April 19, 2018
FROM: KEVIN R. MEIKLE, Director of Aviation
Airports Department
Actions pertaining to the Gate 6/8 Remodel and Passenger Boarding Bridge project at Fresno Yosemite International Airport (Bid File 3590) (Council District 4)
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301(c)/Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines
2. Award a construction contract to DIVCON, Inc., of Clovis, California, in the amount of $1,944,000
Staff recommends Council adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301(c)/Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, and award a construction contract to DIVCON, Inc., of Clovis, California, in the amount of $1,944,000 for the Gate 6/8 Remodel and Passenger Boarding Bridge project (Project) at Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT).
In response to airlines’ ongoing transition to larger aircraft, the demand for direct Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) access to aircraft has grown. FAT utilizes PBB’s at the six passenger gates on the upper level of the terminal. The Project will provide a ground-level PBB at lower level Gate 8 and remodel the associated interior passenger boarding area, commonly referred to as a Hold Room.
The PBB will provide a secure, weather protected, fully enclosed and air conditioned passenger boarding process, and will be able to accommodate up to 180-seat aircraft such as a Boeing 737 or Airbus A320. Modifications to the Hold Room will create an open and more efficient operating environment.
FAT can accommodate a range of aircraft sizes, both from PBB’s and via ground-loading, which is necessary at regional airports such as FAT. Once the Project is completed, FAT will still have ground loading capabilities to accommodate smaller aircraft and off-schedule arrivals and departures.
The new PBB will enable Gate 8 to be used by the full range of aircraft currently serving FAT while providing passengers and carriers with a level of service comparable to that experienced on other gates at FAT. In addition to providing a secure and convenient boarding process, PBB’s provide direct power to the aircraft, which eliminates the need to run onboard fuel-driven power.
Plans and specifications were prepared for the Project by CSHQA, Inc. A Notice Inviting Bids was advertised in the Business Journal on February 7, 2018, posted on the City’s website (Planet Bids), and downloaded by 10 prospective bidders. One sealed bid proposal was received and opened in a public bid opening on February 27, 2018.
DIVCON, Inc. submitted the only bid for the Project. The bid amount was 7% above the engineers’ estimate and is considered to be a responsible and responsive bid. Staff made inquiries of prospective bidders who did not bid on the project and found that the bidders had commitments for other work during the proposed construction time or had time constraints during the bidding period that prevented them from submitting a bid. The Architect for the Project surveyed other airports with similar projects and in consideration of market area adjustments, determined this bid to be consistent with competitively bid projects in other areas. Rebidding will result in approximately a three month delay and is not likely to result in any measurable cost savings. The project budget enables the Airports Department to award DIVCON, Inc. the amount of $1,944,000 which is the total net bid amount. The staff determination was posted on the City’s website on March 12, 2018.
Staff has determined that this Project falls within the Categorical Exemptions set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Class 1 for Existing Facilities, as it involves the repair of existing facilities and negligible expansion of an existing use. Furthermore, no exceptions set forth in Section 15300.2 apply to this project.
In addition, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has determined the Project is Categorically Excluded pursuant to FAA Order 1050.1F as it relates to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA). Therefore, no further federal environmental disclosure documentation for the Project is necessary for NEPA purposes.
DIVCON, Inc. is a local firm.
The Project is part of Airports’ ongoing commitment to ensuring FAT is operationally ready and is properly positioned for local and regional growth. The Project is included in the City’s FY 2018 adopted budget. There is no impact to the General Fund from this action.
- Evaluation of Bid Proposals
- Site Map