identified a crucial need for increased signal strength in West Fresno. Staff located a tower owned by Crown Castle that could meet this need. The City has established a presence on the tower resulting in improvements in signal strengths for both the Fire and Police Departments. Although we have established a presence, some items need to be added for the site to operate on a twenty-four-hour basis. A generator needs to be installed which will add construction and installation costs of $85,638. Due to the expanded space needed to accommodate the City’s presence on the tower, there will be an increase to the current rental rate by $700 per month. Additionally, under the originally approved agreement, radio antennas were installed in the amount of $34,834. ISD is seeking funds from carryover to pay for these expenditures. Crown Castle owns the tower, therefore, construction and installation needed to accommodate the City’s presence established on the tower must be performed by Crown Castle or its subcontractors.
ISD seeks to utilize available and unallocated existing carryover resources to fund midyear requested items that pertain to Public Safety Radio system support ($200,300). These mission critical items include:
• An assessment for upgrading the City’s equipment and funding for upgrades of those systems that are deemed end of life and end of support. This is a high priority for ISD.
• The purchase of a work truck and tools that will ensure the team can properly maintain the existing infrastructure locations. ISD does not have a work truck, or a vehicle to house the tools that are needed to perform these functions.
• Remote monitoring for radio channels in that ISD needs to know when a channel is faulty or failing. This will not only save lives in the long run, but it will also help alleviate staff hours since this is currently being done manually.
These items were originally tarted for next Fiscal Year, but it has become apparent that ISD needs to start the process immediately in order to accomplish its goals in a timely manner and ensure that the City is well protected.
On December 3, 2015, Council Awarded a Contract to CDX Wireless Technology Consulting to commence with an assessment of the City’s Public Safety Radio Network. CDX was awarded the contract based on an RFP that was issued on July 1, 2015 (Bid File 070115).
On February 16, 2017, ISD conducted a Radio Systems Needs Evaluation Project Workshop which outlined the need to replace the City’s aging microwave and radio dispatch systems.
December 14, 2017, Council Approved project funding and awarded a cooperative purchase agreement in the amount of $3,626,500 to Nokia, Inc. (Nokia) for the purchase of hardware, software, engineering, and installation services to upgrade the City’s Microwave Data Network. Council also awarded a cooperative purchasing agreement in the amount of $1,391,200 to Zetron for the purchase of hardware, software, engineering, and installation services to upgrade the City's Radio Console Network.
In January 2018, ISD began the implementation of a radio system upgrade to replace the City’s aging infrastructure and end of life radio consoles. During the implementation of the new radio equipment, it was determined that another site be implemented to enhance the City’s radio communications. This site is owned and operated by Crown Castle and is located on Valentine near Dakota.
On, April 28, 2022, Council approved the declaration of the implementation of radio presence on a radio tower owned by Crown Castle as an urgent necessity. Council further approved the appropriation of $250,000 of carryover from ISD’s FY22 funds to cover implementation costs of $232,444 that would be incurred by the implementation and authorized the Chief Information Officer (CIO) to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle. In addition, Council affirmed the City Manager’s designation of Crown Castle as uniquely qualified to undertake this project, as they own the tower and require their own subcontractors to perform any work on it. Finally, Council approved rent in the amount of $4,750 per month enabling the City to occupy space on the tower.
During the FY2024 budgeting process, the estimated carryover was programmed for FY 2024 expenditures. The actual ISD internal service fund carryover realized exceeded the appropriated estimate. Additional critical needs were identified over the course of FY 2024 which will be supported by the recognition of the unanticipated ISD internal service fund carryover. These items include purchasing proper work tools, work truck, upgrade needs assessment, remote monitoring equipment and additional remote test units for Emergency Radio Responder Coverage (ERRC).
Not a project for the purposes of the California ECEQA findings or state N/A]
Local preference was not implemented as this is an amendment to existing agreement.
Funding for this project will utilize ISD’s Fiscal Year 2023 unallocated carryover.
Crown Castle Tower Site Agreement
Crown Castle TLA 1st Amendment
Crown Castle TLA 2nd Amendment
Crown Castle Change Order
LMR Radio Antenna Quote