Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
BY: ALDI RAMIREZ, Assistant Director
Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
Actions pertaining to adoption of the new definition of highest-need neighborhoods as it pertains to the Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhoods Parks Transactions and Use Tax, also known as Measure P (Citywide):
1. Adopt the weighted index incorporating the equity factors as defined in FMC 7-1508 (e)(2) and as recommended by the Parks Recreation and Arts Commission;
2. Adopt the top 50 percent of Fresno census tracts that will make up the highest-need neighborhoods while prioritizing the top 25 percent census tracts for initial funding.
Staff recommends the Council adopt the weighted index as recommended by the Parks Recreation and Arts Commission; and adopt the top 50 percent of Fresno census tracts that will make up the highest-need neighborhoods while prioritizing the top 25 percent census tracts for initial funding. The 50 percent threshold provides maximum flexibility and is inclusive of more high-need areas throughout the City based on aging parks and park assets.
In 2018, the Measure P Ordinance (Ordinance) was approved by a majority of Fresno voters, and became effective in 2021. Currently, the Ordinance states highest-need neighborhoods are defined as areas located within census tracts that rank within the top twenty-five percent of Fresno census tracts as identified in the State's CalEnviroScreen 3.0; and whose nearest park is identified as being in poor condition, according to the Parks Master Plan (Plan), or is located within a priority zone for new parks, as defined by the Plan. The Ordinance requires the City, in conjunction with the Parks Recreation and Arts Commission (Commission), conduct a public process and adopt a new definition of highest-need neighbo...
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